
South America
ISO 639-3
5.64°, -56.92°
Basic Vocabulary
Flora Fauna Vocabulary
Cultural Vocabulary
Data Sources
Fanshawe, D.B. 1949. Glossary of Arawak Names in Natural History. IJAL 15.1: 57-74. Patte, Marie-France. 2011. La langue arawak de Guyane. Marseille: IRD Éditions.

Basic Vocabulary (192)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes General Notes Source
1pl.excl nosotros (exclusivo) nós (exclusivo) grammar we we 1st PL. Pet 1987:23
1pl.incl nosotros (inclusivo) nós (inclusivo) grammar we we 1st PL. Pet 1987:23
1sg yo eu grammar de de 1st SG. Pet 1987:23
2pl ustedes vocês grammar hi hi 2nd PL. Pet 1987:23
2sg xx xx grammar bi bi 2nd SG. Pet 1987:23
3pl ellos/ellas eles/elas grammar ne ne 3rd PL. H. Pet 1987:23
3sg el/ella ele/ela grammar li li 3rd SG. Pet 1987:23
above encima, arriba acima location adi adi greater than, above Pet 1987:82
again de nuevo, otra vez de novo grammar ba ba again Pet 1987:349
all todo todos other halhan halan all Pet 1987:349
and y e grammar ken ken and Pet 1987:349
ankle tobillo tornozelo body toro toɾo ankle Pet 1987:72
armpit axila, sobaco axila body
ash ceniza(s) cinzas environment balisi balisi ash Pet 1987:350
at en, a em, a location amyn amɨn at Pet 1987:350
back espalda costas body abo abo back Pet 1987:350
bad mal mal quality wakhajan wakʰajan bad Pet 1987:350
bark corteza casca environment eda eda skin, bark DeGoeje 1928:128
belly barriga barriga body te(-hy) te(-hɨ) belly Pet 1987:351
below abajo, debajo abaixo location
big grande grande quality firon ɸiɾon big Pet 1987:351
bite morder morder body rydyn ɾɨdɨn bite Pet 1987:351
black negro preto colour kharemen kʰaɾemen black Pet 1987:351
blood sangre sangue body ythy (-hy) ɨtʰɨ (-hɨ) blood Pet 1987:351
blow soplar soprar body fodyn ɸodɨn blow (with mouth or wind) Pet 1987:351
boil/pimple espinilla, granos espinha, borbulha body kakolhothima kalkoɽotʰima boil Pet 1987:351
bone hueso osso body bona bone Fanshawe 1949:60
breast pecho, seno peito body (o)dio (o)dio breast Pet 1987:352
breathe respirar respirar body akobyn akobɨn breathe Pet 1987:352
burn quemar queimar environment bitoan bitoan burn Pet 1987:352
chew masticar, mascar mastigar body rydan ɾɨdan chew Pet 1987:353
child niño, niña criança human ibili ibili child Pet 1987:353
climb subir subir motion modyn modɨn climb Pet 1987:354
cloud nube nuvem environment olhalho oɽaɽo cloud Pet 1987:354
cold frío frio quality mimin mimin cold Pet 1987:354
come venir vir motion fothikhidin ɸotʰikʰidin come out Pet 1987:354
cook cocinar cozinhar impact bokon bokon cook Pet 1987:354
correct/true verdad, de veras verdade quality kidua true. DeGoeje 1928:133
count contar contar mental khisidan kʰisidan count Pet 1987:354
cry llorar chorar mental yjin ɨjim cry Pet 1987:354
cut/hack cortar cortar impact bikhin bikʰin cut Pet 1987:354
day día dia time kasakabo(-ho) kasakabo(-ho) day Pet 1987:355
die/be dead morir morrer state odon odon die Pet 1987:355
dig cavar cavar impact thikin tʰikin dig Pet 1987:355
dingo/wolf fauna
dirty sucio sujo quality ereben eɾeben dirty Pet 1987:355
dream soñar sonhar mental tybontoan tɨbontoan dream Pet 1987:356
drink beber, tomar beber body ythan ɨtʰan drink Pet 1987:356
dry seco seco quality wan wan dry Pet 1987:356
dull/blunt sin filo, mocho, desafilado, embotado, romo maçante, desamolado, não afiado quality mamanan mamanan dull Pet 1987:356
dust polvo poeira environment kolheli koɽeli dust (in the air) Pet 1987:356
ear oreja orelha body dike(-he) dike(-he) ear Pet 1987:356
earth/soil tierra terra environment holholho hoɽoɽo earth Pet 1987:356
eat comer comer body khotan kʰotan eat a meal Pet 1987:356
egg huevo ovo fauna ysa ɨsa egg Pet 1987:356
eye ojo olho body kosi(-hi) kosi(-hi) eye Pet 1987:357
faeces heces, mierda, excremento, estiércol fezes body
fall caer cair motion thikhidin tʰikʰidin fall Pet 1987:357
far lejos longe quality tahan tahan far Pet 1987:357
fat/grease grasa gordura body khi(-hi) kʰi(-hi) fat Pet 1987:357
father padre, papá pai kinship ithi itʰi father Pet 1987:357
fear miedo medo mental amaro amaro to be afraid of, to fear DeGoeje 1928:33
feather pluma pena fauna (y)balha(-ha) (ɨ)baɽha(-ha) feather Pet 1987:357
fingernail uña unha body bada(-ha) bada(-ha) fingernail, toenail Pet 1987:357
fire fuego fogo environment ikhi ikʰi fire Pet 1987:357
fish xx xx fauna hime hime fish Pet 1987:357
flow fluir fluir motion malakydyn malakɨdɨn flow Pet 1987:358
flower flora-fauna kathokolhokhili katʰokoɽokʰili flower Pet 1987:358
fly volar voar motion morodon moɾodon fly Pet 1987:358
fog niebla, neblina nevoeira, bruma, neblina environment
foot pie body kothi(-hi) kotʰi(-hi) foot Pet 1987:358
fruit fruta fruta flora iwi iwi fruit Pet 1987:358
good bueno bom quality san san good Pet 1987:359
green verde verde quality kalhao kaɽao green Pet 1987:359
grow crecer crescer state bikhidin bikʰidin grow Pet 1987:359
hair (of head) cabello cabelo body (y)balha(-ha) (ɨ)baɽa(-ha) hair Pet 1987:359
hand mano mão body khabo(-ho) kʰabo(-ho) hand Pet 1987:360
head cabeza cabeça body (i)si(-hi) (i)si(-hi) head Pet 1987:360
hear oír ouvir mental kanaban kanaban hear Pet 1987:360
heart corazón coração body wasinai(-ha) heart Pet 1987:360
heavy pesado pesado quality kydyn kɨdɨn heavy (weight, load, task) Pet 1987:360
hide esconder esconder motion jakhatyn jakʰatɨn hide Pet 1987:360
