
Semantic Field
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Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
Bankalachi Toloim Caelifera chahl'-to-wil Cricket loan Yokuts Chukchansi chah'-noos'; chi'-noo-as, tah-nă-wus “grasshopper”; Wikchamni chah-nā'-kut; chan-ā-kus “grasshopper” same underived C. H. Merriam 72-813, 60-465 2 1 0 0 0 no
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone Caelifera aa-ttankih Grasshopper inheritance *attaNkaC Numic Stubbs 1036 (2008:167) narrower (a species of grasshopper) underived probably complex etymologically Crapo 1976:138 2 1 0 0 0 no
Burarra Caelifera jin-gugarrarramiya dyin-gubatpattya unique dyin- noun class 2 1 0 0 0 no
Cahuilla Caelifera wíʔit ˈwiʔit grass hopper inheritance *woʔV- Uto-Aztecan S1034 (Stubbs 2009:167) narrower (Merriam gives sah'-kah-kah-wah “red-winged” 60-143 for Wanikik Cahuilla other complex wi7i-t no info Seiler & Hioki 1979:244 wi7item is the name of a clan (Seiler & Hioki 1979:244) 2 1 no info gathered (wild) All long trenches dug and filled with hot rocks, grasshopper swarms pushed into these 0 0 All Americas All habitats no
Central Sierra Miwok Caelifera kó:čo- Grasshopper inheritance *ko:To- ? Miwokan Callaghan 1971 underived Freeland & Broadbent 1960 2 1 0 0 0 no
Chemehuevi Caelifera ɂá·takapitsI Grasshopper inheritance *attaNkaC Proto-Numic Stubbs 1036 (2008:167) same other complex has -pi-tsi ABS-DIM? (In Kawaiisu this counts as a single ABS) Harrington Chemehuevi Noun List 2 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Barbareno Caelifera tuq' small grasshopper inheritance *ti/uqu (from *-qu) Proto-Chumash Klar 1977:89 underived Beeler 1978:187 2 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Ineseno Caelifera tuq grasshopper (Merriam forms confirm) inheritance *ti/uqu (< *-qu) Proto-Chumash Klar 1977:89 underived Klar 1977:89 2 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Obispeno Caelifera tiqu grasshopper inheritance *ti/uqu (< *-qu) Proto-Chumash Klar 1977:89 underived Klar 1977:89 2 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Ventureno Caelifera took (1932), tōk (1905); tukh grasshopper inheritance *ti/uqu (<-qu) Proto-Chumash Klar 1977:89 underived Merriam 55:51; JPH 0157 2 1 0 0 0 no
Cocopa Caelifera łxmpaţ grasshopper, horse lubber (Taeniopoda eques) inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Yavapai kąpámka, Kiliwa xnkpaap, Yuma >hīk-ahm-putk' narrower (defined as a species -- but I'll bet it's generic) underived Crawford 1989 2 1 0 0 0 no
Comanche Caelifera ahtakii grasshopper (small sp.) inheritance *attaNkaC Numic Stubbs 1036 (2008:167) narrower (a kind of grasshopper) underived Robinson & Armagost 1990:164 2 1 0 0 0 no
Cupeño Caelifera wi'et ˈwiʔət grasshopper inheritance *woʔV- Uto-Aztecan S1034 (Stubbs 2009:167) same (seems to be generic) other complex ˈwiʔə-t grasshopper-npn -ʔaʃ "pet" possessive classifier for animals Hill & Nolasquez 1973:179 no info 2 1 no info gathered (wild) all swarms scooped into pits and orasted 0 0 global diverse habitats no
Dhangu Caelifera ḏetj ḏety inheritance underived 2 1 0 0 0 no
Dhay’yi Caelifera missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
Dhuwal Caelifera ḏetj ḏety inheritance underived 2 1 0 0 0 no
Djinang Caelifera ḻiṯmirringi rlirtmirriŋi unique 2 1 0 0 0 no
Esselen Caelifera polokoni grasshopper loan Costanoan Costanoan M, R, S polokV-s/nč unknown Shaul 1986:699 2 1 0 0 0 no
Gabrielino Caelifera we'e:t weˈʔe:t chapule inheritance *woʔV- Uto-Aztecan S1034 (Stubbs 2009:167) same other complex weˈʔe:-t grasshopper-npn -ʔaʧ "pet" possessive classifier for animals Harrington 596 no info 2 1 no info gathered (wild) all roasted on stick in fire (McC 121) 0 0 Global diverse (depends on species) no
