
North America
ISO 639-3
32.79°, -114.60°
Basic Vocabulary
Flora Fauna Vocabulary
Cultural Vocabulary
Ethnographic Information
Data Sources

Basic Vocabulary (185)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes General Notes Source
above encima, arriba acima location 7ama/yvi H2:148; 7ama/y H3:211 7 is glottal stop, / is acute accent on preceding vowel inheritance Halpern 1-6 in IJAL 1947, 48
again de nuevo, otra vez de novo grammar missing
all todo todos other missing
and y e grammar missing
ankle tobillo tornozelo body missing
armpit axila, sobaco axila body missing
ash ceniza(s) cinzas environment xam7u:/ly H3:208 inheritance
at en, a em, a location -i H3:210; -k H3:210 unknown
back espalda costas body 7ashlyma/k “my back” H1:29, saly-ma/k “back” H3:207 sh is [ʃ] inheritance
bad mal mal quality 7ala:/yk “it is bad” loan direction unknown
belly barriga barriga body i:to/ H3:208 inheritance
below abajo, debajo abaixo location maxa/k H3:211 “underheath” unknown
big grande grande quality *vata/y “to be big” H1:26 inheritance
bite morder morder body cakye/w H4:22 inheritance
black negro preto colour nyi:ly H3:209 inheritance
blood sangre sangue body -ixwe/T H3:210 T is retroflex t inheritance
blow soplar soprar body caxavasuyk H5:92 “he blows” inheritance
boil/pimple espinilla, granos espinha, borbulha body missing
bone hueso osso body missing
breast pecho, seno peito body missing
breathe respirar respirar body u:ye:/yk “he breathes” H1:31 inheritance
burn quemar queimar environment tapo/m H5:95 inheritance
chew masticar, mascar mastigar body canye/7 H4:22 inheritance
child niño, niña criança human xu:ma/r H3:212 unknown
climb subir subir motion aku:ly H5:106 inheritance
cloud nube nuvem environment 7akwe/ H1:30 inheritance
cold frío frio quality xacu/r “to be cold” H4:20 inheritance
come venir vir motion adhi:/k “he comes” H1:31 inheritance
cook cocinar cozinhar impact alYulYk “he cooks” H1:27; alYulY “to cook” H5:97 inheritance
correct/true verdad, de veras verdade quality missing
count contar contar mental missing
cry llorar chorar mental ami/, ame/ “to weep, cry bird calls” H5:107 inheritance
cut/hack cortar cortar impact akye/T H6:148 cut off piece inheritance
day día dia time missing
die/be dead morir morrer state apo:/yk “they die” H1:28, apu/y H4:29 inheritance
dig cavar cavar impact axwe/lyk “he digs” H1:29 inheritance
dingo/wolf fauna xatalwe/ H1:27 (coyote) inheritance
dirty sucio sujo quality missing
dream soñar sonhar mental shama:/k “he dreams” H1:31; shatu:ma/cvek “they dream” H1:31 inheritance
drink beber, tomar beber body asi/, ase/ H4:29 inheritance
dry seco seco quality aru/vek “it is dry” H1:27 inheritance
dull/blunt sin filo, mocho, desafilado, embotado, romo maçante, desamolado, não afiado quality missing
dust polvo poeira environment 7ampo/T H1:30 inheritance
ear oreja orelha body missing
earth/soil tierra terra environment 7ama/T H1:26 inheritance
eat comer comer body aso:/ (meat) H4:29, ama/ H4:29 inheritance
egg huevo ovo fauna missing
eye ojo olho body i:tho/ H1:29 inheritance
faeces heces, mierda, excremento, estiércol fezes body acerq “to defecate” H5 106 inheritance
fall caer cair motion a:lyaqv H5:93 inheritance
far lejos longe quality missing
fat/grease grasa gordura body missing
father padre, papá pai kinship 7anyko/: “my father”; nyako/ H3:212 unknown
fear miedo medo mental mashadhe/k “he is afraid” H2:151 inheritance
feather pluma pena fauna missing
fire fuego fogo environment 7a7a/w H1:26 inheritance
fish xx xx fauna 7aci:/ H3:212 inheritance
flow fluir fluir motion missing
flower flor flor environment missing
fly volar voar motion aye/rek “he flies” H1:31 inheritance