hit golpear, pegar bater impact fatadyn ɸatadɨn hit with hand or fist Pet 1987:360
hold correr, asegurar, sostener segurar other bokoton bokoton hold Pet 1987:360
hot caliente quente quality theren tʰeɾen hot Pet 1987:360
how? como como grammar alika alika how Pet 1987:360
if si se grammar farokha ɸaɾokʰa if Pet 1987:361
in/inside dentro, adentro dentro location lokon lokon in Pet 1987:361
intestines intestinos intestinos body te(-hy)-ibira te-(-hɨ)-ibiɾa intestines Pet 1987:361
itch hormiguear, sentir comezón coçar body tetedin tetedin itch Pet 1987:361
kill matar matar impact faryn ɸaɾɨn kil Pet 1987:362
know/be knowledgeable saber, conecer saber, conhecer mental thobolhidin tʰoboɽidin know Pet 1987:362
lake lago lago environment kiraha kiraha pool, lake DeGoeje 1928:146
laugh reír rir mental mithadan mitʰadan laugh Pet 1987:362
leaf hoja folha environment bana bana leaf Pet 1987:362
left/left hand izquierdo esquerdo location/body -ba-ro mairia -ba-ro mairia left, other side DeGoeje 1928:191
leg/foot pierna perna body dana(-ha) dana(-ha) leg Pet 1987:362
lie down acostarse, echarse deitar motion tholhodon tʰoɽodon lie down (to rest) Pet 1987:362
lightning rayo, relámpago relampago environment bili-bili-ro bili-bili-ro lightning DeGoeje 1928:168
live/be alive vivir viver, morar body kakyn kakɨn live Pet 1987:362
liver hígado figado body bana bana liver Pet 1987:362
long largo comprido, longo quality wadin wadin long Pet 1987:363
louse flora-fauna ye(iye) je(ije) louse Fanshawe 1949:74
lung pulmón pulmão body tuttulla tuttulla the lung DeGoeje 1928:166
man/male hombre homem human wadili wadili male Pet 1987:363
meat/flesh carne carne fauna siroko(-ho) siɾoko(-ho) meat Pet 1987:363
moon luna lua environment kathi katʰi moon Pet 1987:364
mother madre, mamá mãe kinship ojo ojo mother Pet 1987:364
mountain/hill montaña, colina, loma, cerro morro, serra environment holholho hoɽoɽo mountain Pet 1987:364
mouth boca boca body lheroko(-ho) iheɾejo(-ho) mouth Pet 1987:364
name nombre nome human iri(-hi) iɾi-(hi) name Pet 1987:364
nape base del cuello, nuca nuca body
near/close cerca de perto quality bithi bitʰi near Pet 1987:365
neck cuello pescoço body noro(onoro) noro(onoro) neck Fanshawe 1949:69
new nuevo novo quality emelian emeian new Pet 1987:365
night noche noite time olhika oɽika night Pet 1987:365
no/not no não grammar kho kʰo not Pet 1987:365
nose nariz nariz body sinro sinɾo nose Pet 1987:365
old viejo velho quality wadon wadon old (not new) Pet 1987:366
one uno um number aba aba one Pet 1987:366
open/uncover abrir abrir other tholhodon tʰoɽodon open Pet 1987:366
other otro outro grammar abaryky abaɾɨkɨ other Pet 1987:366
pain/painful/sick dolor, doloroso, enfermo dor, doloroso, doente body kari(-hi) kaɾi(-hi) pain Pet 1987:366
person/human being persona pessoa human loko loko person, people Fanshawe 1949:68
pound/beat machacar, golpear bater impact etan etan pound (e.g. cassava) Pet 1987:368
rain lluvia chuva environment oni oni rain Pet 1987:368
red rojo vermelho colour kolhen koɽen red Pet 1987:369
right/right hand derecha direita location/body iisa mairia iisa mairia right: good, beaurtiful side DeGoeje 1928:191
road/path camino caminho manufacture waboroko waboɾoko road Pet 1987:369
root raíz raiz flora kyra kɨɾa root Pet 1987:369
rotten podrido podre quality boadonoan boadonoan rotten Pet 1987:369
sand arena areia environment mothoko motʰoko sand Pet 1987:370
say decir dizer mental akan akan say Pet 1987:370
scratch rascar rasgar impact kharasyn kʰaɾasɨn scratch Pet 1987:370
see ver ver mental dykhyn dɨkʰɨn see Pet 1987:370
sharp afilado, filudo, filoso afiado quality kamanan kamanan sharp Pet 1987:370
shoot tirar, disparar, balear atirar impact jokhon jokʰon shoot Pet 1987:370
short corto curto quality besekhen besekʰen short Pet 1987:370
shoulder hombro ombro body dynekna(-ha) dɨnekna(-ha) shoulder Pet 1987:370
shy/ashamed tímido, vergonzoso timido, com vergonha mental habori haboɾi shy Pet 1987:370
sit sentar(se) sentar state balytyn balɨtɨn sit down Pet 1987:371
skin piel pele body yda(-ha) ɨda(-ha) skin Pet 1987:371
sky cielo céu environment maukilli maukilli sky, the starry sky DeGoeje 1928:170
sleep dormir dormir body donkon donkon sleep Pet 1987:371
small pequeño pequeno quality basahan basahan small Pet 1987:371
smoke humo fumaça environment kolheli koɽeli smoke Pet 1987:371
sniff/smell olfatear, oler cheirar body kiadoma kiadoma sniff at Pet 1987:371
spit escupir cuspir body khoidin kʰoidin spit Pet 1987:372
split partir, dividir rachar, dividir, partir impact faradan ɸaɾadan split firewood Pet 1987:372
squeeze estrujar, exprimir espremer impact jorodon joɾodon squeeze cassava Pet 1987:372
stab/pierce apuñalar, acuchillar apunhalar impact thiadyn tʰiadɨn stab Pet 1987:372
stand estar de pié ficar em pé state ajinamu- ajinamu- to stand, to rest DeGoeje 1928:125
star estrella estrela environment wiwa wiwa star Pet 1987:372
steal robar roubar other thikebetoan tʰikebetoan steal Pet 1987:372
stick/wood palo pau, vara flora ada ada stick Pet 1987:372
stone piedra pedra environment siba siba stone Pet 1987:372
suck chupar chupar body soroton soɾoton suck Pet 1987:373
sun sol sol time hadali hadali sun Pet 1987:373
sweat sudar suor, suar body
swell hincharse inchar body
