English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | General Notes | Source |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | General Notes | Source |
1pl.excl | nosotros (exclusivo) | nós (exclusivo) | grammar | missing | ||||||||||||
1pl.incl | nosotros (inclusivo) | nós (inclusivo) | grammar | kiske | unknown | Pinart II | ||||||||||
1sg | yo | eu | grammar | no, ne7e (indep pronoun), k- | loan | Harrington 1974:6 | ||||||||||
2pl | ustedes | vocês | grammar | pi7 | inheritance | |||||||||||
2sg | xx | xx | grammar | pi; ynip B67:12; p- | inheritance | Pinart II | ||||||||||
3pl | ellos/ellas | eles/elas | grammar | ci- (def), cam- (indef) | unknown | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
3sg | el/ella | ele/ela | grammar | c- | unknown | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
above | encima, arriba | acima | location | 7alalpay “arriba” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
again | de nuevo, otra vez | de novo | grammar | missing | ||||||||||||
all | todo | todos | other | jyla7; | inheritance | K1977:63 | ||||||||||
and | y | e | grammar | ki; cal (w/ nouns in B67:24 an d also w/ vb clauses) | unknown | Harrington 1974:8 | ||||||||||
ankle | tobillo | tornozelo | body | show | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
armpit | axila, sobaco | axila | body | tok'olol (tok'ololi “put under arm”) | inheritance | Klar 1977:22 | ||||||||||
ash | ceniza(s) | cinzas | environment | 7ixsha | inheritance | Klar 1977:67 | ||||||||||
at | en, a | em, a | location | missing | ||||||||||||
back | espalda | costas | body | myt | inheritance | Klar 1977:67 | ||||||||||
bad | mal | mal | quality | muschum | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
belly | barriga | barriga | body | qyp | unknown | Harrington 1974:9 | ||||||||||
below | abajo, debajo | abaixo | location | -ma7am | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
big | grande | grande | quality | xa7ax | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
bite | morder | morder | body | 7aqsiL | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
black | negro | preto | colour | al-shoshoy | unknown | Harrington 1974:9 | ||||||||||
blood | sangre | sangue | body | 7an | unknown | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
blow | soplar | soprar | body | 7aqtyw'yw | inheritance | Klar 1977:70 | ||||||||||
boil/pimple | espinilla, granos | espinha, borbulha | body | 7ejus “mezquino” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
bone | hueso | osso | body | se | inheritance | Klar 1977:71 | ||||||||||
breast | pecho, seno | peito | body | kutet | inheritance | Klar 1977:72 | ||||||||||
breathe | respirar | respirar | body | enhes “breath” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
burn | quemar | queimar | environment | sixut (trans), ixut (intrans) | inheritance | Klar 1977:73 | ||||||||||
chew | masticar, mascar | mastigar | body | aqsk'ysy “mascar bien” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
child | niño, niña | criança | human | qunup | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
climb | subir | subir | motion | apyti, aqapet | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
cloud | nube | nuvem | environment | ts'ymy | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
cold | frío | frio | quality | toqom “feel cold” | inheritance | Klar 1977:76 | ||||||||||
come | venir | vir | motion | jyti, qalaw | inheritance | Klar 1977:77, 78 | ||||||||||
cook | cocinar | cozinhar | impact | sh-ipshyl | inheritance | Klar 1977:78 | ||||||||||
correct/true | verdad, de veras | verdade | quality | washych “good, true, right”, washe7e7ech “pura verdad” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
count | contar | contar | mental | chHaljych “he counts” | unknown | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
cry | llorar | chorar | mental | mish | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
cut/hack | cortar | cortar | impact | 7ywy | inheritance | Klar 1977:17 | ||||||||||
day | día | dia | time | si-7ishaw “sun, day” | unknown | Harrington 1974:6 | ||||||||||
die/be dead | morir | morrer | state | aqsha | inheritance | Klar 1977:81 | ||||||||||
dig | cavar | cavar | impact | ushpay (kuspayus “I dig for it”) | unknown | Harrington 1974:6 | ||||||||||
dingo/wolf | fauna | mej | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||
dirty | sucio | sujo | quality | chHupuch | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
dream | soñar | sonhar | mental | 7atyshwych | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
drink | beber, tomar | beber | body | 7aqmil | inheritance | Klar 1977:22 | ||||||||||
