
ISO 639-3
0.00°, 0.00°
Basic Vocabulary
Flora Fauna Vocabulary
Cultural Vocabulary
Ethnographic Information
Data Sources

Basic Vocabulary (185)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes General Notes Source
above encima, arriba acima location gandu- loan Ngarinyin
again de nuevo, otra vez de novo grammar beri inheritance
all todo todos other yawoorroobtha
and y e grammar X missing
ankle tobillo tornozelo body lengkal loan Ngarinyin
armpit axila, sobaco axila body woondoong inheritance
ash ceniza(s) cinzas environment boonang loan Ngarinyin
at en, a em, a location m inheritance
back espalda costas body ngagaj unique NJ
bad mal mal quality gelga- unique NJ
belly barriga barriga body jarambelng inheritance
below abajo, debajo abaixo location yiligin inheritance
big grande grande quality ngerregoowoong unique NJ
bite morder morder body jang inheritance
black negro preto colour manype inheritance
blood sangre sangue body garrngan unique NJ
blow soplar soprar body boomib inheritance
boil/pimple espinilla, granos espinha, borbulha body boolgoowoong unique NJ
bone hueso osso body yarriny inheritance
breast pecho, seno peito body gameng inheritance NGY
breathe respirar respirar body ngany inheritance
burn quemar queimar environment jagabbe unique
chew masticar, mascar mastigar body jangool inheritance
child niño, niña criança human woolaleng inheritance
climb subir subir motion berdin inheritance
cloud nube nuvem environment ngoomelng inheritance
cold frío frio quality wanka inheritance
come venir vir motion X missing
cook cocinar cozinhar impact woolthib unique
correct/true verdad, de veras verdade quality yijibbe inheritance
count contar contar mental X
cry llorar chorar mental nyurring inheritance
cut/hack cortar cortar impact gad inheritance
day día dia time miridmirid unique
die/be dead morir morrer state joowari inheritance
dig cavar cavar impact goorraj loan Jaminjung
dingo/wolf fauna jimirrang inheritance
dirty sucio sujo quality langgen unique
dream soñar sonhar mental gooning inheritance
drink beber, tomar beber body gurl inheritance
dry seco seco quality dilboo inheritance
dull/blunt sin filo, mocho, desafilado, embotado, romo maçante, desamolado, não afiado quality thalboong unique NJ
dust polvo poeira environment joordoong loan NGY
ear oreja orelha body ngarnderrang unique NJ
earth/soil tierra terra environment jilang inheritance
eat comer comer body jangab inheritance
egg huevo ovo fauna ngalyarrng unique
eye ojo olho body moorlng inheritance
faeces heces, mierda, excremento, estiércol fezes body googeng unique NJ
fall caer cair motion jid unique
far lejos longe quality marra-biny inheritance
fat/grease grasa gordura body ngandegeng loan Jaminjung
father padre, papá pai kinship ngabang inheritance
fear miedo medo mental jilba inheritance
feather pluma pena fauna minjalng inheritance
fire fuego fogo environment gajawooleng unique
fish xx xx fauna goondarring inheritance
flow fluir fluir motion X missing
flower flor flor environment thawaleng inheritance
fly volar voar motion duwurr inheritance
fog niebla, neblina nevoeira, bruma, neblina environment boondany unique
foot pie body yambalng inheritance
fruit fruta fruta flora maying inheritance
good bueno bom quality ngoondengi- unique NJ
grow crecer crescer state bad unique
hair (of head) cabello cabelo body yambarrang inheritance
hand mano mão body marlang loan NGY
3sg el/ella ele/ela grammar nawoo inheritance
head cabeza cabeça body goorroonyoong unique
hear oír ouvir mental rangga inheritance
heavy pesado pesado quality dinymerrng unique NJ
hide esconder esconder motion woorlaj unique NJ
hit golpear, pegar bater impact theb unique NJ
hold correr, asegurar, sostener segurar other roo unique NJ
how? como como grammar ?gaboob inheritance
1sg yo eu grammar ngayoo inheritance
if si se grammar X
in/inside dentro, adentro dentro location ngerooma unique
intestines intestinos intestinos body jarembelng unique
itch hormiguear, sentir comezón coçar body yirr unique NJ
kill matar matar impact delwan unique
know/be knowledgeable saber, conecer saber, conhecer mental mil unique NJ
lake lago lago environment baliboong unique NJ
laugh reír rir mental galbgalb inheritance
leaf hoja folha environment ganarrang inheritance
left/left hand izquierdo esquerdo location/body waregoong inheritance
leg/foot pierna perna body yambalng inheritance
lie down acostarse, echarse deitar motion yoog inheritance
lightning rayo, relámpago relampago environment jimilwiring inheritance
live/be alive vivir viver, morar body mooling unique NJ
