flat bread, cassava bread

Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
pan de yuca, casabe/cazabe
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Kakua ʧɨ̌jʔ ʧɨ̌jʔ unknown Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Nheengatu meyu (beiju in general); kurada (beiju made from tapioca) meju (beiju in general); kurada (beiju made from tapioca) inheritance *meju possible donor to Portuguese beiju; Resígaɾo maaʔmú; Waimiri Atroari meie; Guayabero meyne Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Waorani pãõ (general bread) (IDS) bread (general) loan Spanish or Portuguese Also in Wanano pão; Secoya ãɔ usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yanomami nashi hikɨ naʃi hikɨ unique/semantic shift? Proto Ninam/Yanomami/Yanomam from 'manioc' usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yanomam naši (EM72) naʃi semantic shift? Proto Ninam/Yanomami/Yanomam from 'manioc' Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Ninam našihi (EM72) naʃihi semantic shift? Proto Ninam/Yanomami/Yanomam from 'manioc' Alternate: paktʰa Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Kotiria ~dahó nahó inheritance Proto-Tukanoan Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Cubeo ãuro ãuro inheritance Proto-Tukanoan Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Tukano ãhû ãhû inheritance Proto-Tukanoan Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Desano ãrũñe ãrũñe inheritance Proto-Tukanoan Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Hup b'ǎʔ, pǎn' b'ǎʔ, pǎn' doubtful loan; inheritance Proto-DYH Tukano 'eat' Possibly a loan from Tukanoan 'eat' baʔa Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Dâw baá’ bǎʔ doubtful loan Proto-DYH Tukano 'eat' Possibly a loan from Tukanoan 'eat' baʔa Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Sikuani peri peri loan (into protolanguage?) North Arawak Could be loan into protolanguage. Shared Guayabero, Macaguan usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Macaguan pérjía pérhía loan (into protolanguage?) Achagua Compare also Arawak Tariana, peːthé; Baniwa, peéthe; Shared Guayabero, Sikuani Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Guayabero ben (Waller); mayne (Rivet 1918) doubtful loan (into protolanguage?) North Arawak; but cf. 'dust' and 'meal' Could be loan into protolanguage. Also: man 'corn bread' (Keels 1985), mayne 'bread/manioc' (Rivet 1918) Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Pemon eekeei (dried), akuusee (soft), eekeeikarautanösak (toasted) (E1980) ekeɪ, akuse, ekeɪkaraʊtanösak (E1980) flat bread (soft) inheritance Pemongan subgroup Alternate:akuse, ekeɪkaraʊtanösak usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Akawaio eegii (dried), aguuzee (soft), eegiigaraudanɨsak (toasted) egi, aguze, egigaraʊdanɨsak soft flatbread inheritance Pemongan subgroup Alternate: aguze (dried) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Makushi ikkéí ikkéí inheritance Pemongan subgroup usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Eñepa #NAME? #NAME? bread doubtful loan (into protolg), direction unknown; loan Arawak; Spanish usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yukuna pupuchí 'torta hecha del almidón de yuca) puputʃí 'torta hecha del almidón de yuca) flatbread made from manioc or umari (huacuri) fruit unknown Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Tariana peːthé, paithé peːtʰé, paitʰé inheritance Proto Central North Arawak Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Wapishana baɖa baɖa unknown Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Baniwa peéthe, -ooléthe peéthe, -ooɺéthe inheritance; doubtful loan (into protolg), direction unknown Proto Rio Negro Carib Alternate: -ooɺéthe Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Resígaro maa?mú; peé-gí (R01) maaʔmú; peé-gí (R01) cassava (not necessarily bread) loan; inheritance/sem shift Bora Simplex usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Achagua béeri, júula béeri, júula inheritance; doubtful loan (into protolg), direction unknown Carib usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Piapoco macàdu; ú(u)ɺe (R01) makàdu; ú(u)ɺe (R01) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Kabiyari kúnhu kúnhu usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yavitero a'husi aʔhusi usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Paresi zomokwa θomokwa unknown usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Waurá ule-pe ule-pe doubtful loan (into protolg), direction unknown Carib usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Bora mááhoó; maʔmá-ɯ (Seifart11) mááʔoó; maʔmá-ɯ (Seifart11) inheritance? - loan into JIvaroan? usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Muinane máahu, áigúúcúhɨ́ca (casabe caliente o fresco), ítaɨca (casabe de almidón), túucɨ máahu (casabe preparado de la yuca podrida), súcúga (casabe tostada) máaʔu, áigúúcúʔɨ́ca (casabe caliente o fresco), ítaɨca (casabe de almidón), túucɨ máahu (casabe preparado de la yuca podrida), súcúga (casabe tostada)" usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Apalai wyi wɨi semantic shift cf. 