swim nadar nadar motion thimin tʰimin swim Pet 1987:373
tail cola, rabo rabo body itoko(-ho) itoko(-ho) tail Pet 1987:373
that ese/esa esse grammar kia kia that Pet 1987:373
thick grueso, gordo, espeso grosso quality firon ɸiɾon thick Pet 1987:374
thin delgado fino quality olhidan oɽidan thin Pet 1987:374
think pensar pensar mental koborokoatoan konoɾokoatoan think Pet 1987:374
this este/esta este grammar toho toho this Pet 1987:374
three tres tres number kabyn kabɨn three Pet 1987:374
throat garganta garganta body yure jure throat Fanshawe 1949:74
throw tirar, lanzar atirar, jogar impact bolheidin boɽeidin throw Pet 1987:374
thunder truenos trovão environment akhorakali akʰorakali thunder Fanshawe 1949:58
tie up/fasten atar, amarrar amarrar impact kyryn kɨɾɨn tie (fasten) Pet 1987:374
tongue lengua lingua body yje(-hy) ɨje(-hɨ) tongue Pet 1987:374
tooth diente dente body ari(-hi) aɾi(-hi) tooth Pet 1987:375
turn girar, volter, torcer virar other kerosyn keɾosɨn turn Pet 1987:376
two dos dois number bian bian two Pet 1987:376
vomit vomitar vomitar body wedin wedin vomit Pet 1987:376
walk caminar, andar andar motion konan konan walk Pet 1987:376
water agua agua environment iniabo iniabo water Pet 1987:376
wet mojado molhado quality jonjon jonjon wet Pet 1987:377
what? que, qué que grammar ama ama what Pet 1987:377
when? cuando quando grammar kha kʰa when Pet 1987:377
where? donde onde grammar alon alon where Pet 1987:377
white blanco branco colour halhiran haɽiɾan white Pet 1987:377
who? quien, quién quem grammar alikan alikan who Pet 1987:377
wife esposa esposa kinship eretho eɾetʰo wife Pet 1987:377
wind viento vento environment auaduli auaduli wind DeGoeje 1928:165
wing ala asa body kodibio-dyna kodibio-dɨna wing Pet 1987:377
woman/female mujer mulher human hiaro hiaɾo woman Pet 1987:377
work trabajar trabalhar other nekhebo nekʰebo work Pet 1987:377
yawn bostezar bocejar body erodoan eɾodoan yawn Pet 1987:378
yellow amarillo amarelo colour hehen hehen yellow Pet 1987:378

Flora Fauna Vocabulary (138)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
achiote, anatto achiote urucum flora-fauna Bixa orellana shirabuli ʃirabuli anatto-dye tree Fanshawe 1949:71 secondary scrub vegetation and indigenous gardens no
agouti (black agouti, black-rumped agouti) Guatusa Negra, Añuje, Agutí (black-rumped), picure, jochi colorado cutia flora-fauna Dasyprocta spp. hokorero hokorero acourie, aguti Fanshawe 1949:63 no
alligator, black caiman babilla; cachirre jacaré flora-fauna Melanosuchus niger, Caiman schlerops; Paleosuchus sp. kaiukuchi kaiukuchi alligator Fanshawe 1949:64 Throughout Amazonia no?
Amazon dolphin bufeo, delfín, tonina (del Orinoco) boto cor-de-rosa flora-fauna Inia geoffrensis Downstream of major rapids and waterfalls no
Amazon tree-grape uva de monte, uvilla (Peru), puruma, caime, caimarona (and variants; Col.) cucura flora-fauna Pourouma cecropiifolia grows wild in Western Amazon basin; cultivated in Colombia since pre-Colombian times no
anaconda anaconda, boa, boa acuática grande sucuri flora-fauna genus Eunectes kamodo kamodo water comudi, anaconda Fanshawe 1949:65 Widespread Amazonia yes
angleworm lombriz minhoca flora-fauna order Opisthopora no
ant (generic) hormiga formiga flora-fauna Formicidae kwimali kwimali brown ant Fanshawe 1949:68 no
anteater oso hormiguero; tapia pelejo or pelejo chico for Cyclopes didactylus tamanduá flora-fauna Myrmecophaga tridactyla (giant anteater); Cyclopes didactylus (silky anteater) baremo baremo great ant-eater or ant bear Fanshawe 1949:59 Widespread Amazonian lowlands no
armadillo armadillo, carachupa (Peru), yangunturi (Peru for Giant armadillo) tatu flora-fauna family Dasypodidae; e.g. Priodontes maximus (Giant armadillo), Dasypus novemcinctus, Dasypus kappleri barakata barakata smallest kind of armadillo Fanshawe 1949:59 Widespread in Amazonia no
arrow cane, wildcane caña flecha, caña brava, caña isana cana para flechas, frecheira, Cana-do-rio flora-fauna Gynerium sagittatum ihi ihi tail, arrowcane used for blowpipes Fanshawe 1949:63 tropical regions, especially river banks no
avocado palta, aguacate abacate flora-fauna Persea americana secondary scrub vegetation and indigenous gardens no
açai palm huasí (Peru), asahi, manaca (Ven), asaí, palmiche (Colombia) açaí flora-fauna Euterpe sp. winamoro winamoro manicole palm Fanshawe 1949:73 floodplains, swamp; esp. northern Amazonia no
banana, plantain banano, banana, cambur, bellaco, variedad de plátano banana flora-fauna Musa sp. bakufa bukaɸa banana Fanshawe 1949:59 no
bat murciélago morcego flora-fauna Chiroptera spp. bohori bokori bat Fanshawe 1949:60 no
beans frijoles, frejol, caraotas (negras, rojas, blancas) feijão flora-fauna Phaseolus spp. bisoloma bisoloma string bean Fanshawe 1949:60 no
bird pajaro, ave passaro flora-fauna kodibio kodibio bird Pet 1987:351 no
bitterwood tortuga caspi, pretina (Peru for tree and tumpline); carahuasca (Peru) envira flora-fauna Duguetia sp. OR Fusaea longifolia OR Guatteria chrysopetala yarayara jarajara small trees with tough pliant wood Fanshawe 1949:74 secondary forests, native to Brazil no
black palm bacaba, mapora, pusui, patabá bacaba flora-fauna Oenocarpus bacaba lu lu tall pinnate-leaved palm Fanshawe 1949:68 Mature forests of Rio Negro and Upper Amazon no