Gumatj Caelifera missing missing 2 1 0 0 0 no
Gupapuyngu Caelifera ḏetj dhety inheritance underived 2 1 0 0 0 no
Iipay 'Aa Caelifera tuɂmuw, tuumuw grasshopper unique narrower (a kind of grasshopper) underived Couro & Hutcheson 1973 2 1 0 0 0 no
Kawaiisu Caelifera Ɂaataka-piži grasshopper inheritance *attaNkaC Proto-Numic Stubbs 1036 (2008:167) same other complex Ɂaataka-piži grasshopper-ABS Zigmond et al. 2 1 0 0 0 no
Kiliwa Caelifera xnkpaap grasshopper inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Yavapai kąpámka, Cocopa łxmpaţ same underived Mixco 1985 2 1 0 0 0 no
Kitanemuk Caelifera woʔoht ˈwoʔoht grasshopper, or dragonfly inheritance *woʔV- Uto-Aztecan S1034 (Stubbs 2009:167) narrower (I think this is only one kind of grasshopper) other complex ˈwoʔoh-t grasshopper-npn -ʔacit "pet" possessive classifier for animals Anderton 1988:580 no info 2 1 no info gathered (wild) all roasted in pits, on sticks, etc. (no info specific to Kitanemuk) 0 0 global Diverse habitats no
Lake Miwok Caelifera kóoTo grasshopper inheritance *ko:To- ? Miwokan Callaghan 1971 underived Callaghan 1965 2 1 0 0 0 no
Luiseño Caelifera wi'ét wiʹɁet grasshopper inheritance *woʔV- Uto-Aztecan S1034 (Stubbs 2009:167) same other complex wiʹɁe-t grasshopper-non.possessed.noun Elliott 1999:1047 no info 2 1 no gathered (wild) all roasted en masse in pit (Sparkman 1908:200 0 0 global diverse (depends on species) no
Maidu Caelifera ty\lí grasshopper unique other complex -i is stem former Shipley 1963 2 1 0 0 0 no
Mojave Caelifera yamkuka grasshopper unique narrower (according to Merriam 55:151, a large grasshopper) phrase from iiya “mouth” + mkuka ?? Munro et al.1992 2 1 0 0 0 no
Mutsun Caelifera po'-lo-kish grasshopper inheritance Costanoan M, R, S polokV-s/nč (Shaul 1989 on Esselen) reduplicated Merriam 55:419 2 1 0 0 0 no
Ngandi Caelifera jalma dyalma unique underived 2 1 0 0 0 no
Nisenan Caelifera 7en grasshopper CHM “any kind” (also bŭ-daw; koon, yoon unique underived Uldall & Shipley 1966; Merriam 57:243 2 1 0 0 0 no
Northern Paiute Caelifera wutata Grasshopper unique Could this be part of *wo'V (Stubbs 1034 (2008:167)?? same underived Merriam 61:149 2 1 0 0 0 no
Northern Sierra Miwok Caelifera ko:co- grasshopper inheritance *ko:To- ? Miwokan Callaghan 1971 underived Callaghan 1987 2 1 0 0 0 no
Plains Miwok Caelifera ko:co- grasshopper inheritance *ko:To-? Callaghan 1971 underived Callaghan 1984 2 1 0 0 0 no
Rembarrnga Caelifera djabburdenjhrdenjh tyappurtentyhrtentyh unique reduplicated 2 1 0 0 0 no
Ritharrngu Caelifera ḏe' rdapurrurru7 unique underived 2 1 0 0 0 no
Salinan A Caelifera košoló7 grasshopper unique Salinan underived Mason 1918:123; Turner 1980:75 2 1 0 0 0 no
Salinan M Caelifera kaculó grasshopper unique Salinan underived Mason 1918:123 2 1 0 0 0 no
Seri (Comcaac) Caelifera caatc grasshopper (especially Oedipodinae) unique narrower (certain species) underived Comcaac Dictionary 74 2 1 0 0 0 no
Serrano Caelifera wor7-orht grasshopper inheritance *wo7V- Uto-Aztecan S1034 (Stubbs 2009:167) other complex -t NPN KCHill ms 2001:65 2 1 0 0 0 no
Southern Paiute Caelifera a:rangqapitsi Grasshopper inheritance *attaNkaC Proto-Numic Stubbs 1036 (2008:167) same other complex has -pitsi ABS Sapir 1930:553 2 1 0 0 0 no
Southern Sierra Miwok Caelifera paTa:ti-, 7ang:ut- grasshopper unique underived Broadbent 1964: 2 1 0 0 0 no
Southern Ute Caelifera ?áa-rAká-cI grasshopper inheritance *attaNkaC Numic Stubbs 1036 (2008:167) same other complex has -ci ABS (I see no reason for G's segmentation) Givon 1979 2 1 0 0 0 no
Tübatulabal Caelifera ka'awüt kaʔaˈwɨt grasshopper unique Note: (Merriam gives sah'-kah-kah-wah “red-winged grasshopper” 60-143 for Wanikik Cahuilla same other complex kaʔaˈwɨ-t grasshopper-nph (may contain augmentative) Hill 2010:33 no info 2 1 Voegelin 1938:12 no info N/A N/A N/A 0 0 global Diverse habitats no