'manioc' usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Wayana ulu ulu doubtful loan (into protolg), direction unknown Arawak usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Carijona y-uru 'food'; M2000 doubtful loan (into protolg), direction unknown Arawak usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Mapoyo sere; pati (generic flatbread); tata'pï (generic bread) sere; pati (generic flatbread); tata'pʊ (generic bread) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Wai Wai čuure čuure semantic shift cf. 'manioc' usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Waimiri Atroari meie meie usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yabarana sere usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yukpa yetatka ('bread') jetatka ('bread') usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Kalapalo kine kine inheritance? usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Muisca iefun (bread of indians) iepun usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Northern Emberá ɓe'ka (from corn, plantains, rice; IDS) ɓe'ka (from corn, plantains, rice; IDS) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Cofán casave kasaβɛ [loan] phonemic transcriptions are ESTIMATIONS usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Candoshi-Shapra tada, paga 'pan' tada, paka 'pan' loan; unknown Quechua usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Andoke pʌ'te; döa (RW52) pʌʔte unique usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Pumé tambai 'manioc flatbread' (Lin97); čãpe 'bread, cake, etc.' usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Puinave ʔãn ʔãn unknown usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Máku rači usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Ashuar tánta (Quechua), pang (Sp) tánta (Quechua), pang (Sp) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Huambisa pang (Sp.) paŋg usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Aguaruna tata tata loan Quechua tanda usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yuhup b'âʔ, k'ǒj b'âʔ, k'ǒj usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Nadëb/Roçado dialect madao, kanapiːh unknown; loan Arawak kana 'manioc' usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Matses [none] [none] missing usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Chácobo mapari mapari unknown usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Yagua paji paxi unique usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Napo Lowland Quichua tanda 'bread' tanda 'bread' usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Quechua Ayacuchano t'anta (CP94) t'anta usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Piaroa ɨ'rɨ'cɨh ɨɁrɨɁsɨh unknown usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Sáliva pehe peʔe loan N. Arawak usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Carapana naorõ, naurõ (tortoa de mandioca) nãoɾɔ̃, nãuɾɔ̃ usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Makuna bedero, naju, ʉ̃jʉri bɛdɛlo, naxu, ɨ̃xɨli unique; inheritance usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Tanimuca ã'ũã ã'ũã inheritance usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Tuyuka wʉ́abe wɨábe usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Koreguaje ãu ãu inheritance usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Siona aonga aonga inheritance usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Secoya ao ãɔ usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Kokama meu meu inheritance usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Wayampi mɛyu mɛju inheritance usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Sirionó manio manio semantic shift from 'manioc' usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Kamayurá mejũ mejũ inheritance usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Ocaina juuxá, nucóó hɯɯxá, nukóó unique; unique usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Murui Witoto aìrɨjɨ, aìrɨda aìrɯhɯ, aìrɯda (B83) unique usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Sanumá ĩšaai (EM72) ĩʃa:i unique manioc' forms not missing initial /n/ usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Wari kajikapam (Sousa2009) kajikapam (Sousa2009) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Cavineña kʷawe ("tapioca, manioc, cassava") kʷawe unknown usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Central Aymara t'ant'a ('bread', P04) t'ant'a (P04) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Kwazá atxitxiri (generic bread) atxitxiri (generic bread) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Kaingang yamĩ; ɛ̃mĩ; pũ 'bread' (IDS) yamĩ; ɛ̃mĩ; pũ 'bread' (IDS) usually manioc; agriculture, but also can be made from certain wild seeds/fruits See Language page
Lokono kereli kereli fresh cassava bread DeGoeje 1928:205
Kariña paja paja cassava bread; white cassava drink Courtz 2007:334