blowfly/housefly mosca mosca flora-fauna Diptera morodon moɾodon fly Pet 1987:358 no generic
boa boa; mantona (red-tailed boa); boa de altura jiboia flora-fauna family Boidae, subf. Boinae no
bottle-gourd (vine) or calabash (tree) calabazo, calabaza; auyama (Dominican Republic and Venezuela), ayote (parts of Central America), zapallo (parts of South America), tutumo/totumo/totuma (Cresc tree), huingo (Peru for Crescentia cujete), tapara cabaça flora-fauna Crescentia cujete (round variety - tree); (Cucurbita) Lagenaria siceraria (bottle variety - vine) ida-daia ida-daia calabash-stem, calabash tree Fanshawe 1949:63 indigenous gardens no
brazil nut castaña castanha do para (B. excelsa); castanha de cutia (C. edulis) flora-fauna Bertholletia excelsa [cf. Couepia edulis 'castanha do cutia'] 1) Couepia: restricted area within Brazil, Rio Purus basin and middle Solimões. 2) Bertholletia: elev: consistently about 200m; mature forests. Widely distributed from Peru, E. Colombia, Brazil to Nicaragua. no
brown woolly monkey Mono Lanudo Común, Choro, Churucu, mono choro (Peru), mono lanudo cafe, barrigudo de Humboldt macaco barrigudo flora-fauna Lagothrix lagothricha no
bullet ant, lesser giant hunter ant conga, hormiga yanabe (Colombia), isula (Peru), Hormiga Veinticuatro tocandira flora-fauna Paraponera clavata yes
butterfly, moth mariposa borboleta flora-fauna order Lepidoptera kambana kambana butterfly, moth Fanshawe 1949:65 no
capybara Capibara, Carpincho, Ronsoco capivara flora-fauna Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris kibiwara kibiwara water-haas, capybara Fanshawe 1949:66 no
cará tuber, purple or white camote, sachapapa cará roxo, branco flora-fauna Dioscorea sp. himokona himokona buck yam Fanshwe 1949:63 secondary scrub vegetation; forest clearings no
cashew anarcado, castaña de cajú, nuez de la India, marañon, cajú, merey (Venezuela) caju flora-fauna Anacardium occidentale / giganteum merehi merehi cashew tree Fanshawe 1949:69 secondary scrub vegetation and indigenous gardens no
cashew anarcado, castaña de cajú, nuez de la India, marañon, cajú, merey (Venezuela) caju flora-fauna Anacardium giganteum ubudi ubudi wild cashew tree Fanshawe 1949:72 Brazil, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, Guyana no
centipede ciempiés centopéia flora-fauna class Chilopoda baiabo baiabo centipede Fanshawe 1949:59 no
cicada cigarra, chicharra cigarra flora-fauna super fam. Cicadoidea reroko reroko lip; riaria sun-bee, six-o-clock bee Fanshawe 1949:70 no
cipó vine tamishi, bejuco, yare cipó flora-fauna Heteropsis spp. secondary forest, floodplain no
coca coca coca flora-fauna Erythroxylum coca secondary scrub vegetation. lower alt. of eastern Andes no
cockroach cucaracha barata-do-mato flora-fauna order Blattaria kakalaka kakalaka cockroach Fanshawe 1949:64 no
collared peccary sajino, pecarí de collar, jabalf, Javelina, Saíno, Pecarí de Collar caititu, caetitu flora-fauna Pecari tajacu, Tayassu tajacu abuya abuja collared peccary, smaller wild pig Fanshawe 1949:58 no
cotamundi, coatimundi Coatí, Tejón, Achuni, zorro guache quati flora-fauna genus Nasua kibihi kibihi coatimundi Fanshawe 1949:66 no
cotton algodón algodão flora-fauna Gossypium (barbadense: long fibers; hirsutum: short fibers) yaho jaho cotton Fanshawe 1949:73 secondary scrub vegetation no
crab cangrejo caranguejo flora-fauna infraorder Brachyura koa koa crab Pet 1987:58 no
cricket saltón, grillo grilo flora-fauna family Gryllidae jironjiron dirondiron cricket Fanshawe 1949:64 no
cunuri (tree) cunuri cunuri flora-fauna Cunurea spruceana Amazonia no
curassow mitu, montete (Peru), paujil/panjuil (Peru), paujil de Salvin (Peru for Mitu salvini) mutum flora-fauna Crax sp., Nothocrax sp. Amazonia no
deer venado veado, cariacu flora-fauna family Cervidae, esp. Odocoileus virginianus kadanaro kadanaɾo deer Pet 1987:355 no
deer venado veado, cariacu flora-fauna wiribisiri wiɾibisiɾi deer (small dwarf like) Pet 1987:355
dog (camp, domestic) perro cachorro flora-fauna Canis famililaris pero peɾo dog Pet 1987:356 Not native; widespread no
dog (camp, domestic) perro cachorro flora-fauna kariro kaɾiɾo dog Pet 1987:356
dog (wild; bush dog) sachaperro, Perro de Monte, Zorro Vinagre, Guanfando; Zorro Ojizarco, Zorro Negro, Perro de Orejas Corta cachorro-do-mato flora-fauna Speothos venaticus; Atelocynus microtis Widespread Amazonia no
dove paloma pomba flora-fauna family Columbidae maria maria ground doves Fanshawe 1949:69 no
duck pato pato, marreco flora-fauna Anatidae family ipa ipa duck DeGoeje 1928:110 no
edible palm-dwelling larva (palm weevil) suri, mojojoy larva, broca-do-coqueiro, aramandaiá flora-fauna Rhynchophorus sp. otokoma otokoma larva of larger grugru beetle Fanshawe 1949:70 no
electric eel anguila eléctrica poraquê flora-fauna Electrophorus electricus shimodo ʃimodo numbfish, electric eel Fanshawe 1949:71 yes
firefly, lightning bug lampírido, luciérnaga (Peru), añañahui (Peru), cocuyo (attributed Taino origin) vagalume flora-fauna fam: Elateridae, Fengodidae, Lampyridae yurihi jurihi firefly, click beetle Fanshawe 1949:74 no
fish (generic) pez peixe flora-fauna hime hime fish Pet 1987:357 no
fish (large type) paiche, pirarucú o arapaima pirarucu flora-fauna Arapaima gigas big rivers only no