fog niebla, neblina nevoeira, bruma, neblina environment 7asa/ H3:211 inheritance
foot pie body i:me/ H3:207 inheritance
fruit fruta fruta flora missing
good bueno bom quality axo/Tk “it is good” H1:29 inheritance
grow crecer crescer state missing
hair (of head) cabello cabelo body i:7e/ H3 208 inheritance
hand mano mão body i:sha:/ly H3:208 inheritance
3sg el/ella ele/ela grammar missing
head cabeza cabeça body missing
hear oír ouvir mental 7a7avk “I hear” H1:31 inheritance
heavy pesado pesado quality 7ane/x “to be heavy” H4:20 inheritance
hide esconder esconder motion taduly/ “to hide in hand” H4:25, inheritance
hit golpear, pegar bater impact a:qwe/t “beat, strike w/ stick” H4:28 unknown
hold correr, asegurar, sostener segurar other share/q “he grasps it” H1:27; xalyqic “to grasp” H5:94 unknown
how? como como grammar missing
1sg yo eu grammar missing
if si se grammar missing
in/inside dentro, adentro dentro location missing
intestines intestinos intestinos body missing
itch hormiguear, sentir comezón coçar body missing
kill matar matar impact tapu/y H5:95 inheritance
know/be knowledgeable saber, conecer saber, conhecer mental u:pa/w “to know, recognize” H4:20; atap “to know, put down” (see throw) inheritance
lake lago lago environment missing
laugh reír rir mental missing
leaf hoja folha environment missing
left/left hand izquierdo esquerdo location/body missing
leg/foot pierna perna body i:me/ see “foot” inheritance
lie down acostarse, echarse deitar motion apa/ H5:97 inheritance
lightning rayo, relámpago relampago environment uravteva “there will be lightning” H6:148 inheritance
live/be alive vivir viver, morar body 7i:pa/y “be alive, be human” H3:205 inheritance
liver hígado figado body missing
long largo comprido, longo quality 7aqo/l “to be long” H4:20 inheritance
louse piollo, piojo piolho fauna missing
lung pulmón pulmão body missing
man/male hombre homem human 7i:pa:nyc “that man” H1:29; 7i:pa: “man, male” H3:154 inheritance
meat/flesh carne carne fauna missing
moon luna lua environment xaly7a/ H3:208 inheritance
mother madre, mamá mãe kinship 7anta/yc “his mother” inheritance
mouth boca boca body i:ya:/ H3:207 inheritance
name nombre nome human amuly “to have a personal name”, shi:muly “to have a clan name” H6:155 inheritance
nape base del cuello, nuca nuca body missing
near/close cerca de perto quality xi:pa/n “to be nearby” H4:21
neck cuello pescoço body missing
new nuevo novo quality missing
night noche noite time ti:nya:m “to be night” H4:21 inheritance
no/not no não grammar waly ... ma H4:29 inheritance
nose nariz nariz body i:xu:/ H1:31 inheritance
old viejo velho quality 7aku/c “to be old” H4:20 unknown
one uno um number 7ashe/nt H1:27 inheritance
open/uncover abrir abrir other missing
other otro outro grammar missing
pain/painful/sick dolor, doloroso, enfermo dor, doloroso, doente body 7achkwara/v “the sick one” HI:26; ac ara/v “to be sick” H6:150 inheritance
person/human being persona pessoa human pa7i:pa:/ H1:30 inheritance
pound/beat machacar, golpear bater impact kaco/ “to pound lightly” H5:93; tawe/ “to grind” H5:95 unknown
rain lluvia chuva environment 7u:v7a/w “to rain” H4:20 inheritance
red rojo vermelho colour 7axwe/T H3:209 inheritance
right/right hand derecha direita location/body missing
road/path camino caminho manufacture 7u:nye/ H3:212 inheritance
root raíz raiz flora shama:/ H3:210 inheritance
rotten podrido podre quality missing
sand arena areia environment saly-7a/y H3:207 unique
say decir dizer mental a7i/, a7e “to say” H2:150 a7i:m “he says” inheritance
scratch rascar rasgar impact missing
see ver ver mental ayu:/k “he sees” H1:28 inheritance
sharp afilado, filudo, filoso afiado quality ta:dho:yv “to sharpen edged tool” H5:93 inheritance