liver hígado figado body meling inheritance
long largo comprido, longo quality larrgajang inheritance
louse piollo, piojo piolho fauna yalaleng unique NJ
lung pulmón pulmão body gawoogawoong inheritance
man/male hombre homem human jawaleng inheritance
meat/flesh carne carne fauna ngarin inheritance
moon luna lua environment garngeng inheritance
mother madre, mamá mãe kinship ngarrageng loan Ngarinyin
mouth boca boca body thoowerndeng inheritance
name nombre nome human yinginy inheritance
nape base del cuello, nuca nuca body thoowoong unique NJ
near/close cerca de perto quality dhumbu-ga- unique
neck cuello pescoço body jirawing unique NJ
new nuevo novo quality geleng inheritance
night noche noite time ngayidgeng unique
no/not no não grammar ngoowag inheritance
nose nariz nariz body nyoomboorr inheritance
old viejo velho quality gerlilebtha unique
one uno um number jerrawing inheritance
open/uncover abrir abrir other beng unique NJ
other otro outro grammar jerrawoo inheritance
pain/painful/sick dolor, doloroso, enfermo dor, doloroso, doente body warren inheritance
person/human being persona pessoa human jawaleng inheritance
pound/beat machacar, golpear bater impact daj inheritance
rain lluvia chuva environment yiwin loan Ward? NGY?
red rojo vermelho colour nganangbe inheritance
right/right hand derecha direita location/body joodoomiwadha loan NGY
road/path camino caminho manufacture banan inheritance
root raíz raiz flora bandhang unique NJ
rotten podrido podre quality bagoolng unique NJ
sand arena areia environment rerrawalng inheritance NJ
say decir dizer mental wurla loan Ngarinyin
scratch rascar rasgar impact yigarr unique NJ
see ver ver mental derd unique NJ
sharp afilado, filudo, filoso afiado quality jalgoorrng unique NJ
shoot tirar, disparar, balear atirar impact thelbawoob inheritance
short corto curto quality doodboong unique
shoulder hombro ombro body lawardeng inheritance
shy/ashamed tímido, vergonzoso timido, com vergonha mental ganybende inheritance
sit sentar(se) sentar state looloo unique
skin piel pele body mathin unique NJ
sky cielo céu environment ngandongoorroong unique NJ
sleep dormir dormir body yoog unique
small pequeño pequeno quality woothoong unique NJ
smoke humo fumaça environment genginy inheritance
sniff/smell olfatear, oler cheirar body ngooyi unique NJ
spit escupir cuspir body thebag inheritance
split partir, dividir rachar, dividir, partir impact lag inheritance
squeeze estrujar, exprimir espremer impact nem unique
stab/pierce apuñalar, acuchillar apunhalar impact loorrg unique NJ
stand estar de pié ficar em pé state jad loan Ngarinyin
star estrella estrela environment thamberralng unique NJ
steal robar roubar other thawoorrb unique NJ
stick/wood palo pau, vara flora gooleng inheritance
stone piedra pedra environment gerany inheritance
suck chupar chupar body joong inheritance
sweat sudar suor, suar body jirrileb unique NJ
swell hincharse inchar body roomba loan Ngarinyin
swim nadar nadar motion lilibbi unique
tail cola, rabo rabo body nyawang inheritance
that ese/esa esse grammar nganjang inheritance
3pl ellos/ellas eles/elas grammar boorroo inheritance
thick grueso, gordo, espeso grosso quality doodboong unknown
thin delgado fino quality larrgajang loan Jaminjung
think pensar pensar mental girr unique
this este/esta este grammar nganjaying inheritance
2sg xx xx grammar nyengoo inheritance
three tres tres number merrgen inheritance
throat garganta garganta body jirawing inheritance
throw tirar, lanzar atirar, jogar impact ngerr unique
thunder truenos trovão environment derroorr unique NJ
tie up/fasten atar, amarrar amarrar impact derlmerd unique
tongue lengua lingua body thalalang inheritance
tooth diente dente body therriny inheritance
turn girar, volter, torcer virar other luwurrg unique NJ
two dos dois number ganggoobeleng unique NJ
vomit vomitar vomitar body yoolageb unique
walk caminar, andar andar motion geli inheritance
water agua agua environment gelung inheritance
1pl.excl nosotros (exclusivo) nós (exclusivo) grammar yarroo inheritance
1pl.incl nosotros (inclusivo) nós (inclusivo) grammar yayi inheritance
wet mojado molhado quality gajoo inheritance
what? que, qué que grammar gaboo inheritance
when? cuando quando grammar gawoothag inheritance
where? donde onde grammar gama unique
white blanco branco colour thambalgbeng unique
who? quien, quién quem grammar gawoothaging inheritance
wife esposa esposa kinship ngulngany loan NGY
wind viento vento environment goonkirring inheritance
wing ala asa body badang unique NJ
woman/female mujer mulher human gawilang inheritance