fish poison, barbasco barbasco, matapez (Colombia) timbó flora-fauna Lonchocarpus spp. haiari haiari rope with strong legume scent, used as a fish poison Fanshawe 1949:62 secondary forests and secondary srcrub vegetation yes [used to poison people]
flea pulga pulga flora-fauna order Siphonaptera khajaba kʰajaba flea Pet 1987: 358 no
genipap jagua, majagua - Colombia, caruto, xagua - Venezuela, bigrande - Bolivia, huito, yaguayagua - Peru, ygualti - Nicaragua, maluco - Mexico genipapo, jenipapo flora-fauna Genipapa americana widespread lowland SA no
giant otter Lobo Grande de Río, nutria gigante, lutria ariranha flora-fauna Pteronura brasiliensis hashiru haʃiru otter, water-dog Fanshawe 1987:62 no
grass hierba, pasto capim, grama flora-fauna (generic) kalhao kaɽao grass Pet 1987:359 no
gray-winged trumpeter Grulla, Trompetero Ala Gris jacamim flora-fauna Psophia crepitans warakaba warakaba trumpet bird Fanshawe 1987:73 Northern Amazonia (N of Solimões), not in northern Colombia; Dark-winged trumpeter is found south of Solimões no
great egret Garza Blanca, Guyratî Garça-Branca-Grande flora-fauna Ardea alba Widespread South America no
green acouchi Guatín, Punchana, curi, picurito rabudo, picurito rabilargo cutiara flora-fauna Myoprocta pratti no
guan pava, pucacunga (Peru), pava de Spix (Peru) jacu flora-fauna Penelope sp. kulu kulu kind of marudi Fanshawe 1949:67 Different types have different localized ranges no
hallucinogenic snuff vilca, cebil, yopo paricá, yopo flora-fauna Anadenanthera sp. or virola
hallucinogenic vine, banisterium, ayahuasca ayahuasca, yage ayahuasca, caapi flora-fauna Banisteriopsis caapi semi-domesticated, native to Amazonian basin, esp. NW no
hawk halcón, gavilán gavião flora-fauna family Accipitridae bariri bariri hawk Fanshawe 1949:59 no
honeybee abeja abelha flora-fauna Apis mellifera; Tetragonisca angustula; Trigona amazonensis maba-oyu maba-oju honeybee, honey-mother Fanshawe 1949:68 no
horse caballo cavalho flora-fauna Equus caballus koadoa-kothiro koadoa-kotʰiɾo horse, hooved animal Pet 1987:360 no
hot pepper ají, pimentón/pimiento rojo, pucunucho (Peru), charapilla (Peru) pimenta flora-fauna Capsicum sp., principally chinensis and frutescens bokoromana bokoromana large oblong type of chili pepper Fanshawe 1949:60 secondary scrub vegetation, indigenous garden no
howler monkey (red-handed) mono aullador, mono coto (Peru) guariba flora-fauna Alouatta belzebul [or other Alouatta sp.] ituri ituri howler monkey, red baboon Fanshawe 1949:64 no
hummingbird colibrí, picaflor (Peru) beija-flor flora-fauna family Trochilidae koyara-bimitia kojara-bimitia deer humming-bird from the color, king humming-bIrd Fanshawe 1949:67 Widespread no
iguana iguana, garipiares (Colombia) camaleão flora-fauna Iguana sp. yuwana juwana iguana, lizard Fanshawe 1949:74 no
inga guaba, guamo, guama, shimbillo (Peru) inga flora-fauna Inga spp. warakosa warakosa trees with flat segmented fruit Fanshawe 1949:73 Secondary scrub vegetation and indigenous gardens. North and South America (Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Suriname, Colombia) no
insect (generic) insecto insecto flora-fauna generic majoren majoɾen insects Pet 1987:361 no
jaguar yaguar, yaguareté, jaguar, otorongo (Peru), tigre (Peru) onca flora-fauna Panthera onca kabadaro kabadaɾo jaguar Pet 1987:361 yes
japurá oreja de murcielago japurá flora-fauna Erisma japura no
kapok ceiba, huimba, lupuna (Peru for Ceiba sp.) sumaumeira flora-fauna Ceiba pentandra northern South America and central America; common in disturbed areas no
kingfisher martín pescador, catalan (Peru) martim-pescador flora-fauna family Alcedinidae sakasakali sakasakali great grey kingfisher Fanshawe 1949:70 Widespread Amazonia no
leaf-cutter ant Colombia: zampopo, hormiga arriera; Venezuela: bachaco; Peru: curuhuinse saúva flora-fauna Atta sp. emeshi emeʃi coushi ant nymph Fanshawe 1949:61 no
macaw ara, guacamaya Arara flora-fauna family Psittacidae; Ara sp. karará karara blue and yellow macaw Fanshawe 1949:65 Widespread Amazonia no
maize, corn mazorca, maiz milho flora-fauna Zea mays marishi mariʃi corn Fanshawe 1949:69 widespread, esp. in river floodplains no
manatee vaca marina, manatí peixe-boi flora-fauna Trichechus sp. kuyumoro kujumoro manatee, sea cow Fanshawe 1949:67 no
mandi catfish maparate (used in Peru for some types of catfish, including Auchenipterus sp.), cunchi (used in Peru for some types of catfish), bagre (catfish) mandi flora-fauna Auchenipterus sp. Widespread Amazonia no
manioc (bitter or generic) yuca brava mandioca flora-fauna Manihot esculenta not generally cultivated in western (subAndean) Amazon. Arroyo-Kalin (2010) argues for a correlation with distribution of dark earths, mostly formed after 1AD, and the modeled-incised pottery tradition. no
manioc (sweet) yuca, caribe macaxeira flora-fauna Manihot esculenta Primary staple in western/subAndean Amazonia, less important elsewhere no
miriti palm moriche (Col, Ven), aguaje (Col, Peru), achual, miriti buriti flora-fauna Mauritia flexuosa ite ite fan-leaved palm Fanshawe 1949:64 Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela; in and near swamps no
mosquito mosquito, zancudo mosquito, carapana flora-fauna Anopheles sp. yuwau juwau mosquito Fanshawe 1949:74 no
moth mariposa nocturna, polilla mariposa flora-fauna order Lepidoptera kambana kambana butterfly, moth Fanshawe 1949:65 no