shoot tirar, disparar, balear atirar impact akya:m “he shoots” H 1:26; akye “to shoot” H5:95 inheritance
short corto curto quality missing
shoulder hombro ombro body missing
shy/ashamed tímido, vergonzoso timido, com vergonha mental missing
sit sentar(se) sentar state ana/k “he sits” H 1:27; ava/ “to sit, dwell” H5:107 inheritance
skin piel pele body 7akwe/ly “hide, leather, skin” H3:210 inheritance
sky cielo céu environment 7ama/yva H2:148 inheritance
sleep dormir dormir body ashma/ H4:26 inheritance
small pequeño pequeno quality 7ano/qk “it is small” H1:29 unknown
smoke humo fumaça environment missing
sniff/smell olfatear, oler cheirar body missing
spit escupir cuspir body missing
split partir, dividir rachar, dividir, partir impact adha/pk “it is split” H1:29' a:dha/pk “he splits it” H1:31; tadha/p “to split” H6:164 inheritance
squeeze estrujar, exprimir espremer impact missing
stab/pierce apuñalar, acuchillar apunhalar impact missing
stand estar de pié ficar em pé state av7a/w H5:107 inheritance
star estrella estrela environment missing
steal robar roubar other kacaci:/ck “he steals” H1:29; na:r “to steal” H5:101 inheritance
stick/wood palo pau, vara flora 7a7i:/ “wood, tree” H3:209 inheritance
stone piedra pedra environment 7avi:/ H3:212 inheritance
suck chupar chupar body cato/q H4:22; api/s (suckle) H4:23 unknown
sweat sudar suor, suar body xaly ashu/c H6:153 unknown
swell hincharse inchar body missing
swim nadar nadar motion missing
tail cola, rabo rabo body missing
that ese/esa esse grammar nya: H3:211 inheritance
3pl ellos/ellas eles/elas grammar missing
thick grueso, gordo, espeso grosso quality missing
thin delgado fino quality la7a/wsh “emaciated” H4:21 unknown
think pensar pensar mental alynyi:dhu:/ck “he thinks” H1:27; aly7e/ H4:19 “to think, prefer, believe”, aly7i or aly7e H5:102 inheritance
this este/esta este grammar ava/ “this, a short distance away” H3:211 inheritance
2sg xx xx grammar missing
three tres tres number xamo/k “to be three” H4:21 inheritance
throat garganta garganta body malyaqe/ H3:212 “throat, voice” inheritance
throw tirar, lanzar atirar, jogar impact a:pk “he throws it” H I:25 ata:p “to throw, put down” H5:94 inheritance
thunder truenos trovão environment missing
tie up/fasten atar, amarrar amarrar impact axe/r H5:95 inheritance
tongue lengua lingua body i:pa/ly H3:208 inheritance
tooth diente dente body i:dho:/ H1:29 inheritance
turn girar, volter, torcer virar other missing
two dos dois number xavi/k “to be two” H4:21 inheritance
vomit vomitar vomitar body missing
walk caminar, andar andar motion av7a:/ H5:97 inheritance
water agua agua environment 7axa/ H2:151 inheritance
1pl.excl nosotros (exclusivo) nós (exclusivo) grammar missing
1pl.incl nosotros (inclusivo) nós (inclusivo) grammar missing
wet mojado molhado quality 7axa/y “to be damp” H3:204 inheritance
what? que, qué que grammar missing
when? cuando quando grammar missing
where? donde onde grammar makyi/k H I:26 inheritance
white blanco branco colour xama:ly “to be white” H4:20 inheritance
who? quien, quién quem grammar makye/-ny “whom” H2:148 inheritance
wife esposa esposa kinship missing
wind viento vento environment matxa/c “the wind” H2:151 inheritance
wing ala asa body missing
woman/female mujer mulher human missing
work trabajar trabalhar other missing
yawn bostezar bocejar body missing
yellow amarillo amarelo colour 7aqwe/s “to be yellow” H4:20 inheritance
2pl ustedes vocês grammar missing

Flora Fauna Vocabulary (130)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
abalone flora-fauna Haliotis spp. missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 1 no
ant (generic) hormiga formiga flora-fauna Formicidae cam?adhuly Ant inheritance Proto-Yuman unknown Merriam 61:465, Halpern 1:27 0 0 2 0 0 no