work trabajar trabalhar other X
yawn bostezar bocejar body dabedab unique NJ
yellow amarillo amarelo colour garigoolng unique
2pl ustedes vocês grammar nenggurr inheritance

Flora Fauna Vocabulary (136)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
agile wallaby, river wallaby flora-fauna Macropus agilis walbawung walbawung inheritance warlpawu Jarragan underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
ant (generic) hormiga formiga flora-fauna Formicidae raging raging inheritance raki Jarragan WW %taparu underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Australian pelican flora-fauna Pelecanus conspicillatus dabarung dabarung inheritance taparu underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
Australian snubfin dolphin flora-fauna Orcaella heinsohnii missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
baler shell flora-fauna Melo amphora missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
bandicoot flora-fauna Peramelemorphia missing missing missing 0 0 0 0 0
barn owl flora-fauna Tyto alba mun.gawung mun.gawung unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
barramundi flora-fauna Lates calcarifer djaliwang djaliwang inheritance tyaliwa Jarragan underived 1 1 0 0 0 no
bat murciélago morcego flora-fauna Chiroptera spp ban.gal pankal inheritance parnkal Jarragan WW %pankal underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
bindii, caltrop flora-fauna Tribulus terrestris bagang unique 0 0 0 0 0 no
bird pajaro, ave passaro flora-fauna djigeng deriwun inheritance tyirike Jarragan WW %tyiriki underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
black-breasted buzzard flora-fauna Hamirostra melanosternon missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
black-faced cuckoo-shrike flora-fauna Coracina novaehollandiae yiruyirung yiruyirung unknown reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
black-headed python flora-fauna Aspidites melanocephalus missing missing 0 2 0 0 0 no
black-soil yam flora-fauna Ipomoea diamantinensis djanggalan djanggalan unknown underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
bloodwood flora-fauna Eucalyptus (Corymbia) bleeseri delinjdjin delinjdjin inheritance thelinytye Jarragan underived 0 1 1 0 0 no
blowfly maggots flora-fauna Diptera, Sarcophagidae missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
blue-tongue lizard flora-fauna Tiliqua species lumugeng lumugeng inheritance lumuku Jarragan WW %luma underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
blue-winged kookaburra flora-fauna Dacelo leachii degagarang degagarang inheritance thelgagara Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
bluebone flora-fauna Choerodon cyanodus missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
brolga flora-fauna Grus rubicunda gurandal gurandal inheritance kurrantal Jarragan WW %kurrantal underived 1 0 0 0 0 no
brown goshawk flora-fauna Accipiter fasciatus garrgang garrgang inheritance karrkany Jarragan WW %karrkiny underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
brush-tailed possum flora-fauna Trichosurus vulpecula guman guman inheritance kuman Jarragan also nanggung cf Kija underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
bush cockroach flora-fauna (many species) 'gundu'gundulung unique missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
bush stone-curlew flora-fauna Burhinus grallarius windugung wintukung loan into protolanguage wirntiku Jarragan WW %wintuku underived 1 0 0 0 0 no
bush tobacco flora-fauna Lobelia quadrangularis walayerang walayerang inheritance warlayerra Jarragan underived 0 0 0 1 0 no
bush turkey, Australian bustard flora-fauna Ardeotis australis djamud djamud inheritance tyamut Jarragan underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
bush yam flora-fauna Vigna lanceolata var. lanceolata walanggalng walanggalng unknown underived 0 1 2 0 1 no
butterfly, moth mariposa borboleta flora-fauna Lepidoptera walimarrgung walimarrgung inheritance walimarrku Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
carpet snake flora-fauna Morelia spilota missing 0 1 0 0 0
caterpillar flora-fauna Lepidoptera missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
catfish flora-fauna (many species) djadjan djadjan inheritance tyatyan Jarragan underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
centipede ciempiés centopéia flora-fauna Chilopoda, Myriapoda bilgulang bilgulang inheritance pirrkula Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
