
Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Gupapuyngu dharrawadhay inheritance
Gumatj ḏuttyi(') inheritance
Dhuwal ḏuttyi(') inheritance
Dhangu ḏuttyi(') inheritance
Yan-nhangu ḏutyi inheritance
Jawi i:na inheritance
Nyulnyul jabarr inheritance
Jabirr-Jabirr kaleb inheritance
Mangala kurru loan direction unknown WW %kurrwa
Yawuru mara; yarnudany; nimilkarr unique
Ritharrngu marlarrk unique
Nyangumarta marra semantic shift? cf words related to ‘wing’??
Bardi tyaparr inheritance
Yulparija tyapuyu unique
Nyikina tyatya unique
Ngarluma tyiluŋarta inheritance
Nimanburru wungka:la inheritance
Warrwa wungkala; bididi inheritance
Ngumbarl wupalu unique
Karajarri yanutany loan direction unknown Nyikina
Walmajarri kurru inheritance WW %kurrwa [cf words for ‘flame, tongue of fire’] tyarra firestick not firesaw; saw only in S. [cf words for ‘flame, tongue of fire’] tyarra firestick not firesaw; saw only in S.
Gooniyandi kurru loan Walmajarri WW %kurrwa
Djapu rduttyi(7) inheritance