antelope flora-fauna Antilocapra americana missing inheritance missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
badger flora-fauna Taxidea taxus muh-hwah' Badger (Taxidea) inheritance Proto-Yuman IA mehwaa, C. mxwa; Kiliwa mxwaa=pi-y-l=t-kw+yaq unknown Merriam 61:451 2 1 0 0 0 yes
bald eagle flora-fauna Haliaeetus leucocephalus as-spah'-et-se'-kwit-sah' Bald eagle (Halioeetus) inheritance Colorado River Yuman only Mojave ɂaspa 'achii kwachtha “eagle that eats fish” unknown Merriam 61:455 1 2 0 0 1 no
band-tail pigeon flora-fauna Patagioenas fasciata missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
bat murciélago morcego flora-fauna Chiroptera spp kwampa/nyq Bat inheritance Proto-Yuman Yavapai qà(·)păɲqa unknown Merriam 61:451, Halpern 1:28 0 1 0 0 0 no
beaver flora-fauna Castor ah-pon' Beaver (Castor) inheritance Proto-Yuman Iipay Aa āp-pin'; and note Resemblant C. kpiny unknown Merriam 61:451 2 1 0 0 0 no
beetle flora-fauna Coleoptera spp missing missing missing 2 0 0 0 0 no
big round tule flora-fauna Schoenoplectus acutus kwil-ă-nyo' Big round tule (Scirpus lacustris) unique unknown Merriam 61:475 2 1 2 0 0 no
big skunk flora-fauna Mephitis mephitis āl-hwă' Big skunk (Mephitis) inheritance *xwiw (*kłʸikʷ) Proto-Yuman Mixco1978:96 (Langdon 1976:873 Metath) unknown Merriam 61:451 2 2 0 0 0 no
big wolf (gray wolf) flora-fauna Canis lupus hă-tah-loo Big wolf inheritance Colorado River Yuman only Maricopa hatkult gordon 151 unknown Merriam 61:449 1 2 0 0 0 yes
bighorn sheep flora-fauna Ovis canadensis 7amo Bighorn (Ovis) inheritance *?-mu(w) Proto-Yuman Mixco 1978:80, 91 WW %mo: unknown Merriam 61:451, Halpern 1:30 2 1 0 0 0 no
bird pajaro, ave passaro flora-fauna et'-se-yēn' A bird unique unknown Merriam 61:463 0 0 0 0 0 no
black ant flora-fauna Camponotus pennsylvanicus/Lasius niger missing missing missing 2 0 0 0 0 no
black bear flora-fauna Ursus americanus mŭCH whet'-tah A bear (Ursus) inheritance Proto-Yuman badger-big (see badger) unknown Merriam 61:449 1 2 0 0 0 yes
black-tail Jackrabbit flora-fauna Lepus californicus 7ak7u/ly Blacktail jackrabbit (Lepus texianus group) inheritance Proto-Yuman Cocopa kɂuły; Yavapai (ɂ)kúla, unknown Merriam 61:453; Halpern 3:209 2 1 0 0 0 no
blackberry flora-fauna Rubus ursinus missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 0 no
blue grouse flora-fauna Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
bobcat, lynx flora-fauna Lynx rufus nah-mĕ' Bob-cat (Lynx californicus) inheritance *nymi- Proto-Yuman Langdon 1979:638 LION, Mixco 1978:91; Yuma name/ Halpern 1:30 unknown Merriam 61:449 1 2 0 0 0 no
butterfly, moth mariposa borboleta flora-fauna Lepidoptera xan7a.vlye/p Butterfly unique resemblant Mojave hunapnap unknown Merriam 61:465, Halpern 3:208 2 0 0 0 0 no
California condor flora-fauna Gymnogyps californianus missing missing missing 1 2 0 0 1 no
California jay flora-fauna Aphelocoma californica? hre-kă-poo-soo' California jay (Aphelocoma) unique unknown Merriam 61:455 2 1 0 0 0 no
California woodpecker flora-fauna Melanerpes formicivorus? missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 1 no
chia flora-fauna Salvia columbariae missing missing missing 1 1 1 0 0 no
chipmunk flora-fauna Tamias spp. missing inheritance missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
cliff swallow flora-fauna Petrochelidon pyrrhonota xamkye/ swallow inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Co. xmka: unknown Halpern 3:208 2 1 0 0 0 no
coot flora-fauna Fulica americana mus-em'-kwer-yahk' Coot (Fulica, Mudhen unique unknown Contains the -yaq “lying.in” element Merriam 61:461 2 1 0 0 0 no
