dance (generic)

Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Cahuilla čeŋen to dance inheritance *cyngy Takic Stubbs 1254 usually 'to kick' simplex root Seiler & Hioki 1979
Cupeño tan-in to dance inheritance *tani Cupan Stubbs 637; also in Lu, might be loan derived root plus thematic suffix Hill & Nolasquez 1973
Luiseño pelaxish generic dance unique derived, other complex Elliott 1999
Gabrielino yah-kā-ēCH ya:key H564 a dance inheritance *yawai Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 635a other complex Merriam 49:113
Serrano tuhtu' to dance inheritance *tawiya Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 634 simplex root K. Hill Dict.
Kitanemuk tuhtu' dance, gen. inheritance *tawiya Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 634 simplex root Anderton 1988
Tübatulabal mūluwat to dance inheritance *muLawi Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 637 other complex K. Hill Tb>Eng
Bankalachi Toloim mo-loo-ŏt dance inheritance *muLawi Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 637 other complex Merriam 49:201
Kawaiisu nyka- to dance inheritance *nykkaC Numic Stubbs 633 simplex root Zigmond et al. 1990
Chemehuevi nykapY wardance, ghost dance (nykapI) inheritance *nykkaC Numic Stubbs 633 derived Harrington Chemehuevi Noun List (K. Hill 1969)
Southern Paiute wy7y- to dance (identical with wy7y- to fall?) inheritance *wy7y Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 833a; Southern Numic only in sense of 'dance', means also 'to fall"; llnHka- plur. Subj. 146 for S. Ute simplex root Sapir
Southern Ute wi7i to dance inheritance *wy7y Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 833a; Southern Numic only in sense of 'dance', means also 'to fall"; llnHka- plur. Subj. 146 simplex Givon
Tümpisa Shoshone nykka(n) dance inheritance *nykkaC Numic Stubbs 2011 633 simplex Dayley 1989
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone nykkah to dance inheritance *nykkaC Numic Stubbs 2011 633 simplex Crapo 1976
Comanche nyhkary dance inheritance *nykkaC Numic Stubbs 2011 633 simplex Robinson & Armagost 1990
Western Mono nyga- to dance inheritance *nykkaC Numic Stubbs 2011 633 simplex Loether & Bethel 1993
Northern Paiute nuga dance inheritance *nykkaC Numic Stubbs 2011 633 simplex Yerington 1987
Southern Sierra Miwok kala:-ng- to dance inheritance *kala(?) Proto-Utian Callaghan 1997:50 other complex ka:l 'to kick with heel" Broadbent 1964
Central Sierra Miwok kalá:-ng- to dance inheritance *kala(?) Proto-Utian Callaghan 1997:50 other complex Freeland & Broadbent 1960
Northern Sierra Miwok kalty- to dance, to tramp inheritance *kala(?) Proto-Utian Callaghan 1997:50 other complex kala:ŋ-y- to kick with heel Callaghan 1987
Plains Miwok lem:a- to dance unique other complex Callaghan 1984
Lake Miwok lákih to dance, a dance inheritance *laxiš Proto-Miwok-Mutsun Callaghan 1962:103 simplex Callaghan 1965
Maidu wetém dance unique Callaghan 2001:223 says matches PY *wotHij other complex has -im suffix Shipley 1963
Nisenan wo:m dance unique also pajjo simplex Uldall & Shipley 1966
Yokuts Yawelmani ha:tham dance inheritance *ha:tham Proto-Nim-Yokuts perhaps Yokutian: Callaghan 2001:339 simplex Golla 1964
Yokuts Yawdanchi ka'm dance inheritance perhaps Yokutian: Callaghan 2001:340; Merriam confirms 44:355 'any dance' simplex Kroeber 1907
Yokuts Palewyami het-tim' a dance inheritance Proto-Yokutsan see Yawelmani; Kroeber has wod-oiyits 'to dance' derived Berman 2002
Washo 7ló:š to dance unknown simplex Washo Project Dictionary
Wintu čuna to dance inheritance čHono Proto-Wintun Shepherd 2006:74 derived Schlichter 1981
Yuki wok'- dance, sing inheritance *wok' Proto-North Yukian simplex Schlichter 1985
Wappo 7olólmi7 dance unknown looks loan-y, may have Wintun 7ol 'up' prefix simpex Sawyer 1965
Mutsun čitte- to dance inheritance Proto-Costanoan Rumsen či:te Callaghan 1992; also in Sta Clara Henshaw in Heizer 1955 simplex Okrand 1977
Esselen mepV-, mef dance unknown also lelima 'a dance simplex Shaul 1995
Salinan A ca:wena:ni dance (V) (ceremonial?) unknown Proto-Salinan derived suffix -ni Mason 1918
Salinan M sawine/ dance unknown Proto-Salinan simplex Mason 1918
Chumash Obispeno qinatSi bailar inheritance Proto-Chumashan atyi = axi derived qi- an IP Harrington
Chumash Ineseno axi-kum to dance inheritance Proto-Central Chumash derived Applegate 1972