channel-billed cuckoo flora-fauna Scythops novaehollandiae gurawurang gurawurang inheritance kurrakurra Jarragan WW %kurrakurra reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
crested pigeon flora-fauna Ocyphaps lophotes yalumberara? yalumberara? unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
darter/cormorant flora-fauna Anhinga melanogaster, Phalacrocorax species garranggarrang garranggarrang inheritance karrangkarrang Jarragan reduplicated 0 1 0 0 0 no
death adder, five-minute snake flora-fauna Acanthophis praelongus ngadharrng ngadharrng unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 yes
dingo flora-fauna Canis familiaris dingo djimirang djimirang inheritance tyimirra Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
dog (camp, domestic) perro cachorro flora-fauna Canis familiaris djulang djulang inheritance tyula Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
duck pato pato, marreco flora-fauna Anatidae djibilyiwung djibilyiwung inheritance tyipilyiku Jarragan WW %tyipilyu underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
dugong flora-fauna Dugon dugong missing missing 1 1 0 0 0 no
earthworm flora-fauna Annelida, Oligochaeta wanambing wanambing semantic shift? fr wanambi snake? WW %wanampi underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
emu flora-fauna Dromaius novaehollandiae madjugung madjugung inheritance matyuku Jarragan underived 2 1 2 0 0 no
fish (generic) pez peixe flora-fauna gundarring gundarring inheritance kurntarri Jarragan underived 0 1 0 0 0 N/A
flower flora-fauna (NA) dawalang dawalang inheritance thawarle Jarragan should be thawalang on basis of other Jarragan lgs underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
blowfly/housefly mosca mosca flora-fauna Diptera buneng buneng inheritance purnu Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
flying-fox (generic) flora-fauna (many species) ganburinj ganburiny unknown cf. Wardaman ganben underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
freshwater crocodile flora-fauna Crocodylus johnstoni derinjenggen derinjenggen unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
freshwater mussel flora-fauna Velesunio wilsoni gerrawung gerrawung inheritance kerrawu Jarragan underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
freshwater prawn flora-fauna Macrobrachium rosenbergii djilginj djilginj inheritance tyilki Jarragan WW %tyilkiny underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
frill-necked lizard flora-fauna Chlamydosaurus kingii gedan gedan inheritance kertan Jarragan underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
frog (generic) flora-fauna (many species) ngaldjan ngaldjan unique also palngawun<proto-form WW %ngaltya underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
galah flora-fauna Eolophus roseicapilla kirrkalaŋ unique 0 0 0 0 0
turtle (generic) flora-fauna (many species) ngulurrng ngulurrng unknown underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
ghost gum flora-fauna Eucalyptus papuana (Corymbia bella) walarring walarring inheritance warlarri Jarragan underived 2 0 1 0 0 no
goanna (generic) or sand goanna flora-fauna Varanus spp guding guding inheritance kurti Jarragan WW %walarri underived 0 1 2 0 0 no
grass hierba, pasto capim, grama flora-fauna (NA) ramang ramang inheritance rama Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
grasshopper flora-fauna Orthoptera bilbildjing pilpiltying inheritance pilpiltyi Jarragan WW %pilpiltyi reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
great bowerbird flora-fauna Chlamydera nuchalis djuwidganeng djuwidganeng inheritance tyuwity-SUFF Jarra underived 1 0 0 0 0 no
green ant flora-fauna Oecophylla smaragdina ngubedgung ngubedgung unknown underived 0 2 2 0 0 no
green sea turtle flora-fauna Chelonia mydas ngulurrng ngulurrng unknown underived 1 1 0 0 0 no
green tree snake flora-fauna Dendrelaphis punctulata missing missing 0 2 0 0 0 no
head/body lice flora-fauna Pediculus capitis, Pediculus humanus yalaleng yalaleng inheritance yalale Jarragan cf. Kija yalaliny underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
horse caballo cavalho flora-fauna Equus caballus yawadang yawadang loan Jaru WW from SW Aus WW %yawarta underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
hummingbird colibrí, picaflor (Peru) beija-flor flora-fauna Trochilidae milparrpekeŋ unique missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
humpback whale flora-fauna Megaptera novaeangliae missing missing 1 1 0 0 0 no
insect (generic) insecto insecto flora-fauna generic gundugundulung gundugundulung unknown reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
