
Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
champiñón, hongo
Meaning Portuguese


Language Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
Akawaio (any edible generic) kabiiyakkwa (cream colored), kuuwarang bana (dark brown), korgoobiichoo (fluffy), kömɨrɨsee (spiky orange-colored), aguubana (tiny), kara-gara (white) kabijaʔkwa, kuwaraŋ bana, kɔrgobitʃo, kömɨrɨse, agubana, kara-gara white type unknown Akawaio, Pemon No generic. Also: kabiiyakkwa (cream colored), kuuwarang bana (dark brown), korgoobiichoo (fluffy), kömɨrɨsee (spiky orange-colored), aguubana (tiny) See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Baniwa (any edible generic) keerípa, iralída keeɻípa, iɻaɺída inheritance Also keeɻípa uncoded See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Cubeo (any edible generic) chĩchi (generic term), abujutoa, cũmuchĩchi tʃĩtʃi (generic term), abuhutoa, kũmutʃĩtʃi unknown Also abuɣutɔa, kũmutʃĩtʃi uncoded See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Dâw (any edible generic) pâm’ pəm’ inheritance underived See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Eñepa (any edible generic) paakaew'chareñ, panako (MM) paakaewʔchareɲ, panako (MM) inheritance Unknown ('pana' shared Pemon, Eñepa) Also paakaewʔchareɲ See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Hodï (any edible generic) yakino aʰkilõ unique cf. yakino (Zent) uncoded See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Waorani (any edible generic) dæ̃dæ̃tapæ̃ unique uncoded See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Hup (any edible generic) pǝ́b' pǝ́b' inheritance underived See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Kakua (any edible generic) ~bubu múmuɁ unknown reduplicated See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Pemon (any edible generic) eenuura (cream colored), kwarang pana (dark brown), korköpiicha (fluffy), akuupana (tiny), kara-kara (white) (E1980) enura, kwaraŋ pana, kɔrköpitʃa, akupana, kara-kara (E1980) tiny mushroom species unknown Unknown ('pana' shared Pemon, Eñepa) Also enura (cream colored), kwaraŋ pana (dark brown), kɔrköpitʃa (fluffy), kara-kara (white) Narrower (mushroom sp.) Complex probably ? + pana See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Sikuani (any edible generic) muxuyoro (24) (generic), dowatjimuxuyono (135), iramuxuyono (246) dowatjímuxúyonó unknown also dowatjimuxuyono (135), iramuxuyono (246) uncoded See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Tukano (any edible generic) [no generic], eheka' [type] [no generic], eheka' [type] unknown Narrower (no generic) uncoded See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Wapishana (any edible generic) čʰamadaru; atʰamɨn tʰain tʃʰamadaru; atʰamɨn tʰain unknown Also: atʰamɨn tʰain See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Yanomami (any edible generic) ara amou, atama, haya henakɨ, mahekomɨ, pokoramɨ, sikõmɨ asi, tohotoho (all edible) aɾa amou, atama, haja henakɨ, mahekomɨ, pokoɾamɨ, sikõmɨ asi, tohotoho unknown amo=CLF associated with some mushrooms. See also atama, haja henakɨ, mahekomɨ, pokoɾamɨ, sikõmɨ asi, tohotoho (all edible) Narrower? underived N+CLF amo=CLF associated with some mushrooms (Ramirez 94) See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Yuhup (any edible generic) pǝb' pǝb' inheritance underived See Language page 0 2 0 0 0 no prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Achagua (any edible generic) áikuba wíba (lit. 'tree-ears') áikuba wíba (lit. 'tree-ears') unique See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Piapoco (any edible generic) cáli yùuwi káli jùuwi See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Yine (any edible generic) kačipɨ See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Paresi (any edible generic) katxibe katʃibe inheritance See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Ignaciano (any edible generic) tačuma sapu See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Cha'palaa (any edible generic) 'kih'tʸutʸu See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Bora (any edible generic) koʔkóxɨ koʔkóxɨ unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Muinane (any edible generic) tóotoba (W97) tóotoba See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Apalai (any edible generic) piupiu piupiu unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Wayana (any edible generic) jahja jahja unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Wai Wai (any edible generic) ašΦi ašΦi unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Muisca (any edible generic) hua hua See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Northern Emberá (any edible generic) nee pṍo nee pṍo See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Cofán (any edible generic) sina sina See Language page phonemic transcriptions are ESTIMATIONS prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Candoshi-Shapra (any edible generic) karapo kaɾapo loan Arawak, e.g. Baniwa keerípa; cf. Inga Quechua kallamba See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Páez (any edible generic) ujne See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Pumé (any edible generic) boɛ a See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Ashuar (any edible generic) ésem, ésemp, áchim, múkush ɯsɯm, ɯsɯmp, aʧim, musukuʃ See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Huambisa (any edible generic) mugkura muŋgkura See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Aguaruna (any edible generic) kuwísh kuwíʃ unique See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Nadëb/Roçado dialect (any edible generic) pǝm inheritance See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Nadëb/Rio Negro dialect (any edible generic) pǝm See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Matses (any edible generic) macun makun unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Kakataibo (any edible generic) kono; ču'rã See Language page *Panoan *kono with related meanings 'mildew, fungus'.