dry | seco | seco | quality | axsyw | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
dull/blunt | sin filo, mocho, desafilado, embotado, romo | maçante, desamolado, não afiado | quality | chnop (like tip of pen, but also OK for knife) | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
dust | polvo | poeira | environment | shupshu7up “tierra suelta, what blows in wind” | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
ear | oreja | orelha | body | tu | loan direction unknown | Klar 1977:23 | ||||||||||
earth/soil | tierra | terra | environment | shup | inheritance | Klar 1977:83 | ||||||||||
eat | comer | comer | body | 7uw | inheritance | Klar 1977:40 | ||||||||||
egg | huevo | ovo | fauna | shtum (but k-tum “my egg (chicken speaking)” 3(91)0322 | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
eye | ojo | olho | body | tyq | inheritance | Klar 1977:84 | ||||||||||
faeces | heces, mierda, excremento, estiércol | fezes | body | nukHwaxa “voy a cagar”, waxanesh “feces” 69:0296 | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
fall | caer | cair | motion | woloji “fall over (as tree)”, woloqoji “fall (by tripping)” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
far | lejos | longe | quality | my7yk; myky7y “go far away” | inheritance | Klar 1977:85 | ||||||||||
fat/grease | grasa | gordura | body | ts7aLxilinich hesikHpu “my hands are greasy” | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
father | padre, papá | pai | kinship | k'oko “my fa” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
fear | miedo | medo | mental | oxonishpi, oxonyshpi | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
feather | pluma | pena | fauna | sqap | loan direction unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
fire | fuego | fogo | environment | ny | inheritance | Klar 1977:86 | ||||||||||
fish | xx | xx | fauna | chochony7ysh “any kind of fish” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
flow | fluir | fluir | motion | nalmu | unique | JPH | ||||||||||
flower | flor | flor | environment | (c,s)pe7ey | inheritance | Klar 1977:25 | ||||||||||
fly | volar | voar | motion | no7an kxojojo “I fly” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
fog | niebla, neblina | nevoeira, bruma, neblina | environment | 7ulkum, 7ushku'm, 7usku'm | loan | JPH | ||||||||||
foot | pie | pé | body | tem' | inheritance | Klar 1977:88 | ||||||||||
fruit | fruta | fruta | flora | s-7amy | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
good | bueno | bom | quality | washych | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
grow | crecer | crescer | state | lunla7al (human), luny7yp (plant) | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
hair (of head) | cabello | cabelo | body | 7oqwo “hair of head” | unknown | Turner 1983:240 | ||||||||||
hand | mano | mão | body | pu | inheritance | Klar 1977:15 | ||||||||||
head | cabeza | cabeça | body | jywysh | unknown | Harrington 1974:5 | ||||||||||
hear | oír | ouvir | mental | pitac “entiendes” | inheritance | B67:18 | ||||||||||
heavy | pesado | pesado | quality | walamys | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
hide | esconder | esconder | motion | utikaj (vi) | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
hit | golpear, pegar | bater | impact | wyp “hit with stick” | loan | JPH | ||||||||||
hold | correr, asegurar, sostener | segurar | other | takHuj | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
how? | como | como | grammar | nelka7a7an “como esta..., cual es” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
if | si | se | grammar | Aju | j is [x] in this source | unknown | B67:14 | |||||||||
in/inside | dentro, adentro | dentro | location | ma7am | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
intestines | intestinos | intestinos | body | si-k-7axshyw | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
itch | hormiguear, sentir comezón | coçar | body | shik7y (91:0201); akshik7y (92:0009) | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
kill | matar | matar | impact | alwa (kill person), takty “kill animal” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
know/be knowledgeable | saber, conecer | saber, conhecer | mental | chposhoch “he knows” | unknown | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
lake | lago | lago | environment | 7alka7ash “any charco or laguna” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
laugh | reír | rir | mental | kHqo7o “I laughed | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
leaf | hoja | folha | environment | staqapqap | loan | JPH | ||||||||||
left/left hand | izquierdo | esquerdo | location/body | k-talkaw' “my left hand” | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
