Datura wrightii

Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Cahuilla kikesew-va'al Jimsonweed unique no etymology in Hill/Miller derived, other complex Seiler & Hioki 1979
Cupeño manit Datura meteloides, toloache drink loan *manit Takic Gabrielino WW %mani really just Gab-Cupan, and might be a Gab loan into Cupan other complex Hll & Nolasquez 1973
Luiseño naqtumush Jimsonweed, toloache, boys' tea for initiation inheritance *naNka-tama Takic ear-mouth?? other complex compound not retrievable synchronically Elliott 1999
Gabrielino ma:nit el toloache inheritance *manit Takic WW %mani this is surely the source language other complex Hill Harrington notes
Serrano mānič Datura meteloides loan Gabrielino or Cahuilla WW %mani loan as Serrano should lose the /i/ other complex although a loan, has normal ABS K. Hill Dict.
Kitanemuk mani-c Jimson weed, toloache loan Gabrielino or Cahuilla WW %mani loan as Kitanemuk should lose the /i/ other complex Anderton 1988
Tübatulabal mōmōht, mōmoht Datura meteloides, Jimsonweed, toloache loan Ventureno Chumash WW %moji ~ %moni J. Hill 2011; ultimately Gab/Lu, into Chumashan other complex K. Hill Tub>Eng
Bankalachi Toloim tă'-ni datura (the plant) loan Yokuts WW %tanai simplex Merriam 49:197
Kawaiisu moo-py jimsonweed, Datura wrightii loan Chumash WW %moji ~ %moni Ultimately Takic "moon" Hill 2011 other complex Zigmond et al. 1990
Chemehuevi momompY toloache, Jimsonweed loan Takic WW %moji ~ %moni ultimately Takic "moon" other complex, reduplicated Harrington Chemehuevi Noun List (K. Hill 1969)
Southern Paiute missing missing
Southern Ute 7ynyy-py-vY Jimsonweed, Datura plant unique other complex 7yny-pY 'madness' Givon
Tümpisa Shoshone muippyh Jimsonweed, Datura loan Tubatulabal WW %moji ~ %moni Takic or Chumash, probably by way of Tubatulabal, reshaped to look more like "crazy" J. Hill 2011, uncertain, area form other complex Dayley 1989
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone mui-ppeh Jimsonweed loan Tubatulabal WW %moji ~ %moni Takic or Chumash by way of Tubatulabal into Proto-Central Numic other complex Miller 1972
Comanche missing missing
Western Mono tanaanIby Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) loan Yokuts WW %tanai other complex Loether & Bethel 1993
Northern Paiute moohoo7o muhu7o opium loan Tubatulabal WW %moji ~ %moni Takic or Chumash by way of Tubatulabal, not cognate with Central Numic mui forms simplex Yerington 1987
Southern Sierra Miwok missing missing
Central Sierra Miwok mó:nuja- jimsonweed loan Salinan? WW %moji ~ %moni Takic or Chumash, probably through some intermediate language, this is an areal form simplex Freeland & Broadbent 1960
Northern Sierra Miwok missing missing
Plains Miwok missing missing
Lake Miwok missing missing
Maidu missing missing
Nisenan missing missing
Yokuts Yawelmani tañai Jimsonweed inheritance WW %tanai ta:naj JPH 2,97,0179 simplex Kroeber 1907
Yokuts Yawdanchi tañai ñ is ng Jimsonweed inheritance Proto-Yokutsan WW %tanai simplex Kroeber 1907
Yokuts Palewyami missing missing
Washo missing missing
Wintu missing missing
Yuki missing missing
Wappo missing missing
Mutsun mo-noi intoxicant drink of Datura loan Salinan WW %moji ~ %moni simplex Merriam 39:109
Esselen missing missing
Salinan A missing missing
Salinan M monoi'->YI toloache loan Chumash WW %moji ~ %moni simplex Mason 1918
Chumash Obispeno moyoq Jimsonweed loan into protolanguage *mom'oy from *moy Proto-Chumashan Gabrielino WW %moji ~ %moni may not be proto if from Gab. Moya- 'moon', loan wouldn't be into Proto-Chumashan compound moy-oq 'jweed-go.to.slee' Klar 1977
Chumash Ineseno momoy Jimsonweed, toloache loan into protolanguage *mom'oy from *moy Proto-Chumashan Gabrielino WW %moji ~ %moni may not be proto if from Gab. Moya- 'moon', loan wouldn't be into Proto-Chumashan reduplicated Klar 1977
Chumash Barbareno mom'oy Jimsonweed loan into protolanguage *mom'oy from *moy Proto-Chumashan Gabrielino WW %moji ~ %moni may not be proto if from Gab. Moya- 'moon', loan wouldn't be into Proto-Chumashan reduplicated Klar 1977; Beeler 1978:180
Chumash Ventureno momoy Jimsonweed loan into protolanguage *mom'oy from *moy Proto-Chumashan Gabrielino WW %moji ~ %moni may not be proto if from Gab. Moya- 'moon', loan wouldn't be into Proto-Chumashan reduplicated Klar 1977
Iipay 'Aa tolvaach jimsonweed loan Spanish WW %toloache simplex Couro & Hutcheson 1973
Cocopa şmál ka:pít Jimson weed (Datura discolor) inheritance shares smaly root phrase NOT 'crazy Kwa:pi:t)grass', but close Crawford 1989
Mojave 7amalykatu, ismalykatu jimsonweed inheritance shares smaly root with Yavapai, Cocopa? Note Cocopa şmál ka·pí·ţ, Yavapai smá·lkktū· Might be cognate with Yavapai, of course derived Munro et al. 1992
Yavapai smá:lktū: jimsonweed inheritance possibly Proto, see discussion with Mojave, etc. derived smálka 'ear' Shaterian 1983
Kiliwa smill=kw+xaa Jimsonweed inheritance smal, smil, etc.; see remarks for C, compound smiil bush, plant, medicine Mixco 1985
Seri (Comcaac) hehe camóstim toloache (D. discolor) unknown also hehe caróocot phrase Moser & Marlett 2005