mouse, rat ratón camundongo, rata flora-fauna Mus musculus kaia kaia house mouse Fanshawe 1949:64 no
mushroom champiñón, hongo cogumelo flora-fauna (any edible generic) kamarasana kamarasana toadstool, mushroom Fanshawe 1949:65 no
neotropical otter (small) Nutria, Lobo de Agua, lobito de rio, perro de agua (Colombia) lontra flora-fauna Lontra longicaudis no
opossum zarigüeya, rabipelado, zorro, zorrillo mucura flora-fauna family Didelphidae yawáre jaware yawarri, opossum Fanshawe 1949:74 no
owl (large) búho, lechuza corujão flora-fauna order Strigiformes Widespread no
paca (lowland) Guanta, Paca, Majaz, majás (Peru), labba (Guyana) paca flora-fauna Cuniculus paca (Agouti paca is sometimes used as well although cuniculus is the correct term.) kawalainaro kawalainaro labba Fanshawe 1949:66 no
pacu fish palometa, garopita, garopa, curhuara (Peru) pacu flora-fauna Mylossoma sp. no
palm for roof thatch pui, irapay, hoja de irapay, caraná caraná flora-fauna Mauritiella armata OR Lepidocaryum tenue (irapay), Mauritius carana Mauritia carana is limited principally to the Rio Negro and Upper Orinoco regions; dry catinga forests no
parrot loro real, loro (Sp. form is a loan from Carib) papagaio flora-fauna Amazona amazonica kuriaka kuriaka screecher parrot Fanshawe 1949:67 Widespread no
paxiuba palm pona, huacrapona, cashapona, macanilla, pachiuba paxiuba flora-fauna Iriartea exorrhiza OR Iriartea deltoidea Widespread Amazonia no
peach palm, pejibaye palm chontaduro (Col, Ecuador); pipire (Col); pijuayo (Peru), pijiguao (Ven); tembe (Bol) pupunha flora-fauna Bactris gasipaes paripi paripi spiny palm with orange fruit (Bactris minor), (Bactris minor, Arecaceae), palmier à piquants qui porte des grappes d'un fruit comestible. Fanshawe 1949:70, Patte 2011:182 no
peanut maní (may be loan from Taino Arawak), cacahuete amendoim flora-fauna Arachis hypogaea no
pineapple piña abacaxi flora-fauna Ananas comosus no
pirana piraña, caribe piranha flora-fauna subfamily Serrasalmidae Widespread Amazonia no [not in this region]
porcupine puerco espín, erizo (Peru), casha cushillo (Peru) cuandu, porco-espinho flora-fauna family Erethizontidae aroro aroro porcupine Fanshawe 1949:59 no
potato papa batata flora-fauna Solanum tuberosum secondary scrub vegetation no
potato, sweet potato camote, batata dulce, batata, cumara batata-doce flora-fauna Ipomoea batatas halchi(halichi) haltʰi potato Fanshawe 1949:62 no
praying mantis, stick insects mantis religiosa louva-a-deus flora-fauna order Mantodea, family Mantidae no
rubber tree (sorva) caucho, siringa, shiringa seringa, borracha flora-fauna Hevea sp. hatti hatti wild rubber tree Fanshawe 1949:62 Widespread Amazonia no
scorpion escorpión; alacran escorpião flora-fauna order Scorpiones yes
seje palm ungurahui (Peru), palma de seje, milpesos, patabá patoá, patuá flora-fauna Jessenia bataua, aka Oenocarpus bataua turu turu tall pinnate-leaved palm Fanshawe 1949:72 mostly north of Equator; common in Amazonia no
sloth pereza, pelejo (Peru), perezoso (Peru) macaco preguica flora-fauna Choloepus sp., Bradypus sp. hau hau three-toed sloth Fanshawe 1949:62 Widespread Amazonia no
small lizard lagartija calango flora-fauna order Squamata sakasaka sakasaka small brownish lizard Fanshawe 1949:70 no
snail caracol, churo (Peru) caracol flora-fauna class Gastropoda no
snake (generic) culebra, serpiente cobra flora-fauna ori oɾi snake Pet 1987:371 no
snake (poisonous generic) or rattlesnake víbora (Peru), jergón (Peru), yarara jararaca flora-fauna Bothrops jararaca/atrox mora-bana mora-bana mora-leaf from the dry leaf like markings, poisonous snake (Lachesis Fanshawe 1949:69 Widespread South America yes
speckled catfish surubí, pintadillo surubim, sorubim flora-fauna Pseudoplatystoma sp. Widespread Amazonia no
spider araña aranha flora-fauna Arachnidae, Araneae araia araia spider Fanshawe 1949:58 no
squash calabaza, calabacines, auyamas, zapallos, huingo (Peru) abóbora flora-fauna Cucurbita sp. auyama aujama pumpkin Fanshawe 1949:59 no
squirrel ardilla, danta (Ven) serelepe, quatipuru, esquilo flora-fauna family Sciuridae kario kario squirrel Fanshawe 1949:65 no
stingray (generic) rayas látigo, raya arraia flora-fauna Potamotrygon sp. dobori dobori sting ray Fanshawe 1949:61 no
tannia, yautia huitina (Peru), ñame taioba branca flora-fauna Xanthosoma spp. ole ole tannia, eddoe, dascheen Fanshawe 1949:70 no
tapir sachavaca, danta anta flora-fauna Tapirus terrestris kama kama bush cow, tapir Fanshawe 1949:65 no
termites, white-ants comején (Peru), termitas cupim flora-fauna order Isoptera arará arara arara termite, white ant, wood ant Fanshawe 1949:58 no
tick garrapata carrapato flora-fauna superfam Ixodoidea turituri turituri large brown tick Fanshawe 1949:72 no
tigerfish taraira, guabina, huasaco (Peru) traíra flora-fauna Hoplias sp. aiomora aiomora haimara, fresh water siluroid fish Fanshawe 1949:58 Widespread Amazonia no
tinamou tinamu, perdiz, gallineta inambu, inhambu flora-fauna family Tinamidae mamu mamu great tinamou, maam Fanshawe 1949:68 Widespread Amazonia no
toad sapo sapo flora-fauna order Anura sibero sibeɾo toad Pet 1987:375 no
tobacco tabaco tabaco flora-fauna Nicotiana tabacum yuri juri tobacco, tobacco plant Fanshawe 1949:74 no
tortoise (red foot, yellow foot/giant) tortuga, morrocoy, motelo jabutí, tartaruga flora-fauna Yellow-footed: Geochelone denticulata; Red-footed: Geochelone carbonaria Widespread no