cottontail rabbit flora-fauna Sylvilagus audobonii xaly7a/w Cottontail rabbit (Lepus audoboni) inheritance Proto-Yuman Yavapai hló, Kiliwa xa?law; unknown Merriam 61:453, Halpern 3:205 2 1 0 0 0 no
cottonwood flora-fauna Populus spp. 7ax7a/. Cottonwood (Populus) inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Co. xɂa, Yavapai ɂhá(·); unknown Merriam 61:467, Halpern 1:30 2 0 2 0 0 no
coyote flora-fauna Canis latrans xatalwe/ Coyote (Canis lestes or ochropus) inheritance Colorado River Yuman only derivation on “wolf”; Maricopa hatalywe unknown Merriam 61:449, Halpern 1:27 1 2 0 0 0 no
crow flora-fauna Corvus brachyrhynchos ah-kahk Raven (Corvus corax) inheritance Proto-Yuman Sound imitative but probably good as *qaaq unknown Merriam 61:455 2 1 0 0 0 no
datura flora-fauna Datura wrightii es'-mi-kă-peet' Indian whiskey (Datura) loan Cocopa Cocopa şmál ka·pí·ţ; Note Yavapai smá·lkktū·, Mojave ɂamalykatu unknown Merriam 61:475 1 1 1 1 0 yes
deer, mule flora-fauna Odocoileus hemionus ah-kwah', kwak in combining form (also mule deer) Deer, blacktail (Odocoileus columbianus) inheritance Proto-Yuman Cocopa kwak xntil; IA ɂekwak; Maricopa qwaaq unknown Merriam 61:451 2 1 0 0 0 no
digger pine flora-fauna Pinus sabiniana missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 0 no
dog (camp, domestic) perro cachorro flora-fauna Canis familiaris a-haht' tsuk-tsuk' Dog (old time, nose blunt) inheritance **(č)-xat “dog” Proto-Yuman Mixco 1978:83 (this has a modifier) unknown Merriam 61:453 0 0 0 0 0 no
dogbane flora-fauna Apocynum cannabinum missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 0 no
dove paloma pomba flora-fauna Zenaida macrocoura hwis-ke'-av Dove (Zenaidura) inheritance Colorado River Yuman only Mojave huskiv so CR (Colorado River Yuman) unknown Merriam 61:455 2 1 0 0 0 no
duck pato pato, marreco flora-fauna Anatidae hun'-nah-mo' All ducks inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Yavapai qnmo: unknown Merriam 61:461 0 1 0 0 0 no
elder flora-fauna Sambucus missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
elk flora-fauna Cervas elaphus missing inheritance missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
fish (generic) pez peixe flora-fauna ?aci/ Fish (any) inheritance *?-či· Proto-Yuman Langdon 1979:637 FISH; Yuma 7aci/. Halpern 1:30 unknown Merriam 61:465, Halpern 1:30 0 1 0 0 0 no
flea pulga pulga flora-fauna Siphonaptera missing inheritance missing 2 0 0 0 0 no
flicker flora-fauna Colaptes sp. missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 1 no
blowfly/housefly mosca mosca flora-fauna Diptera xaly7asmo/ Fly inheritance Proto-Yuman Cocopa şxlʸmu unknown Merriam 61:465, Halpern 3:208 0 0 0 0 0 no
foothills yucca flora-fauna Yucca whipplei missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
fox flora-fauna Vulpes, Urocyon met-kwah-vah' Gray fox (urocyon) inheritance *p-rxa·w/m-rxa·w Proto-Yuman Langdon 1979:637 FOX; note Cocopa màţkawá·, Yuma form MIGHT be a loan from Cocopa unknown Merriam 61:449 2 2 0 0 0 no
frog (generic) flora-fauna hahn'-n>yĕ; xanyk7o/ “bullfrog” (Langdon 1979:637) Frog (Rana) inheritance *xa-nya Proto-Yuman Langdon 1979:637 FROG unknown Merriam 61:463 2 2 0 0 0 no
golden eagle flora-fauna Aquila chrysaetos es-spah' Golden eagle (Aquila) inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Co. špa unknown Merriam 61:455 1 2 0 0 1 no
gooseberry flora-fauna Ribes spp. missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
gopher snake, bull snake flora-fauna Pituophis catenifer ah-vā-se' Gopher or bull snake (Pityophis) inheritance Colorado River Yuman only Note Mojave ɂave thii; so CR unknown Merriam 61:463 2 2 0 0 0 no
grass hierba, pasto capim, grama flora-fauna (NA) hot-lŏ-mots grass (any) unique unknown Merriam 61:475 0 0 0 0 0 no