jabiru flora-fauna Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus maliŋtyiŋ unique 0 0 0 0 0
jungle-fowl (scrub-fowl) flora-fauna Megapodius freycinet guluguldjung guluguldjung unknown rel to NGY tyiya? reduplicated 0 1 0 0 0 no
kangaroo (generic) flora-fauna Macropodidae djireng djireng inheritance tyiyirre Jarragan underived 2 1 0 0 0 no
land snail flora-fauna Gastropoda missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
magpie goose flora-fauna Anseranas semipalmata munamang munamang inheritance munama Jarragan underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
military dragon flora-fauna Ctenophorus isolepis, Diporiphora spp., Lophognathus spp. missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
mosquito mosquito, zancudo mosquito, carapana flora-fauna Anopheles spp, Isoptera njiwunj njiwunj inheritance nyiwiuny Jarragan WW %nyiwuny underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
mud wasp, hornet flora-fauna (many species) burrngunngun burrngunngun inheritance purrngunngun Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
native bee flora-fauna (many species) nanggaleng nanggaleng inheritance nangkale Jarragan ground honey' 'beswax' in other languages WW %nangkale underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
native cat flora-fauna Dasyurus ngandjalang ngandjalang unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
northern brown bandicoot flora-fauna Isoodon macrourus njinggiyugeng njinggiyugeng unknown underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
northern kurrajong flora-fauna Brachychiton diversifolius wulawulang wulawulang inheritance wulawula Jarragan reduplicated 0 1 no? 0 0 no
nut tree flora-fauna Terminalia grandifolia badiging badiging inheritance partiki Jarragan WW %partiki underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
octopus flora-fauna Octopus australis missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
pandanus palm flora-fauna Pandanus spiralis wiyinbung wiyinbung inheritance wiyinpe Jarragan underived 1 1 0 0 1 no
paperbark flora-fauna Melaleuca sericea, Melaleuca stenostachya mendang mendang inheritance mernta Jarragan underived 0 0 1 0 0 no
peaceful dove flora-fauna Geopelia placida gulududug gulududug inheritance kulututuk Jarragan reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
pearlshell flora-fauna Pinctada spp djaguli djaguli loan Worrorra WW %tyakuli underived 1 1 0 0 1 no
peewee flora-fauna Gryllina cyanoleuca wuriyibeng wuriyibeng unique underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
pied butcherbird flora-fauna Cracticus nigrogularis gulbiranggul gulbiranggul inheritance kulpirrangkul Jarragan WW WW %kurrparu underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
pike eel flora-fauna Muraenesox arabicus missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
praying mantis, stick insects mantis religiosa louva-a-deus flora-fauna Mantodea missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
prickle bush flora-fauna Sclerolaena bicornis missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
quail (generic) flora-fauna Coturnix species, Turnix species bunbururugung bunbururugung unique reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
red river gum flora-fauna Eucalyptus camaldulensis dimalan dimalan loan Western Mirndi ALSO %MALAN, ti< Mirndi masc? but very widespread WW %timalan underived 2 0 1 0 1 no
red-tailed black-cockatoo flora-fauna Calyptorhynchus banksi deran deran inheritance terran Jarragan WW %tirra underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
riflefish, archerfish flora-fauna Toxotes chatareus luwarreng luwarreng inheritance leparre Jarragan WW %leparre underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
river mangrove flora-fauna Aegicera corniculatum malawan malawan inheritance malawan Jarragan underived 0 0 2 0 1 no
rock fig flora-fauna Ficus brachypoda nambulang nambulang loan river fig, not rock fig; Jam nampul 'nits' >fig by resemblance of seeds underived 0 1 0 0 0 no
sacred kingfisher flora-fauna Todiramphus sancta djigereng djigereng inheritance tyikere Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
saltwater crocodile flora-fauna Crocodylus porosus dherrmad dherrmad unknown borrowed into Malngin underived 2 2 0 0 0 yes
saltwater mussel flora-fauna Mytilidae missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
sawfish flora-fauna Pristis pectinata ngandjalang missing missing 1 0 0 0 0 yes
