worm, hairy caterpillar

Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
Bankalachi Toloim Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone Arctiidae (many species) piaken caterpillar inheritance *pi'akɨC Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2527 (2008:338) same underived Miller 1972:157 2 2 0 0 0 no
Cahuilla Arctiidae (many species) sívuyal ˈsivujal worm inheritance *sipuri Uto-Aztecan S2529 (Stubbs 2009:338) unclear derived sivuy-a-l (sivuyish means “wormy, full of worms” no info Seiler and Hioki 1979:187 no info 2 2 no info gathered (wild) All parching in basket 0 0 Americas Diverse habitats no
Central Sierra Miwok Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Chemehuevi Arctiidae (many species) ɂá·misI fuzzy black caterpillar unique same underived Harrington Chemehuevi Noun List 2 2 0 0 0 no
Chumash Barbareno Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Chumash Ineseno Arctiidae (many species) ʔaya-muʃmuʃ caterpillar unique phrase but unanalyzable Applegate 49 2 2 0 0 0 no
Chumash Obispeno Arctiidae (many species) talupepe guzano quemador unique phrase elements unanalyzable JPH III:1:290 2 2 0 0 0 no
Chumash Ventureno Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Cocopa Arctiidae (many species) nyawí· lmiş hairy caterpillar unique no info phrase nyawí· lmiş thing hairy Crawford 1989 2 2 0 0 0 no
Comanche Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Cupeño Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Esselen Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Gabrielino Arctiidae (many species) ah-ker-ran-mah-mah-her-rah ʔaˈxaren maˈma:hŋa (?) worm,hairy caterpillar unique A nonce formation no info phrase ʔa-ˈxare-n maˈma:h-ŋa its-life-possessed grass-in (??) -ʔaʧ "pet" possessive classifier for animals http://www.archive.org/stream/bancroft_chartmerriam_1556_60#page/n415/mode/2up; p. 431 no info 2 2 McC 121 no info gathered (wild) all often eaten raw as found (McC 121) 0 0 Americas diverse (depends on species) no
Iipay 'Aa Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Kawaiisu Arctiidae (many species) to-hŭ-je; poo-hoo'-je; pŭ-hoo'-je hairy caterpillar unique no info other complex all have final -zi ABS Merriam 59:377 2 2 0 0 0 no
Kiliwa Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Kitanemuk Arctiidae (many species) pohokaʔy ˈpohokaʔj “furry”, also name for a black hairy caterpillar unique from UA *poho “fur, down” with some derivation same derived ˈpoho-kaʔj fur-adj. -ʔacit "pet" possessive classifier for animals Anderton 1988:479 no info 2 2 no info gathered (wild) all no info 0 0 Americas Diverse habitats no
Lake Miwok Arctiidae (many species) koo-lā'-pal-lah hairy caterpillar unique compound kule “bear” Merriam 57:529 2 2 0 0 0 no
Luiseño Arctiidae (many species) $akíshla şaʹkiʃla nettle; Harrington: a hairy caterpillar that stings on contact unique loan-y relationship with Cupeño sichiqily “nettle” perhaps?? broader (really means something with hairy stinging elements) other complex şaʹkiʃ-la nettle/hairy.caterpillar-non.possessed.noun Elliott 1999:833 no info 2 2 Lightfoot & Parrish 2009:272; larvae of butterflies and moths eaten by Lu. no info gathered (wild) women and children dried and stored for cooking in boiling water 0 0 Americas diverse (depends on species) no
Maidu Arctiidae (many species) -tum'-tum kah-peem hairy caterpillar (thunder worm unique phrase X insect Shipley 1963 2 2 0 0 0 no
Mojave Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Mutsun Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Nisenan Arctiidae (many species) e'-poo hairy caterpillar unique underived Merriam 57:243 2 2 0 0 0 no