grasshopper flora-fauna Caelifera >hīk-ahm-putk' Grasshopper inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Yavapai kąpámka, Kiliwa xnkpaap, Cocopa łxmpaţ unknown Merriam 61:465 2 1 0 0 0 no
gray ground squirrel flora-fauna Sphermophilus sp. ă-tees' Ground squirrel (Citellus tereticauda) inheritance Proto-Yuman C. ci·š unknown Merriam 61:451 2 1 0 0 0 no
gray tree squirrel flora-fauna Sciurus spp. missing inheritance missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
great horned owl flora-fauna Bubo virginianus mahm'-ve' Great horned owl (Bubo) unique unknown Merriam 61:455 1 2 2 0 1 no
grizzly bear flora-fauna Ursus arctos horribilis missing inheritance missing 1 2 0 0 0 yes
horned toad flora-fauna Phrynosomatidae met'-kwin'-ne-ask' Horned toad (Phrynosoma) inheritance Note Cocopa cxnyaş which seems to end with same element but is simplex in Cocopa unknown Merriam 61:463 2 2 2 0 0 no
horse caballo cavalho flora-fauna Equus caballus missing inheritance missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
hummingbird colibrí, picaflor (Peru) beija-flor flora-fauna Trochilidae nexni/.x Humming bird inheritance Proto-Language Also in Cocopa unknown Merriam 61:459, Halpern 3:207 0 0 0 0 0 no
tobacco tabaco tabaco flora-fauna Nicotiana spp. mil'-yah-oov' Tobacco (not Whiteman's tobacco which is ah-ov) loan into protolanguage Proto-Yuman unknown IA ɂup; C. ɂu·p, etc. and cf. Karuk 7uhípih, Chimariko h-óphat ‘smoking’, Proto-Palaihnihan *o:xpi unknown Merriam 61:475 1 1 1 1 0 yes
insect (generic) insecto insecto flora-fauna generic missing missing missing 0 0 2 0 0 variable
junco flora-fauna Junco sppp missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
juniper flora-fauna Juniperus californica missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
louse flora-fauna order Phtiraptera >nye'-ēl Head lice inheritance *?-?il Proto-Yuman Does this contain *?-?il WORM Langdon 1979:639? (Proto-Yuman); also in Mojave unknown Merriam 61:465 2 0 0 0 0 no
mallard flora-fauna Anas platyrhynchos missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
manzanita flora-fauna Arctostaphylos spp. missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
milkweed, broad leaf flora-fauna Asclepias eriocarpa missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
milkweed, narrow leaf flora-fauna Asclepias fascicularis missing missing missing 0 1 1 0 0 no
mission tule flora-fauna Juncus missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 0 no
mockingbird flora-fauna Mimus polyglottos sik'-kwe-lah' Mockingbird (Mimus) loan Cocopa Note Cocopa C. šàkwi·lá·, different from Mojave sakwathɂaaly unknown Merriam 61:459 2 1 0 0 0 no
mosquito mosquito, zancudo mosquito, carapana flora-fauna Anopheles spp, Isoptera sum-pool'k' Mosquito inheritance *smpul Proto-Yuman Langdon 1979:637 under “FLY”, *smpul “mosquito” unknown Merriam 61:465 0 0 0 0 0 no
moth mariposa nocturna, polilla mariposa flora-fauna Heterocera missing missing missing 2 0 0 0 0 no
mountain lion flora-fauna Puma concolor haht'-ah-kool' Mountain lion (Felis hippolestes) inheritance Colorado River Yuman only Looks like the Maricopa “wolf” word, hatkult unknown Merriam 61:449 1 2 0 0 0 yes
mountain quail flora-fauna Oreortyx pictus missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
mussel flora-fauna Mytilus spp. missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 1 no
olivella (olive snail) flora-fauna Callianax biplicata missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 1 no
pinyon jay flora-fauna Cyanocitta stelleri? missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
