string of shell money

Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Cahuilla qičił nepaane H&N 166 money inheritance *koCti/a Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 2016; Merriam has he-sahCH-wel (hisaxvel 'belongings', abalone) 48:335 other complex Seiler & Hioki 1979
Cupeño mōk-yet, wampum inheritance *koyo Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 2015; what is the mo-? other complex Merriam 48:497
Luiseño sinaval money unique other complex Elliott 1999
Gabrielino awverot (H) wampum (long string of it), abalorios (H 456) unique also ho-pe-hah, of small shells, worth more than big other complex Merriam 49:97
Serrano ŋyçka' beads, ceremonial beads unknown maybe related to Cupeno nengu7ish 'rich'???CHM has oor'-kah pwah'-kak, oor'r-kah 'wampum. Indian money' 48:173 other complex
Kitanemuk tukuhpač wampum (Merriam's def) inheritance *tukuC-pa Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 2032b, related to (a) "sky"; same as 'bead' other complex Anderton 1988
Tübatulabal ōyatt money unique other complex K. Hill Tb>Eng
Bankalachi Toloim missing missing
Kawaiisu hii-by money inheritance *hini Numic Stubbs 2011 2283; see Chemehuevi "bead"; probably a "belongings" word other complex Zigmond et al. 1990
Chemehuevi missing missing
Southern Paiute missing missing
Southern Ute missing missing
Tümpisa Shoshone namokku(n) money loan *nammakku Numic unknown WW %waku See also T. sho namokku(n) 'money', Comanche 'clothes'; W. Mono naawakU 'string of shell money', N. Paiute namakko 'old kind of beads; also hoi-yah, ahts-ă-kan-nah red & blue beads, probably Hudson Bay Merriam 45:303 simplex with -ttsi, "beads" Dayley 1989
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone missing missing
Comanche missing missing
Western Mono naawAku, nawAku money, traditional shell money loan *nammakku Numic unknown WW %waku See also T. sho namokku(n) 'money', Comanche 'clothes'; W. Mono naawakU 'string of shell money', N. Paiute namakko 'old kind of beads; also hoi-yah, ahts-ă-kan-nah red & blue beads, probably Hudson Bay Merriam 45:303 simplex Loether & Bethel 1993
Northern Paiute namakko 'old kind of beads' loan unknown WW %waku
Southern Sierra Miwok ke:ha- money loan Yokuts WW %kys also pila:ta < Spanish plata 'silver' simplex Broadbent 1964
Central Sierra Miwok missing missing
Northern Sierra Miwok ci:tepa- abalone shell, clam shell, clam, abalone shell ornaments inheritance Proto-Eastern Miwok Mip ci:tepa 'there is some doubt as to whether this is Plains Miwok' (Callaghan 1984) simplex Callaghan 1987
Plains Miwok ci:tepa- abalone shell, seashell, Indian money inheritance Proto-Eastern Miwok "There is some doubt as to whether or not this is Plains Miwok"; identical in Mins simplex Callaghan 1984
Lake Miwok t'úpşeTi a short string of beads unknown probably loan with the t' other complex tup- 'to break horizontally Callaghan 1965
Maidu shŭ-lip'-pim wampum of Washington Clam unique other complex has -im suffix Merriam 41:273
Nisenan howwo, howo beads; wampum (in English index) loan Northern Sierra Miwok WW %waku Ultan 1964:368 (????) says is inheritance but see note on 'bead' simplex Uldall & Shipley 1966
Yokuts Yawelmani k'e:xa7 money loan into protolanguage *k'e:xa7 Proto-Nim-Yokuts Takic WW %kys simplex Golla 1964
Yokuts Yawdanchi k'ö:xa beads, shell beads (276) loan into protolanguage *k'e:xa7 Proto-Nim-Yokuts Takic WW %kys Golla 1964; same as 'money' in Yawelmani; Merriam 44:181 has mo-jo'-kaw and ho-man'-nah 'wampum'; the latter of rabbit bones Merriam 44:487 simplex Kroeber 1907
Yokuts Palewyami paw'-li wampum, money of shell inheritance Proto-Yokutsan Yawelmani pholay 'small beads' simplex Berman 2002
Washo bila:da7 money loan Spanish WW %plata simplex Washo Project Dictionary
Wintu topi beads, money unknown simplex perhaps from top 'used'" (Pitkin) Schlichter 1981
Yuki hus-sahl wampum (clam-shell beads) inheritance *hës Proto-North Yukian Yok-Utian WW %kys derived Schlichter 1985
Wappo missing missing
Mutsun ah'-tah wampum unknown Okrand hine:ru 100, 181 simplex Merriam 39:95
Esselen missing missing
Salinan A missing missing e/nex 'bead measure' 135
Salinan M missing missing
Chumash Obispeno ł'anaquču money inheritance 7ala-qu-Cum, *ana-qu-Cum Proto-Chumashan I disagree; cognacy is not perfect and shell money is too late to be P-C derived JPH writes L'anaqutsu at 430 Klar 1977
Chumash Ineseno 7alčHum H is superscript money inheritance 7ala-qu-Cum, *ana-qu-Cum Proto-Chumashan I disagree; cognacy is not perfect and shell money is too late to be P-C derived Klar 1977
Chumash Barbareno 7ančum money inheritance 7ala-qu-Cum, *ana-qu-Cum Proto-Chumashan I disagree; cognacy is not perfect and shell money is too late to be P-C. The string itself is /pux/ (Wash 2001:131) derived Klar 1977, Beeler 1978:172
Chumash Ventureno 7al-cHum (Mamet has 7ančum p. 37) money inheritance 7ala-qu-Cum, *ana-qu-Cum Proto-Chumashan I disagree; cognacy is not perfect and shell money is too late to be P-C derived Klar 1977
Iipay 'Aa kwellyhiiw silver, money, coins unknown oom-pās-klitch Merriam 38:209 simplex Couro & Hutcheson 1973
Cocopa missing missing
Mojave missing missing
Yavapai missing missing
Kiliwa missing missing
Seri (Comcaac) missing missing