toucan tucán, pinsha (Peru) tucano flora-fauna Ramphastos sp. burádi buradi red-billed toucan or bill bird Fanshawe 1949:60 Widespread Amazonia no
tree árbol arvore flora-fauna ada ada tree Pet 1987:375 no
tufted capuchin monkey mono negro (Peru), Machín Negro, Maicero Cachón, mono maicero macaco prego flora-fauna Cebus apella hoa hoa ring tailed monkey Fanshawe 1949:63 no
ucuqui yugo, caimitillo del monte (Peru) ucuqui flora-fauna Pouteria ucuqui asepoko-balli asepoke-balli asepoko from the general resemblance, medium-sized trees with white latex Fanshawe 1949:59 native to NW Amazonia, found primarily in Vaupes and Caqueta regions no
vulture buitre, gallinazo, rinahui (Peru) urubu flora-fauna family Cathartidae anwana anwana turkey vulture, bush carrion crow Fanshawe 1949:58 Widespread South America no
wasp avispa; specific type: ronzapa/ronsapa caba flora-fauna order Hymenoptera, sub: Apocrita makorio makoɾio wasp Pet 1987:376 no
white-fronted capuchin Machín Blanco, mono blanco, Maicero Cariblanco, mono blanco (Peru) Caiarara flora-fauna Cebus albifrons no
white-fronted spider monkey Machin Blanco, Mono Araña de Vientre Amarillo, maquisapa (Peru), braceadora (Colombia) macaco aranha, coatá, quatá flora-fauna Ateles belzebuth/paniscus kwata kwata red-faced spidermonkey Fanshawe 1949:68 no
white-lipped peccary Chancho de Monte, Cariblanco, Huangana queixada flora-fauna Tayassu pecari dodole dodole white-lipped peccary Fanshawe 1949:61 no
woodpecker pájaro carpintero, carpintero pica-pau flora-fauna family Picidae hududi hududi black and white woodpeckers Fanshawe 1949:63 Widespread Amazonia no

Cultural Vocabulary (106)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
afterworld, land of dead, Heaven tierra do los muertos terra dos mortos culture-mythology
arrow flecha flecha subsistence tool simalha simaɽa arrow Pet 1987:350
axe/stone axe hacha (de piedra) machado (de pedra) subsistence tool balho baɽo ax Pet 1987:350
bait for fishing cebo, carnada para pescar, empate (Peru) isca subsistence tool barkãro barkanro large black worm used as fish bait Fanshawe 1949:59
basin/bowl tazón, plato hondo, taza tijela culture-material komiki komiki bowl DeGoeje 1928:122
basket (general) canasta, canasto, cesta cesto culture-material keke keke basket (used by women) Pet 1987:350
basket (general) canasta, canasto, cesta cesto culture-material wajalhi wajaɽi basket (used by men) Pet 1987:350
basket, small canasta, canasto, cesta cesto pequeno, tampado culture-material borudi borudi basket, trinket box DeGoeje 1928:111
bead abalorio, mostacilla, cuenta, gota, puca; necklace=collar miçanga culture-material
bed cama cama culture-material kora(-ha) koɾa(-ha) bed Pet 1987:351
bench, seat banco, silla, asiento banco culture-material abola abola bench Pet 1987:351
blowgun cerbatana, pucuna (Peru) zarabatana subsistence tool
boomerang/throwing stick (generic) subsistence tool
bottle botella garrafa acculturation botoli botoli bottle Pet 1987:352
bottom grinding stone manufacture
bow arco arco subsistence tool simalhabo simaɽabo bow Pet 1987:352
broom escoba vassoura culture-material syrybydyn, sweep (e.g with broom), Pet 1987:373
canoe canoa canoa transport jolhadoa-koana(-ha) joɽadoa-koana(-ha) canoe Pet 1987:352
cat gato gato acculturation pushi cat Fanshawe 1949:70
chicken gallina galinha acculturation kalhina kaɽina chicken Pet 1987:353
chief/leader jefe, cacique chefe culture-mythology baihosen baihosen chief Pet 1987:353
clothing ropa roupa culture-mythology bokolho (-ho) bokoɽo(-ho) clothing Pet 1987:354
club garrote, cachiporra clava, porrete subsistence tool mussi mussi a club DeGoeje 1928:154
coca coca coca flora-fauna
cook food food bokan bokan cook ( a meal) Pet 1987:354
Curupira (spirit type) Curupira, Madremonte Curupira culture-mythology
dance (generic) culture-mythology binin binin dance Pet 1987:355
dart (blowgun) dardo, birote (Peru), bala (Peru) dardo, seta subsistence tool
deity/powerful spirit/culture figure dios(es), deidad divinidade, figura mítica culture-mythology G. Harliwanli, v. C. Haliwalika, Halwanli, R. Hariwalli, B. Awawanili, Arawidi powerful diety to whom inanimate things and irrational beings are subject DeGoeje 1928:199
digging stick subsistence tool
digging stick subsistence tool
dream soñar sonhar mental tybontoan tɨbontoan dream Pet 1987:356
drum tambor tambor culture-mythology
drum (large signal) tambor, manguaré, maguaré (Colombia) tambor culture
fan abanico abanador, abano subsistence tool wadyn wadɨn fan Pet 1987:357
feather headdress plumaje, corona de plumas enfeite/capacete de penas culture-mythology karusa karusa feather headress DeGoeje 1928:147
fence, palisade cerco cerca other
fermented drink masato, chicha caxiri, chicha culture baiwatu baiwatu fermenteed drink, prepared from cassava DeGoeje 1928:148
fetish, charm fetiche, encanto, filtro de amor, pusanga feitiço, puçanga culture-mythology bina bina medicine, charm Fanshawe 1949:60
fireplace hogar lareira other ikihi-sikwa ikihi-sikwa a furnace of fire DeGoeje 1928:62
firewood leña lenha other ikhi-khodo ikʰi-kʰodo firewood Pet 1987:357
fish (with fish-poison) pescar con barbasco, barbasquear pescar com timbó; tinguijar food jalhidin jaɽidin fish by poisoning Pet 1987:357