leg/foot | pierna | perna | body | 7yl | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
lie down | acostarse, echarse | deitar | motion | otoy'i | inheritance | Klar 1977:95 | ||||||||||
lightning | rayo, relámpago | relampago | environment | tsqunqunt'aw “esta relampagueando” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
live/be alive | vivir | viver, morar | body | k'alitpe, k'alititpe “estoy vivo (not dead” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
liver | hígado | figado | body | 7al | inheritance | Klar 1977:95 | ||||||||||
long | largo | comprido, longo | quality | 7ulji “long, tall” | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
louse | piollo, piojo | piolho | fauna | shik “louse” | inheritance | Klar 1977:95 | ||||||||||
lung | pulmón | pulmão | body | missing | ||||||||||||
man/male | hombre | homem | human | 7at'axach' | loan | Harrington 1974:4 | ||||||||||
meat/flesh | carne | carne | fauna | 7amamy “body, meat” | inheritance | Klar 1977:132 | ||||||||||
moon | luna | lua | environment | 7awhay7 | inheritance | Klar 1977:91 | ||||||||||
mother | madre, mamá | mãe | kinship | k'ete “my mother (but root is tete) | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
mouth | boca | boca | body | 7yk | inheritance | Klar 1977:99 | ||||||||||
name | nombre | nome | human | ty | inheritance | Klar 1977:18 | ||||||||||
nape | base del cuello, nuca | nuca | body | si-k-ni “mi nuca” | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
near/close | cerca de | perto | quality | ne7e sijaxikyhy “ya estan cerca” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
neck | cuello | pescoço | body | aqnyw; note that JPY has aqlyw at 91:387 | unknown | Klar 1977:19 | ||||||||||
new | nuevo | novo | quality | missing | ||||||||||||
night | noche | noite | time | ulkuw | unknown | Klar 1977:118 | ||||||||||
no/not | no | não | grammar | muc'il “there is no, not”, mus-, mu-, muhu-; mu B67:14 | Harrington 1974:6 | |||||||||||
nose | nariz | nariz | body | nuxsh | unknown | Harrington 1974:6 | ||||||||||
old | viejo | velho | quality | -iwach (on nouns "old", on vbs "past" | unknown | Harrington 1974 | ||||||||||
one | uno | um | number | pake7et | inheritance | Klar 1977:120 | ||||||||||
open/uncover | abrir | abrir | other | 7ush-qal | inheritance | Klar 1977:103 | ||||||||||
other | otro | outro | grammar | ts'ohoj | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
pain/painful/sick | dolor, doloroso, enfermo | dor, doloroso, doente | body | ushi7ik “tener dolor” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
person/human being | persona | pessoa | human | ku | inheritance | Klar 1977:103 | ||||||||||
pound/beat | machacar, golpear | bater | impact | wiwex “with blows (not instrument)” | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
rain | lluvia | chuva | environment | tuhuy | inheritance | Klar 1977:24 | ||||||||||
red | rojo | vermelho | colour | 7al-uqshtahaj | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
right/right hand | derecha | direita | location/body | -talkujuw' "right hand" | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
road/path | camino | caminho | manufacture | 7al-ijash | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
root | raíz | raiz | flora | c'axpilil “root, sinew” | inheritance | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
rotten | podrido | podre | quality | tolmow | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
sand | arena | areia | environment | qas | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
say | decir | dizer | mental | ipi B67:14, yp “di” B67:16 | inheritance | |||||||||||
scratch | rascar | rasgar | impact | tiqul | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
see | ver | ver | mental | qisy | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
sharp | afilado, filudo, filoso | afiado | quality | c'yc' | unknown | Harrington 1974:6 | ||||||||||
shoot | tirar, disparar, balear | atirar | impact | wyl | inheritance | Klar 1977:119 | ||||||||||
short | corto | curto | quality | nowowo | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
shoulder | hombro | ombro | body | si-kH-k'uk'uj “mi hombro” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
shy/ashamed | tímido, vergonzoso | timido, com vergonha | mental | nuxiliwy | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
sit | sentar(se) | sentar | state | ilik'e (also “dwell in a place”); 7isijilik'e “ la vida” 92:9723 | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
skin | piel | pele | body | cpax | unknown | Harrington 1974:9 | ||||||||||
sky | cielo | céu | environment | alalpaj | unknown | Pinart II, B67:12 | ||||||||||