scorpion escorpión; alacran escorpião flora-fauna Arachnida, Scorpiones bin.gudjeng bin.gudjeng inheritance pinkutye Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
shark (generic) flora-fauna Selachimorpha gayawung gayawung unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 variable
shell (generic) flora-fauna rumbeng rumbeng unknown underived 0 1 0 0 1 no
short-beaked echidna flora-fauna Tachyglossus aculeatus galaminang galaminang inheritance kalamina N.Jarragan underived 0 2 0 0 0 no
snake (generic) culebra, serpiente cobra flora-fauna ngandjuwarrng ngandjuwarrng inheritance ngantyuwarr Jarragan King Brown>snake underived 0 1 0 0 0 N/A
snappy gum flora-fauna Eucalyptus brevifolia missing missing 0 0 1 0 0 no
spider araña aranha flora-fauna Arachnida, Araneae manggadheng manggadheng inheritance mangkathe Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
spinifex flora-fauna Triodia species missing missing 0 0 2 0 0 no
spoonbills (yellow-billed spoonbill, black-billed spoonbill) flora-fauna Platalea flavipes, Platalea regia milngudungngudung milngudungngudung inheritance mirrngutungutu Jarragan reduplicated 0 0 0 0 0 no
stingray (generic) rayas látigo, raya arraia flora-fauna Dasyatidae missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 variable
stripe-faced dunnart flora-fauna Sminthopsis macroura waluwudbugeng waluwudbugeng inheritance warluwujpi Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
sugarbag wax flora-fauna nganing nganing inheritance ngarni Jarragan underived 1 1 0 0 0 no
sulphur-crested cockatoo flora-fauna Cacatua galerita ngalmaring ngalmaring inheritance ngalmarri Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
swamp eel flora-fauna Ophisternon gutturale missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
swamp leech flora-fauna Annelida, Hirudinea missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
tawny frogmouth flora-fauna Podargus strigoides gurrgurrdjing gurrgurrdjing inheritance kurrkurrtyi Jarragan WW %kurrkurr derived 0 0 0 0 0 no
termite mounds, ant hills flora-fauna Isoptera munggung munggung loan Bunuba Bun milnggu; Jam munkut; Walm mungku WW %mungku underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
termites, white-ants comején (Peru), termitas cupim flora-fauna (many species) malureng malureng unknown underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
ti-tree flora-fauna Melaleuca bracteata munggelng munggelng unknown underived 0 0 1 0 0 no
tick garrapata carrapato flora-fauna Arachnida, Acarina missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 no
tiger shark flora-fauna Galeocerdo cuvier missing missing 0 0 0 0 0 yes
torresian crow flora-fauna Corvus orru wanggerang wanggerang inheritance wangkarn Jarragan WW %wangkurri underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
tree árbol arvore flora-fauna (NA) guleng guleng inheritance kulpe Jarragan underived 0 0 0 0 0 no
waterlily flora-fauna Nymphaea macrosperma nageng nageng unique underived 0 1 2 0 0 no
wattle flora-fauna Acacia difficilis wirriling wirriling loan Gooniyandi Goon warrkarli > Mir k deleted by lenition? underived 0 0 1 0 1 no
wedge-tailed eagle flora-fauna Aquila audax waranang waranang loan Nyulnyulan? arriwana<*karriwana Nyulnyulan? WW %warrana underived 1 0 0 0 0 no
willie wagtail flora-fauna Rhipidura leucophrys djiridgeng djiridgeng inheritance tyikirrity Jarragan tyikirrity>tyirrity by lenition? underived 1 0 0 0 0 no
witchetty grub flora-fauna (many species) ladjeng ladjeng inheritance latye Jarragan WW %latyu underived 0 1 2 0 0 no
woma flora-fauna Aspidites ramsayii missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
ant (generic) hormiga formiga flora-fauna raging inheritance
bird pajaro, ave passaro flora-fauna jigeng inheritance
blowfly/housefly mosca mosca flora-fauna booneng inheritance
dog (camp, domestic) perro cachorro flora-fauna joolang inheritance ?old loan from Worrorran
grass hierba, pasto capim, grama flora-fauna ramang unique NJ
snake (generic) culebra, serpiente cobra flora-fauna nganjoowarrng inheritance
spider araña aranha flora-fauna manggatheng inheritance

Cultural Vocabulary (113)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
armband dress pinpin inheritance WW %pinpin cf. Jam.pinypiny also cane sp. From which they were made
axe/stone axe hacha (de piedra) machado (de pedra) subsistence tool lithpurrk inheritance WW %litypurrk Gaj. Lijperrk, also Jam. Lijpurrk;also nininy, mantiyany; stone ane axe menintheleng
basket (general) canasta, canasto, cesta cesto culture-material yawuny inheritance WW %yawuny dug out coolamon; Kija, Gaj.