Tümpisa Shoshone Caelifera aattangki grasshopper inheritance *attaNkaC Proto-Numic Stubbs 1036 (2008:167) Central & Southern Numic only narrower (I think this is a specific kind of large grasshopper, not the little green ones) unknown Dayley 1989:2 2 1 0 0 0 no
Wappo Caelifera cíy' grasshopper (CHM confirms (he has a binomial, tsel che) unique underived Sawyer 1965 2 1 0 0 0 no
Washo Caelifera pa7gó:t'omhu grasshopper unique phrase elements unknown Merriam 55:313; WPD 2 1 0 0 0 no
Western Mono Caelifera akisa', akɨsa' grasshopper unique *akɨsa Western Numic only same underived Bethel et al.:4 no info 2 1 probably eaten no info no info no info no info 0 0 no
Wintu Caelifera nep grasshopper (several kinds) unique underived Pitkin 1985 2 1 0 0 0 no
Yan-nhangu Caelifera ḻit'mirriŋu ḻit'mirriŋu unique mirriŋu kinship term? underived 2 1 0 0 0 no
Yavapai Caelifera kąpámka Grasshopper inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Kiliwa xnkpaap, Cocopa Cocopa łxmpaţ unknown Shaterian 1983 2 1 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Palewyami Caelifera tat'-kā grasshopper unique only resemblant in Kroeber is Nutunutu ToTutoi, Wo'lasi DoDotic; might be Golla's Nim-Y *t'a:n-, *č'a:n- same underived probably has reduplicated first syllable with syncope Merriam 58:531 2 1 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Yawdanchi Caelifera tc'anèkac grasshopper inheritance *t'a:n-, *č'a:n Nim-Yokuts Golla 1964:62 same underived probably complex but no possibility of analysis Kroeber 1961:206) 2 1 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Yowlumne Caelifera t'anauwuT, t'anawat grasshopper inheritance *t'a:n-, *č'a:n- Nim-Yokuts Golla 1964:62 same underived must be complex but analysis not possible Kroeber 1961:206 2 1 0 0 0 no
Yuki Caelifera la:čam, la:č'am A grasshopper inheritance *lač'am Yukian Schlichter 1985 other complex -am derives nouns Sawyer & Schlichter 1984 2 1 0 0 0 no
Yuma Caelifera >hīk-ahm-putk' Grasshopper inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Yavapai kąpámka, Kiliwa xnkpaap, Cocopa łxmpaţ unknown Merriam 61:465 2 1 0 0 0 no
Bardi Orthoptera dinyidiny dinydiny inheritance reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
Bunuba Orthoptera gindili kintili unknown Goon missing underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Burarra Orthoptera dyin-gubatpattya unknown dyin- noun class 0 0 0 0 0
Dhangu Orthoptera ḏety inheritance simplex 0 0 0 0 0
Dhuwal Orthoptera ḏety inheritance simplex 0 0 0 0 0
Djapu Orthoptera rdi:ty inheritance 0 0 0 0 0
Djinang Orthoptera rlirtmirriŋi unknown 0 0 0 0 0
Gajirrabeng Orthoptera bilbiljing, gerndilng, janjibeng, janyoongba pilpiltying inheritance pilpityi Jarragan also gerndilng, janjibeng, janyoongba reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
Gooniyandi Orthoptera jaadoo unique missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
Gupapuyngu Orthoptera dhety inheritance simplex 0 0 0 0 0
Gurindji Orthoptera pilpilytyi pilpilytyi loan Jarragan WW %pilpiltyi underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Guugu Yimidhirr Orthoptera bundiil & yiijin bundiil & yiijin grasshopper & green grasshopper sp inheritance *puntilV pPaman As *punti+, pPama-Maric. /yiijin/ is cognate w KYim /yiljun/. underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Jaru Orthoptera bilbildyi pilpiltyi loan Jarragan WW %pilpiltyi uncoded 0 0 0 0 0 no
Jingulu Orthoptera kuratyaapa kuratyaapa unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Karajarri Orthoptera djinbalga cinpalka loan Yawuru underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Kija Orthoptera kirntilji kirntiltyi unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Koko-Bera Orthoptera PÉNGKVLPARVNY PÉNGKVLPARVÑ grasshopper unique simplex