sleep | dormir | dormir | body | we | loan | JPH | ||||||||||
small | pequeño | pequeno | quality | mit'i | loan | JPH | ||||||||||
smoke | humo | fumaça | environment | itow | inheritance | Klar 1977:108 | ||||||||||
sniff/smell | olfatear, oler | cheirar | body | jut'uxsh | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
spit | escupir | cuspir | body | 7uxch'yk | loan direction unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
split | partir, dividir | rachar, dividir, partir | impact | nich'eq (of board) | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
squeeze | estrujar, exprimir | espremer | impact | kipshe | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
stab/pierce | apuñalar, acuchillar | apunhalar | impact | uqwash | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
stand | estar de pié | ficar em pé | state | tynyn | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
star | estrella | estrela | environment | 7aqiwo | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
steal | robar | roubar | other | xono | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
stick/wood | palo | pau, vara | flora | pon' | inheritance | Klar 1977:115 | ||||||||||
stone | piedra | pedra | environment | xyp | inheritance | Klar 1977:111 | ||||||||||
suck | chupar | chupar | body | ckutet “he sucks” | inheritance | Harrington 1974:9 | ||||||||||
sweat | sudar | suor, suar | body | tsisawus “he is sweating” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
swell | hincharse | inchar | body | tysh | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
swim | nadar | nadar | motion | aqiwywy | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
tail | cola, rabo | rabo | body | teleq | inheritance | Klar 1977:27 | ||||||||||
that | ese/esa | esse | grammar | hohit; lesi “aquella” JPH 3(69) 0017R, kaki se7e “esa agua” 0018L | unknown | B67:24 | ||||||||||
thick | grueso, gordo, espeso | grosso | quality | ch-ashtipil (of blanket, etc., not liquid) | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
thin | delgado | fino | quality | cjuqmit'i “it is slender” | loan | Harrington 1974:7 | ||||||||||
think | pensar | pensar | mental | oqwoli “idear” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
this | este/esta | este | grammar | hesa, 7iti7i (JPH 3(69) 0019L) | inheritance | Harrington 1974:5 | ||||||||||
three | tres | tres | number | masyq | inheritance | Klar 1977:120 | ||||||||||
throat | garganta | garganta | body | aqlewyny7ysh “tragadera” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
throw | tirar, lanzar | atirar, jogar | impact | wach7yw | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
thunder | truenos | trovão | environment | so7oxk'oho “the thunder”(once he writes oqk'oho) | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
tie up/fasten | atar, amarrar | amarrar | impact | qsikH “tie up in bundle” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
tongue | lengua | lingua | body | 7elew' | inheritance | Klar 1977:18 | ||||||||||
tooth | diente | dente | body | sa | inheritance | Klar 1977:113 | ||||||||||
turn | girar, volter, torcer | virar | other | kinomoj “turn around while standing” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
two | dos | dois | number | 7ishkom' | inheritance | Klar 1977:29, 120 | ||||||||||
vomit | vomitar | vomitar | body | pash | inheritance | Klar 1977:114 | ||||||||||
walk | caminar, andar | andar | motion | tintina7al | unique | JPH | ||||||||||
water | agua | agua | environment | 7o | inheritance | Klar 1977:115 | ||||||||||
wet | mojado | molhado | quality | o7och | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
what? | que, qué | que | grammar | kjeki, huki he? (89:062) | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||
when? | cuando | quando | grammar | 7asnym, ki7ashnym (3(69)oo16L) | unknown | Harrington 1974:7 | ||||||||||
where? | donde | onde | grammar | neL; ne7le 69:0049R | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
white | blanco | branco | colour | -7owow "to be white" | unknown | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
who? | quien, quién | quem | grammar | 7asku | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
wife | esposa | esposa | kinship | shatiwyw “spouse” | unknown | Harrington 1974:3 | ||||||||||
wind | viento | vento | environment | 7aqtywyw | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
wing | ala | asa | body | sqawwayha, qawawa, qawawha 92:0494, 0500 | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
woman/female | mujer | mulher | human | x7anwa | unknown | Harrington 1974:9 | ||||||||||