boomerang/throwing stick (generic) subsistence tool kurrupartu inheritance WW %kurrupartu also warrakang,
clapsticks culture-mythology kanpity loan direction unknown WW %karnpity possibly from Jarragan , but -ij><-ak in lgs not explained
clothing ropa roupa culture-mythology wapawapang loan Jingulu WW %wapawapa dress < Wambaya 'skin'
club (nulla-nulla) subsistence tool pakung loan Jingulu WW %parrku parrku, also Wambaya
corpse food tyuwaring inheritance WW %tyuwari dead perspn
digging stick subsistence tool kurratykang derived kurraty 'dig' SUFFIX derived
dream sueño, soñar sonho, sonhar culture-mythology kuni inheritance WW %kuni
earth oven food kurrku loan Jaru WW %kurrku has hole in ground meaning in Ngumoin
fire drill subsistence tool kungkale loan Jingulu WW %kungkale
fishing line cordel/cuerda p/ pescar, sedal, tanze linha de pesca subsistence tool watyamang derived WW %watyama waty is 'throw' in Jaru and other lgs ; ama- is a derivational suffix cf, katamang 'knife' <kat cut. derived
game animal caza, animal de caza caça, animal de caça food ngarin inheritance WW %ngarin Gaj. Ngartin
initiation (circumcision) culture-mythology unknown WW %waling initiand
ochre culture-mythology tangkang inheritance WW %tangka red ochre;yellow o. palat, pungkalng; proto-Mirndi? Jing. Wamb. Dankurra yellow ochreyellow o. kuntalng yellow cf. jaminjung kuntarrng yellow pollen
paint body, body paint pintura corporal pintura corporal culture-mythology ngamal unique WW %mernta coverb
string (from vine) culture-material ngalang inheritance WW %ngala made from ngalwang tree cf. Kija ngerlam
tea food nalityan loan Mudburra WW %nalitya from plant nalij; final -n unusual; also tiyeng <English
tobacco (European) narcotics walayarang semantic shift WW %nguntyu from bush tobacco?
wax cera cera other talang inheritance WW %tarla beeswax; also kankarrng;semantic change? Kija tarla wax lid in beehive
white paint culture-mythology kalateng inheritance WW %kaltyi Gaj. Kaltyeng white clay
bottle botella garrafa acculturation mulungun loan direction unknown WW %mulukun glass spearhead 'bottle'
drone pipe culture-mythology kulumpung loan direction unknown WW %kulumpung goes E from Jarragan
headband dress pentuwalung loan direction unknown WW %pentewale may be jarragan inheritance spread widely from there
public song cycle culture-mythology tyunpa loan direction unknown WW %tyunpa from N. Kimberley?
speartip subsistence tool tyimpilang loan direction unknown WW %tyimpila quartz/glass spearhead
tobacco (native) narcotics nguntyukang loan direction unknown WW %walayarra also walayarang
shelter (native) other missing
pestle pilón, mano de mortero, mazo, moledor mão de pilão subsistence tool mantalng inheritance Gaj same; Kija manjany
spear (fighting) subsistence tool nguni loan Wardaman Ward. Ngone 'spear;
song (for entertainment) culture-mythology tyunpa loan direction unknown from N. Kimberley?
fish (with line) anzuelear, pescar con linea pescar (com linha) food watyamap loan direction unknown
song (generic) canción, canto canção culture-mythology yerinting loan direction unknown WW %yarinti song type; sorcery song in some other lgs. Cf. Anmaty. Arreny 'song'
love song culture-mythology yirrpintyi loan Arrernte WW %ilpintyi sorcerer's song'; Arr. Ilpityi
salt sal sal food karram loan direction unknown WW %kerrela Gaj. Kerrelang
spirit child culture-mythology wipiliring loan direction unknown WW %wipiliri spiri;t of dead man; returns as child; yimarum in E.