fish (with line) anzuelear, pescar con linea pescar (com linha) food bodedan bodedan fish (with hook and line) Pet 1987:357
fish poison barbasco, matapez (Colombia) timbó subsistence tool háiali haiali fish poison DeGoeje 1928:204
fishing line cordel/cuerda p/ pescar, sedal, tanze linha de pesca subsistence tool
fishtrap trampa de peces, trampa matapi, cacuri subsistence tool tanbo tanbo fish trap Pet 1987:358
flat bread, cassava bread pan de yuca, casabe/cazabe beiju food kereli kereli fresh cassava bread DeGoeje 1928:205
flour/meal from manioc fariña, mañoco (Venezuela); harina farinha food meli meli flour, bread flour type not specified Hickerson 1953:188
flute flauta, quena (Peru) flauta culture-mythology bejokha bejokʰa flute Pet 1987:358
game animal caza, animal de caza caça, animal de caça food kuta kuta animal, game DeGoeje 1928:169
genipap jagua, majagua - Colombia, caruto, xagua - Venezuela, bigrande - Bolivia, huito, yaguayagua - Peru, ygualti - Nicaragua, maluco - Mexico genipapo, jenipapo flora-fauna
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio espirito culture-mythology mahui mahui evil spirit DeGoeje 1928:200
gourd (dipper/bowl) cucharón, pate (Peru), totomo, totuma, totumo cuia subsistence tool ida ida gourd bowl Pet 1987:359
grater rallador, rallo ralador, ralo subsistence tool
grave tumba, sepultura, sepulcro sepultura, sepulcro, cova culture-mythology
grid of sticks for smoking meat or placing objects (shelf) barbacoa jirau subsistence tool
griddle for cooking flatbread tiesto (Colombia), budare (Venezuela), tortera (Peru) forno para beiju subsistence tool búddali buddali cassava-baking pan DeGoeje 1928:108
gun arma, escopeta espingarda, fusil acculturation arakabosa aɾakabosa gun Pet 1987:359
hammock hamaca, chinchorro rede culture-material hamaka hamaka hammock Pet 1987:360
hat sombero chapéu dress si-ado(-ho) si-ado(-ho) hat Pet 1987:60
healer curandero benzador, curandeiro, kumu (Tukano) culture-mythology
hollow log/trough for beer-making canoa para chicha cocho de caxiri narcotics
honey miel mel food maba maba honey DeGoeje 1928:172
house other bahy bahɨ house Pet 1987:360
hunt cazar caçar food jokhan jokʰan hunt Pet 1987:361
knife cuchillo faca culture-material jadoala jadoala knife Pet 1987:362
loincloth taparrabos, guayuco, pampanilla tanga, tapa-sexo dress
machete machete facão culture-material kasipara kasipaɾa machete Pet 1987:363
mortar mortero pilão subsistence tool hato hato mortar (for cassava flour) Pet 1987:364
paddle/oar remo remo transport nale(-he) nale(-he) paddle Pet 1987:366
paint body, body paint pintura corporal pintura corporal culture-mythology
panpipe carrizo, zampoñas, flautas de pan, rondadora caniço, flauta de pã culture-mythology
paper papel papel acculturation karta karta book, paper Hickerson 1953:187
pestle pilón, mano de mortero, mazo, moledor mão de pilão subsistence tool hako-rethi hako-ɾetʰi pestle (for cassava-flour) Pet 1987:367
pipe for tobacco pipa cachimbo other paipa paipa pipe Hickerson 1953:187
pipe for tobacco pipa cachimbo other
plate plato prato culture-material karobo kaɾobo plate (to eat from) Pet 1987:367
policeman polícia policía acculturation bariri baɾiɾi police officer (m. or f.) Pet 1987:368
pot olla, pote panela, vasilha subsistence tool doada doada pot (cooking pot) Pet 1987:368
rattle matraca, maraca marico, chocalho culture-mythology
resin resina, brea, copal resina, brea, breu subsistence tool
ritual song cycle (kapiwaya) kapiwaya capiwaya culture-mythology
rope/string mecate, cuerda, soga corda culture tetei tetei rope Pet 1987:369
salt sal sal food khaban kʰaban salt Pet 1987:369
school escuela escola acculturation malhikhotoa-sikoa maɽikʰotoa-sikoa school Pet 1987:370
shaman, healer chamán, brujo xaman, pajé, feiticeiro culture-mythology
shoes zapatos sapatos dress kothike(-he) kotʰike(-he) shoe Pet 1987:370
skirt falda, saya, fustan, pollera saia culture-material
soldier soldado soldado acculturation soldaro soldaro soldier DeGoeje 1928:119
song (generic) canción, canto canção culture-mythology jeni (-hi) jeni(-ji) song Pet 1987:372
spear lanza lança subsistence tool parássa parassa spear DeGoeje 1928:110
spearthrower subsistence tool
starch (tapioca, other) almidón goma de tapioca food haro haro starch Fanshawe 1949:62
stone for lighting fires piedra para hacer fuego pedra para acender fogo culture-material
sugarcane/sugar azúcar, caña de azúcar açucar (de cana) acculturation sikalho sikaɽo sugar cane Pet 1987:373
tapioca drink, mingau cahuana, caguana mingau food
tattoo tatuaje, tatu tatuagem culture-mythology
thatch/roof crisneja palha, caraná culture-material ado(-ho) ado(-ho) roof Pet 1987:369
tipiti (manioc squeezer) tipiti, matafrio, sebucán, exprimador, prensa para yuca tipiti food
tobacco (native) narcotics jolhi joɽi tobacco Pet 1987:375
top grinding stone metate, mano; piedra de moler metate, mano manufacture
tripod for washing manioc trípode tripé subsistence tool
venom for darts, poison veneno curare subsistence tool
wax cera cera other pimittika pimittika wax DeGoeje 1928:122
woven strainer/sieve colador tejido, cedazo (Peru), cernedor (Peru) peneira, cumatá subsistence tool manalhi manaɽi sieve Pet 1928:371
yurupari, jurupari (or any flutes forbidden to women) yurupari jurupari culture-mythology