Northern Paiute Arctiidae (many species) sow-wah pe-ag'-gah (peaga “bull pine caterpillar” (Y)) Caterpillar “sloppy inside” inheritance *pi'akɨC Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2527 (2008:338); I don't know what sow-wa is. Could it be tsoa- “spirit” again?? narrower (a species of caterpillar) phrase sow-wa caterpillar??? Merriam 61:149 2 2 0 0 0 no
Northern Sierra Miwok Arctiidae (many species) hu:sulum:a:Ti- hairy caterpillar unique phrase same as “bear”: bad-creature Callaghan 1987 2 2 0 0 0 no
Plains Miwok Arctiidae (many species) 7ysy:mati Merriam's hairy caterpillar (“bear”) semantic shift Eastern Miwokan loan translation from English “wooly bear”?? Main meaning is “bear”. phrase bad creature Merriam 57:497 2 2 0 0 0 no
Salinan A Arctiidae (many species) tcoaná caterpillar unique Salinan Same as M but with -na increment other complex -na appears a couple of times; Turner doesn't discuss Mason 1918:124 2 2 0 0 0 no
Salinan M Arctiidae (many species) Taaú caterpillar unique Salinan Not in A (maybe) underived Mason 1918:125 2 2 0 0 0 no
Seri (Comcaac) Arctiidae (many species) haxz heeque hairy caterpillar unique same phrase dog young Comcaac Dictionary 363 2 2 0 0 0 no
Serrano Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Southern Paiute Arctiidae (many species) wicitsI caterpillar unique Might be a loan involving Stubbs 2525a *kwici same other complex has -tsi ABS Sapir 1930:715 2 2 0 0 0 no
Southern Sierra Miwok Arctiidae (many species) ut'-tas loo'-loo-mah “mother of army worm” hairy caterpillar unique phrase Merriam 57:469 2 2 0 0 0 no
Southern Ute Arctiidae (many species) mogwá-kwAsí-cI wooly bear (caterpillar) unique narrower (a kind of fuzzy caterpillar) phrase Givon says “the relation to mogwa (a kind of ute) and kwasi-i “tail” is unclear Givon 1979 2 2 0 0 0 no
Tübatulabal Arctiidae (many species) ah'-ling pun-goon “caterpillar” 72-815, 60-499 ʔa:ˈliŋ pɨnˈgu:n (?) caterpillar unique no info phrase ʔa:ˈl-iŋ pɨnˈgu:-n crow(?)-genitive pet-possessed “X's pet” http://www.archive.org/stream/bancroft_chartmerriam_1556_60#page/n479/mode/2up; p. 499 no info 2 2 Voegelin 1938:12 no info N/A N/A N/A 0 0 Americas Diverse habitats no
Tümpisa Shoshone Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Wappo Arctiidae (many species) lee'; no'; no'-mah-shaw'-e hairy caterpillar unique underived Merriam 52:579 2 2 0 0 0 no
Washo Arctiidae (many species) mátuš caterpillar unique underived WPD 2 2 0 0 0 no
Western Mono Arctiidae (many species) wo'abI Worm, hairy caterpillar (on English-Mono side); worm, maggot, a general term which includes all types of worms, caterpillars, maggots, etc. (on Mono-English side) inheritance *wo'a Proto-Numic Stubbs 2526 (2008:338) broader (worm, maggot) derived -pi Merriam 59:83; Bethel et al. 295 no info 2 2 eaten no info no info N/A no info 0 0 no
Wintu Arctiidae (many species) klah'-dus L(')arus? hairy caterpillar unique underived maybe Pitkin's L'abus “mole”?? (“lives in the ground”) Merriam 56:111 McCloud 2 2 0 0 0 no
Yavapai Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Palewyami Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Yawdanchi Arctiidae (many species) to'-at-to'-mat worm, hairy caterpillar (food) (Wik) inheritance Nim-Yokuts Tinlinne has tro-maht tro-maht same reduplicated Merriam 58:373 2 2 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Yowlumne Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
Yuki Arctiidae (many species) chotch'-muh MW hairy caterpillar unique underived probably complex Sawyer & Schlichter 1984 2 2 0 0 0 no
Yuma Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no