Chumash Barbareno 7expén sing, dance unknown nïw 'dance' Wash 2001:247 simplex Beeler 1978
Chumash Ventureno 7axinal' to dance inheritance Proto-Southern Chumash also wïwïn Mamet 2008:77 derived axi-nal' ITER-to.g Mamet 2008
Iipay 'Aa iimaa dances inheritance *ma(7) Proto-Yuman Mixco 1978:84 simplex Couro & Hutcheson 1973
Cocopa 7i:má to dance inheritance *ma(7) Proto-Yuman Mixco 1978:84 simplex Crawford 1989
Mojave iima=k dance inheritance *ma(7) Proto-Yuman Mixco 1978:84 Munro et al. 1992
Yavapai imá dance inheritance *ma(7) Proto-Yuman Mixco 1978:84 simplex Shaterian 1983
Kiliwa h+ima dance inheritance *-ma(7) Proto-Yuman Mixco 1978:84 derived Mixco 1985
Seri (Comcaac) cooit to dance unknown simplex Moser & Marlett 2005
Kakua ʔew sing, dance (?) Unknown Simplex See Language page
Nheengatu purasi Inheritance *poratsej Proto-Tupi-Guarani Simplex Schleicher 1998 reconstructs See Language page
Waorani ã-wa Doubtful loan Carib Source language might be Arawak, but no lexical evidence; no known contact with Caribs See Language page
Hodï bẽʰlã ʰtɨ̃ ʰtɨ̃ Unique Other complex See Language page
Yanomami praia ritual dance form in center of plaza Inheritance Proto-Yanomami Alternate: shiwahio (terms for ritual dance for presentation in the central plaza); hẽri (ritual dance), imɨkɨ yokoaɨ and imɨkɨ yokoyokomou (dance involving raising and lowering of the arms) Simplex -i marker of verbs? See Language page
Yanomam heɾi Inheritance Proto-Yanomamo? Not attested in Sanuma; Alternate: pɾaɨa Simplex See Language page
Ninam heli Inheritance Proto-Yanomamo? Not attested in Sanuma. Alternate: raɨa, hakamo Simplex See Language page
Kotiria basa inheritance Proto-East Tukanoan dahpo tira Waltz) Compound lit. tener pie (to have/of feet) See Language page
Cubeo upa-jɨ Unique See Language page
Tukano basâ inheritance Proto-East Tukanoan Simplex See Language page
Desano baja-ri sing, dance inheritance Proto-East Tukanoan Simplex See Language page
Maihiki ono ote- Unique Also: oteji Compound ono= drink(noun); oteyi= to dance See Language page
Hup yám- dance, since kapiwaya Inheritance Proto-Nadahup Simplex See Language page
Dâw jam Inheritance Proto-Nadahup See Language page
Sikuani natonahia to dance Unknown See Language page
Macaguan jawíp Unknown Simplex See Language page
Pemon manunnö Inheritance Pemongan subgroup See Language page
Akawaio manunnö Inheritance Pemongan subgroup See Language page
Makushi mananu Inheritance Pemongan subgroup See Language page
Eñepa otatʃima Unique See Language page
Yukuna aɾápaʔakahe Inheritance Proto Rio Negro Derived kahe 'type' - nominalizer? See Language page
Tariana ɾápa Inheritance Proto North Arawak Simplex See Language page
Wapishana kʰunaɨpʰa-n Unknown Simplex See Language page
Baniwa ɻápa Inheritance Proto Rio Negro Simplex See Language page
Resígaro adotú Unknown Simplex See Language page
Yir-Yoront woy dance, song, ceremony inheritance *wuuci Local To KThaayorre wuuc.
Nyulnyul borrb majan inheritance
Yan-nhangu buŋgul inheritance
Dhay’yi buŋgul inheritance
Burarra buŋgul loan Yolŋu
Dhangu burr'yun REDO - noun not verb
Yawuru burrb inheritance
Jabirr-Jabirr burrb inheritance
Gumatj girityirr(i) inheritance
Dhuwal girityirr(i) REDO - noun not verb
Gupapuyngu girityirri REDO - noun not verb
Mangala kawilya loan direction unknown Walmajarri
Karajarri maru unique means ‘black’ in other languages in the region
Ngumbarl <nooloo, boorup> inheritance
Ngarluma ŋurruŋurru unique
Nyikina purrp inheritance
Bardi purrp inheritance
Ritharrngu rlambu7yun unique
Nyangumarta tyurrka pini- (V3) unique
Yulparija tyurrkapuŋu inheritance
Djinang walŋirri-dyi REDO - noun not verb
Walmajarri kawilya loan direction unknown Mangala not in dict not in dict
Mudburra parntini loan direction unknown WW %parntimi women's dance = parntimi women's dance = parntimi
Jaru ngarl- inheritance verb
Gurindji warrkap wanytyanana loan Gajirrabeng warrk/warrkep also Kija; +ep/ap activity warrk/warrkep also Kija; +ep/ap activity
Gooniyandi purity inheritance WW %purity also Kija 'play'
Bunuba purity inheritance play, dance play, dance
Djapu girityirr(i) REDO - noun not verb
Kija warrk inheritance WW %warrk coverb
Jingulu ngarlakatyka inheritance fdancing from ngarla- 'dance' complex
Miriwung warrk inheritance coverb
Wardaman loyi- unknown verb
Lokono binin binin dance Pet 1987:355
Kariña uwa uwa dance Yamada 2010:822