afterworld, land of dead, Heaven tierra do los muertos terra dos mortos culture-mythology missing
awl subsistence tool missing
bag (string) culture-material missing
bait for fishing cebo, carnada para pescar, empate (Peru) isca subsistence tool kerung unique
body feather decorations culture-mythology mintyalng semantic shift feather
boomerang (number 7) subsistence tool missing
boomerang (small) subsistence tool missing
bowl (coolamon) culture-material walanaring unique type of coolamon
broom escoba vassoura culture-material missing
canoe canoa canoa transport malampeng unknown log for swimming, boat
cat gato gato acculturation ngirrngeleng inheritance semantic shift <spirit type cf Kija,
chicken gallina galinha acculturation missing
cicatrice culture-mythology kamerreng inheritance
cook food food wulthip unique
cook in earth oven food kiyintyek kila- unique cover food in earth ovem
damper food missing
dance (generic) culture-mythology warrk inheritance coverb
dipper (small coolamon) subsistence tool missing several entries 'type of coolamon' but no detail of a dipper type
dreaming culture-mythology parrpang semantic shift Gaj. Parrkpang 'dreaming place; possibly complex <coverb parrk ?
fire-saw other missing
fireplace hogar lareira other katyawulang unique fire, firewood
firewood leña lenha other katyawulang unique fire, firewood
fish poison barbasco, matapez (Colombia) timbó subsistence tool malawany inheritance river mangrove leaves used as f.p.
fish (with fish-poison) pescar con barbasco, barbasquear pescar com timbó; tinguijar food wurrpat kani- missing also tyaluwip kani-
fish (with spear) food missing
fishtrap (permanent) subsistence tool missing thep kani- make a fish traap
fishtrap (woven) subsistence tool missing driving fish with roll of grass called kerlkip in Gaj.
flour (bush) food missing
flour (European) food missing
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio espirito culture-mythology tyumung inheritance Gaj. Tyumeng; also tyarinyin
glue subsistence tool piriwiring unique edible gum of trees used as glue
grave tumba, sepultura, sepulcro sepultura, sepulcro, cova culture-mythology missing
grog food kelung semantic shift < water, inheritance
gun arma, escopeta espingarda, fusil acculturation missing thelpawup shoot
hair belt dress kutang inheritance
hat sombero chapéu dress narangkany unknown
healer curandero benzador, curandeiro, kumu (Tukano) culture-mythology paramanpeng inheritance magincal-power HAVING complex
honey miel mel food ngareng inheritance
house (European) other pulming semantic shift < nest; word not apparely inheritance or lobvious loan
hunt cazar caçar food tyuk inheritance
initiation (circumcision) culture-mythology missing
knife cuchillo faca culture-material katamang inheritance kat 'cut' {NOT English loan) SUFF complex
loincloth taparrabos, guayuco, pampanilla tanga, tapa-sexo dress wapurrng
mangrove raft transport missing
medicine narcotics missing
message stick culture-mythology missing
mortar mortero pilão subsistence tool missing its mother -ie of the muller
net subsistence tool kalarr inheritance also Gaj;made from kanpalung Livistona spp.
nosepeg other guriling inheritance in Gaj not Kija
paddle/oar remo remo transport missing
paper papel papel acculturation menta semantic shift < paperbark; inheritance
pipe for tobacco pipa cachimbo other missing
policeman polícia policía acculturation tyentupang inheritance string (tyentu) HAING complex
red paint culture-mythology kamanterang unknown red ochre also tangkang
resin resina, brea, copal resina, brea, breu subsistence tool katyarrang inheritance spinifex resin
school escuela escola acculturation missing
shoes zapatos sapatos dress yampalng semantic shift from foot
skirt falda, saya, fustan, pollera saia culture-material missing
spear lanza lança subsistence tool tuwun unknown in Gaj also
spear (fishing) subsistence tool wayang loan wire; also yiraking
spearthrower subsistence tool ngawaleng semantic shift <corkwood tree, main timber for w.
string (from hair) culture-material tyentung inheritance string in general; hair bel kutangt
sugar acculturation missing
tree coffin culture-mythology missing
windbreak other missing
yandy (n) culture-material missing
rope/string mecate, cuerda, soga corda culture jendoong inheritance
thatch/roof crisneja palha, caraná culture-material X missing
bottom grinding stone manufacture barlawarn unique
digging stick subsistence tool ganiny inheritance
winnow aventar, tirar (sementes) joeirar manufacture X
top grinding stone metate, mano; piedra de moler metate, mano manufacture mandalng inheritance
boomerang/throwing stick (generic) subsistence tool warragang unique
spearthrower subsistence tool ngawaleng inheritance
spear lanza lança subsistence tool doowoon loan
house other mayaroong loan Marrngu

Ethnographic Information
Current Population (speakers) Former Population Estimate Subsistence Preference Density Sedentism Ecotome Marriage Pattern Notes Source
medium HG low mobile unknown