Kuku-Thaypan Orthoptera andil andil inheritance *puntil(V) pPaman pPama-Maric *punti+; pKarnic *pinti underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Kuku-Yalanji Orthoptera jimu & yiljun jimu & yiljun unique /yiljun/ is cognate w GYim /yiijin/. underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Kurtjar Orthoptera ruaangkird ruaangkird unique underived eeny used as a generik with at least one species term 0 0 0 0 0 no
Kuuk Thaayorre Orthoptera punhk+rathulk; ruurr- ruurr-pungk+rathulk unique compound pungk 'knee' 0 0 0 0 0 no
Mangala Orthoptera carrcun carrcun unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Mbabaram Orthoptera bundí bundí loan Yidiny Yidiny /bundim/ Source could be Dyirbal /bundiñ/. underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Miriwung Orthoptera bilbildjing pilpiltying inheritance pilpiltyi Jarragan WW %pilpiltyi reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
Ngandi Orthoptera dyalma unknown simplex 0 0 0 0 0
Ngarinyin Orthoptera dadge dadge inheritance *rtarrke proto-Worrorran uncoded 0 0 0 0 0 no
Ngarluma Orthoptera watyapi inheritance 0 0 0 0 0
Ngumbarl Orthoptera jinÕbala <jinÕbala> inheritance underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Nimanburru Orthoptera dinj dinj diny diny inheritance reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
Nyangumarta Orthoptera wajapi wacapi unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Nyikina Orthoptera moorrkoo moorrkoo unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Nyulnyul Orthoptera laladj lalaj unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Pakanh Orthoptera athathim athathim unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Rembarrnga Orthoptera tyappurtentyhrtentyh unknown reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0
Ritharrngu Orthoptera rdapurrurru7 unknown simplex 0 0 0 0 0
Tjaapukay Orthoptera bundim puntim grasshopper inheritance *puntim pYTj To pPama-Maric *punti+. Forms like /pinti/ are very widespread underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Uw-Olkol Orthoptera udndil udndil grasshopper inheritance underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Uw-Oykangand Orthoptera udndil udndil grasshopper unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Walmajarri Orthoptera jarrjun tyarrtyun unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Wardaman Orthoptera belejejeman belejejeman unknown uncoded 0 0 0 0 0 no
Warlpiri Orthoptera jintilyka ~ kintilyka jintilyka loan Wati underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Wik Ngathan Orthoptera thatel thatvl grasshopper inheritance *catal pWesternCYP (??) Homophonous w 'thigh'; cognates incl 'thigh', 'frog', 'mudskipper'; attested (as *cata 'frog') as far as Gunwinyguan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Worrorra Orthoptera rdarrgenya rdarrgenya inheritance *rtarrke proto-Worrorran gender suffix -nya uncoded 0 0 0 0 0 no
Wubuy Orthoptera rtapurrurruk unknown 0 0 0 0 0
Wunambal Orthoptera ˈwɑŋɡuˈwɑŋɡɑḷ unique proto-Worrorran 0 0 0 0 0 no
Yan-nhangu Orthoptera ḻit'mirriŋu unique mirriŋu kinship term? simplex 0 0 0 0 0
Yawuru Orthoptera dyinybarlka jinybarlka inheritance underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Yidiny Orthoptera bundim (TC) & balmbiny (TC) puntim & palmpiñ inheritance *puntim pYTj To pPama-Maric *punti+. Forms like /pinti/ are very widespread underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Yir-Yoront Orthoptera pirtilt; lorr- lorr-pirtilt inheritance *punti+ pPama-Maric, with likely cognates as far away as Karnic phonological history in YYoront is problematic underived 0 0 0 0 0 no