pinyon pine flora-fauna Pinus monophylla missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 1 no
pismo clam flora-fauna Tivella stultorum missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 1 no
pocket gopher flora-fauna Thomomys tek-sĕ' Pocket gopher (Thomomys) inheritance Proto-Yuman Langdon 1976:872 Metath unknown Merriam 61:453 2 1 0 0 0 no
poison oak flora-fauna Toxicodendron diversilobum missing missing missing 2 2 2 0 0 yes
rattlesnake flora-fauna Crotalus spp. ah-vĭh' rattlesnake (Crotalus) inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Kiliwa ?+wi? unknown Merriam 61:463 1 2 0 0 0 yes
red ant flora-fauna Solenopsis spp missing missing missing 1 0 1 0 0 no
red-shouldered blackbird flora-fauna Agelaius phoeniceus hus-e-kwah' i-hah' Red-shouldered blackbird (Agelaius) inheritance Proto-Yuman 'Iipay Aa hah'-se-kwi'; Looks like a Delta-California form, cf. Cocopa şqway qlucá·w unknown Merriam 61:457 2 1 0 0 0 no
red-tailed hawk flora-fauna Buteo jamaicensis ets-ŏr Red-tailed hawk (Buteo borealis) unique unknown Merriam 61:455 2 2 0 0 0 no
roadrunner flora-fauna Geococcyx californianus tal'-ye-pŏ' Road runner (Geococcyx) loan into protolanguage Proto-Yuman Takic Langdon 1976:873; see note on Iipay Aa form WW %pu: unknown Merriam 61:455 2 1 0 0 0 no
ruddy duck flora-fauna Oxyura jamaicensis missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
sage herb flora-fauna Artemisia californica missing missing missing 2 2 1 0 0 no
salmon/steelhead flora-fauna Oncorhynchus mykiss mo-we'-ulk Salmon loan direction unknown Iipay Aa Iipay Aa mo-weelk'; loan direction unknown unknown Merriam 61:465 2 1 0 0 0 no
scaly lizard flora-fauna Pygopus lepidopodus? >han-tus-ēl' Scaly lizard (Sceloporus) unique unknown Merriam 61:463 2 2 0 0 0 no
small bird flora-fauna missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
small brown lizard flora-fauna missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
snake (generic) culebra, serpiente cobra flora-fauna ah-vĭh' snake (any) inheritance unknown Merriam 61:463 0 1 0 0 0 no
soaproot flora-fauna Chlorogalum missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
sour berry flora-fauna Rhus trilobata missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
sparrow hawk flora-fauna Falco missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
spider araña aranha flora-fauna Arachnida, Araneae hrel-yŏ-tōt' Spider inheritance Proto-Yuman IA hellytutt “black widow spider”; C. xłycuc unknown Merriam 61:465 0 0 2 0 0 variable
spotted skunk flora-fauna Spilogale gracilis missing inheritance missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
toad sapo sapo flora-fauna Bufonidae hahn'-n>yĕ mek-oor' Toad (Bufo) inheritance *xa-nya Proto-Yuman FROG with a modifier unknown Merriam 61:463 2 2 0 0 0 no
tree árbol arvore flora-fauna (NA) to-mar'-ră-pet' A tree unique unknown Merriam 61:477 0 0 2 0 0 no
tree yucca flora-fauna Yucca schidegera missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
turkey buzzard flora-fauna Cathartes aura as-sā' Turkey buzzard (Cathartes) inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Co. C. šayí·, unknown Merriam 61:455 2 2 0 0 0 no
turtle (generic) flora-fauna Testudines kwape/T “ Desert turtle inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Yavapai kpít; and note Serrano/Kitanemuk krprtt, kopotat; Yuma axnaraxna/r “turtle” Halpern 3:207 is cognate in Proto-Yuman unknown Merriam 61:463, Halpern 3:208 2 2 0 0 1 no
valley live oak flora-fauna Quercus agrifolia missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 1 no
valley oak flora-fauna Quercus lobata missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 1 no
