white paint

Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Cahuilla teviš white, (white clay CHM) inheritance *typiC Takic Stubbs 2011 758; I'm pretty sure this is also the white clay word; Merriam confirms at 48(257, 337) other complex Seiler & Hioki 1979
Cupeño tewalaxat white clay for face painting, hair washing inheritance *typaC Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 757 with some kind of stress-shifting increment other complex Hill & Nolasquez 1973
Luiseño toovish white clay used to paint boys at initiation inheritance *typic Takic Stubbs 2011 758 other complex Elliott 1999
Gabrielino to-vēCH to:viy 'white clay' H 453) white paint inheritance *typiC Takic Stubbs 2011 758 other complex Merriam 49:97
Serrano tyvič, tyvit white clay, lime inheritance *typiC Takic Stubbs 2011 758 nice reflex with vowel retained other complex K. Hill Dict.
Kitanemuk towi-c white paint? inheritance *typiC Takic Stubbs 2011 757 other complex Anderton 1988
Tübatulabal ah-haht' white paint unique tsuyūl 'white rock or lime' in K.Hill other complex Merriam 49:261
Bankalachi Toloim so'-lul white paint unique tsuyūl 'white rock or lime' in K.Hill Tub. Dict. other complex Merriam 49:185
Kawaiisu missing missing
Chemehuevi 7avI, 7avimpytsI white clay inheritance *apiN Numic Stubbs 2011 2544 simplex Harrington's Chemehuevi Noun List (K. Hill 1969)
Southern Paiute missing missing
Southern Ute pawi-ja-vI white clay, used for ceremonial body-painting inheritance *apiN Numic Stubbs 2011 2544 other complex Givon
Tümpisa Shoshone epimpi(ppyh), aipimpi(ppyh) white paint inheritance *apiN Numic Stubbs 2011 2544 other complex Dayley 1989
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone missing missing
Comanche missing missing
Western Mono ebI white paint or pigment, chalk; a type of whitish soil; a type of powdered acorn which is white inheritance *apiN Numic Stubbs 2011 2544 simplex Loether & Bethel 1993
Northern Paiute ebe white paint, white chalk inheritance *apiN Numic Stubbs 2011 2544 simplex Yerington 1987
Southern Sierra Miwok missing missing
Central Sierra Miwok missing missing
Northern Sierra Miwok missing missing
Plains Miwok missing missing
Lake Miwok missing missing
Maidu dal-dal'-pim heem white paint unique see red paint phrase Merriam 41:271
Nisenan missing missing
Yokuts Yawelmani qoSrots' white earth (for paint) unknown Merriam 44:523 has only literal translation from eng derived qoSr 'to paint with white earth' Harrington
Yokuts Yawdanchi xojojidj white mineral paint unknown hwā'-satch Merriam 44:183 'white paint'; haw-suts (Porterville 44:449) derived tcoy-oi 'white' Kroeber 1907:345 Kroeber 1907
Yokuts Palewyami missing missing
Washo díp'ek white paint unknown derived d- nmlzr Washo Project Dictionary
Wintu missing missing
Yuki missing missing
Wappo missing missing
Mutsun hoo-pahk' white paint unknown simplex Merriam 39:95
Esselen missing missing
Salinan A mut'-trahl-shahk white paint unknown compound Merriam 38:393
Salinan M missing missing
Chumash Obispeno missing missing
Chumash Ineseno missing missing
Chumash Barbareno missing missing
Chumash Ventureno al-o-wo 7ow'ow be.white Mamet 2008:58 white paint unknown derived Merriam 38:19
Iipay 'Aa mathwaay white clay (used for ceremonial painting of body) unknown math is 'earth, clay' compound I wonder if waay is source of Cupen`o xway- 'white'?? Couro & Hutcheson 1973
Cocopa missing missing
Mojave mat-tah-ā ā>t-mus'-sav white paint unknown phrase Merriam 38:97
Yavapai missing missing
Kiliwa missing missing
Seri (Comcaac) missing missing
Yir-Yoront mul white paint inheritance *mula pPaman Reflexes meaning 'pus', 'blood', 'honey', slime', 'oil'; as far south as Yuwaalaraay Made from burnt threadfin salmon bone.
Gupapuyngu gaparn inheritance
Warrwa dubkaya unknown
Gumatj dyolurr unique
Yan-nhangu gamunuŋgu loan direction unknown
Djinang gamunuŋgu loan direction unknown
Dhuwal gaparn inheritance
Dhay’yi gaparn inheritance
Dhangu gaparn inheritance
Yawuru kalyji unknown
Rembarrnga kamunuŋkuh loan direction unknown
Nyangumarta karltyi doubtful inheritance discontinuous distribution
Bardi ma:ŋka semantic shift ‘clay’
Nyikina maŋali semantic shift?
Mangala mawunti loan direction unknown WW %mawuntu
Yulparija rawurr unique
Ngarluma tyilpa unique?
Walmajarri mawunti inheritance WW %mawuntu %kaltyi E mawuntu N. karltyi cf. Kija
Mudburra yatu inheritance
Jaru makirra inheritance in Wambaya
Gurindji yatu inheritance
Gooniyandi kalarti loan Kija WW %kaltyi
Bunuba mawurru loan Kija WW %mawurru
Miriwung kalateng inheritance WW %kaltyi Gaj. Kaltyeng white clay
Kija mawuntul loan Ngarinyin WW %mawuntu Ngar mawul;also kalatil
Jingulu makirra inheritance same in Wambaya ; could be loan