Katukina (any edible generic) čoamis See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Shipibo-Konibo (any edible generic) kono See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Yaminahua (any edible generic) čora; kono; yõko; tarapačo See Language page The final example is not edible.
Chácobo (any edible generic) kono kono inheritance See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Yagua (any edible generic) cadijay kandixaj unknown cf. Ingua Quechua kallamba See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Ingá (any edible generic) kallamba See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Napo Lowland Quichua (any edible generic) ala ala See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Carapana (any edible generic) waperiti wapɛɾiti See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Makuna (any edible generic) abujutoa abuxutoa inheritance See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Tanimuca (any edible generic) eʔ'toa; riho'o ri'ka (edible mushroom) eʔ'toa; riho'o ri'ka (edible mushroom) unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Tuyuka (any edible generic) di'ti diʔti See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Siona (any edible generic) tënti tɨnti unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Secoya (any edible generic) cajo neñe, cone kahɔ nɛñɛ, kɔ̃nɛ See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Wayampi (any edible generic) ulupɛ ulupɛ inheritance See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Aché (any edible generic) krãdo unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Chiriguano (any edible generic) urupe inheritance See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Paraguayan Guaraní (any edible generic) urupe See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Sirionó (any edible generic) urue; uruete urue; uruete inheritance See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Ocaina (any edible generic) tsiixo, úvaaja tsiixo, ɯ́βaaha unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Iquito (any edible generic) jimɨ'ɨti (especie de hongo comestible que crece pegado a palos podridos) himɨ'ɨti (especie de hongo comestible que crece pegado a palos podridos) unknown See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Wari (any edible generic) jeiŋ (Sousa2009) jeiŋ (Sousa2009) See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Araona (any edible generic) taze See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Ese Ejja (any edible generic) ɗoo See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Ese Ejja/Huarayo (any edible generic) di di See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Tacana (any edible generic) si; keriri See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Cavineña (any edible generic) hiʔi hiʔi See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Central Aymara (any edible generic) jach'a kalla, champi (Bertonio 1612) sirkˀi See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Cayuvava (any edible generic) sere'enãre See Language page Lit. 'ear of the tree', an ear-shaped fungus growth.
Kwazá (any edible generic) hahe, haheturai, iriti, kidjoro (these are names for various species of mushroom) hahe, haheturai, iriti, kidjoro (these are names for various species of mushroom) See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Mosetén-Chimané (any edible generic) bi'tatu See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Movima (any edible generic) wolototo wolototo See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Kaingang (any edible generic) kamrĩ kayɛ̃r kasakɨ See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Djeoromitxi (any edible generic) pfonini ɸonini See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Mocoví (any edible generic) šipgaḳ n-otese See Language page Lit. 'horse 3p possessor-glan penis'. Also waḳahɲi l-aʔt-ek, lit. 'star 3p possessor-defecate-obj (masc)'.
Pilagá (any edible generic) waḳčiɲi l-ʔat-ek See Language page Lit. 'star-3pp-produce fecal matter-masc. thing'.
Toba (any edible generic) toʔolʸoʁoi See Language page Also waḳahɲi l-ʔat-ek, 'star 3p possessor-defecate-object (masc)'; kai-n-aton, 'horse-3p possessor-glan penis'; kai-n-adoʔo, 'horse-3p possessor-hat'; kai-n-atoina, 'horse-3p possessor-bell'.
Sanapaná/Dialect Enlhet (any edible generic) haapenenyeʔ See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Chorote, Iyojwa'ja (any edible generic) xlamoxlo See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Maca (any edible generic) tip-tip ɬoḳoɬokiʔ (f.) See Language page Means horse's penis (pointed end).
Nivaclé (any edible generic) šta-tax See Language page prioritize generic term that includes any edible species
Ayoreo (any edible generic) puu See Language page Edible m. is hupa-'ŋoori, in the N̥upedo Goosodeʔ dialect.
Lokono (any edible generic) kamarasana kamarasana toadstool, mushroom Fanshawe 1949:65 no
Kariña (any edible generic) sapipi sapipi mushroom Courtz 2007:364 no