valley quail flora-fauna Callipepla californica ?axmá Valley quail (Lophortyx) inheritance Proto-Yuman Langdon 1976:871 Metath unknown Merriam 61:455, Halpern 1:30 2 1 0 0 0 no
Washington clam flora-fauna Saxidomus nuttalli missing missing missing 2 1 0 0 1 no
Western Canada goose flora-fauna Branta canadensis han-nah-mo' Western Canada goose (Branta canadensis occidentalis) semantic shift Proto-Yuman word is usually “duck” or “chicken” unknown Merriam 61:461 0 1 0 0 0 no
whale flora-fauna Eschrichtius robustus missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 1 no
white pelican flora-fauna Pelicanus erythrorhynchos ahCH-hah' White pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) loan Chemehuevi or Paiute direction unknown; same word in Chemehuevi, western S. Paiute unknown Merriam 61:459 0 2 0 0 0 no
wild grapevine flora-fauna Vitis californica missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 0 no
wild oats flora-fauna Avena (introduction) missing missing missing 2 1 2 0 0 no
wild rose flora-fauna Rosa californica missing missing missing 0 1 2 0 0 no
wild sunflower flora-fauna Helianthus (and other genera) missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
willow flora-fauna Salix spp. a-thō' Willow (Salix sp.) inheritance with *-yaaw Proto-Yuman JHH but in Langdon somwhere with no recon unknown Merriam 61:469 2 2 1 0 0 no
wood rat, round-tail flora-fauna Neotoma spp. ah-mi'-ĕk Wood rat, round-tail (Neotoma) inheritance Proto-Yuman Kiliwa ?+maql, Yavapai (ɂ)mālka;, 'Iipay Aa ɂemallk; Resemblant Cocopa ɂamíły?? unknown Merriam 61:453 2 1 0 0 0 no
worm, hairy caterpillar flora-fauna Arctiidae (many species) missing missing missing 2 2 0 0 0 no
worm, smooth caterpillar flora-fauna Trichoplusia ni (?) cabbage looper ets-e-pi' worm inheritance Colorado River Yuman only CR; Note Mojave 7ichipay kuurems “flea” unknown Merriam 61:465 2 2 0 0 0 no
yellow jacket flora-fauna Vespula spp., Dolichovespula spp. mes-paw' yellow jacket inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Kiliwa cpaaw, 'Iipay Aa metpaaw, Mojave thaampo unknown Merriam 61:465 2 0 0 0 0 no
yellowbird flora-fauna Dendroica petechia missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
yerba santa flora-fauna Eriodictyon californicum missing missing missing 2 1 1 0 0 no
ant (generic) hormiga formiga flora-fauna cam7adhu/lyc “the ant” H1:27 inheritance
bird pajaro, ave passaro flora-fauna missing
blowfly/housefly mosca mosca flora-fauna xaly7asmo/ H3:208 inheritance
dog (camp, domestic) perro cachorro flora-fauna missing
grass hierba, pasto capim, grama flora-fauna missing
deer venado veado, cariacu flora-fauna missing
snake (generic) culebra, serpiente cobra flora-fauna 7a:ve/ H1:29 inheritance
spider araña aranha flora-fauna xalyto/T H3:208 inheritance

Cultural Vocabulary (10)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
thatch/roof crisneja palha, caraná culture-material cape/T “to thatch” H5:102 inheritance
rope/string mecate, cuerda, soga corda culture missing
bottom grinding stone manufacture 7axmo/ “mortar” H1:26 inheritance
digging stick subsistence tool xamalye/L H3:208 unknown
winnow aventar, tirar (sementes) joeirar manufacture missing
top grinding stone metate, mano; piedra de moler metate, mano manufacture xam7u:kye/ “pestle” H3:208, xam7u:che/ “muller, mano” H3:208 inheritance
boomerang/throwing stick (generic) subsistence tool missing
spearthrower subsistence tool 7u:ti:/sh “bow” H3:206 inheritance
spear lanza lança subsistence tool ipa:/ H6:149; loan
house other 7ava/ H1:26 inheritance

Ethnographic Information
Current Population (speakers) Former Population Estimate Subsistence Preference Density Sedentism Ecotome Marriage Pattern Notes Source
large AG dense sedentary no