


Language Current Population (speakers) Former Population Estimate Subsistence Preference Density Sedentism Ecotome Marriage Pattern Notes Source
Yuma large AG dense sedentary no
Gabrielino large HG dense sedentary no
Washo medium HG dense sedentary no
Wintu large HG dense seasonal no
Cocopa large AG dense sedentary no
Mojave large AG dense sedentary no
Chumash Barbareno large HG dense sedentary no
Chumash Ventureno large HG dense sedentary no
Chumash Obispeno small HG dense sedentary no
Chumash Cruzeno small HG dense sedentary no
Chumash Ineseno medium HG dense sedentary no
Baniwa 6000 large AG dense sedentary Riverine
Wapishana large AG dense sedentary
Akawaio large AG dense sedentary
Makushi 25000 large AG dense sedentary
Nheengatu 8000 large AG dense sedentary Riverine exclusively the product of language shift
Nimanburru small HG dense sedentary no
Ngumbarl small HG dense sedentary yes
Yidiny large HG dense mobile
Dhangu small HG dense mobile yes
Djinang medium HG dense mobile yes
Gupapuyngu large HG dense mobile yes
Ritharrngu medium HG dense mobile yes
Djapu small HG dense mobile yes
Yan-nhangu small HG dense mobile yes
Burarra large HG dense mobile yes
Ngandi small HG dense mobile yes
Wubuy medium HG dense mobile yes
Dhuwal large HG dense mobile yes
Dhuwala medium HG dense mobile yes
Djambarrpuyngu large HG dense mobile
Gumatj large HG dense seasonal yes
Dhay’yi small HG dense seasonal yes