work | trabajar | trabalhar | other | isuxuxmalits loka x'anwa “esta trabajando la mujer” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||
yawn | bostezar | bocejar | body | shashham | unknown | Klar 1977:117 | ||||||||||
yellow | amarillo | amarelo | colour | missing |
English |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Linnean Name | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Etymology Notes | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Range of Term | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | Classifier | Classifier Notes | Hypernym | Source | Association with Social Categories | Ritual/Mythologically Significant | Ritual Notes | Food Source | Food Notes | Medicinal | Medicinal Notes | How Collected | Who Collects | How Prepared | Psychotropic | Psychotropic Notes | Traded | Trade Notes | Distribution | Habitat | Dangerous | Ethnobiology Notes | Species Notes | General Notes |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Linnean Name | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Etymology Notes | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Range of Term | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | Classifier | Classifier Notes | Hypernym | Source | Association with Social Categories | Ritual/Mythologically Significant | Ritual Notes | Food Source | Food Notes | Medicinal | Medicinal Notes | How Collected | Who Collects | How Prepared | Psychotropic | Psychotropic Notes | Traded | Trade Notes | Distribution | Habitat | Dangerous | Ethnobiology Notes | Species Notes | General Notes |
abalone | flora-fauna | Haliotis spp. | kaše; t'aja “aulon” JPH | abalone | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | WW | %kys | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:60 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ant (generic) | hormiga | formiga | flora-fauna | Formicidae | ah'-nēCH-ō'p (šutele Pinart) | ant | loan | Takic | Takic 7ane- “ant, red ant” | phrase | ant-X | Merriam 55:51 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ant (generic) | hormiga | formiga | flora-fauna | 7aniwo7uho | loan | JPH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
antelope | flora-fauna | Antilocapra americana | q'aq'; na7na7a7 JPH III 91:032?? | antelope | unique | underived | Merriam 55:37; JPH III:91:0142 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
badger | flora-fauna | Taxidea taxus | 7aluš7eš | badger | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | relative clause | means “the digger”; 7al-, -Vsh | JPH III:91:0113 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bald eagle | flora-fauna | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | mah'-ke-wo | bald eagle | unique | Central Chumash only | 7almaxwo? See 27, JPH's “aura” | underived | Merriam 55:41 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
band-tail pigeon | flora-fauna | Patagioenas fasciata | sŭ'-kŭ-suk' (1932), soo-koo-sōk (1905) | band-tail pigeon | unique | reduplicated | Merriam 55:41 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bat | murciélago | morcego | flora-fauna | Chiroptera spp | makaL | bat | inheritance | *mVkala | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:88 | WW | %tamakala | underived | Merriam 55:37; JPH III:91:0391 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
beaver | flora-fauna | Castor | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
beetle | flora-fauna | Coleoptera spp | matexkčaopo | pinacate | unique | phrase | meaning of elements unknown | Heizer/Pinart I:58 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
big round tule | flora-fauna | Schoenoplectus acutus | kawɨyɨsh | Scirpus acutus, Scirpus californicus, Bulrush, Tule | unique | other complex | -Vsh resultative | Timbrook 2007:203 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
big skunk | flora-fauna | Mephitis mephitis | tah'-kah-mah Klar taxama | skunk | inheritance | *tVqema | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:108 | underived | Merriam 55:37 V | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
big wolf (gray wolf) | flora-fauna | Canis lupus | mueis | wolf | inheritance | Proto-Chumash | Obispeno k-asiməj, hesiməj | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:57 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bighorn sheep | flora-fauna | Ovis canadensis | al-lix'mah 1932 | bighorn sheep | unique | other complex | 7al- | Merriam 55:37 V | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bird | pajaro, ave | passaro | flora-fauna | tswiw | bird | inheritance | In Barbareno | underived | Mamet 2008:14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bird | pajaro, ave | passaro | flora-fauna | si-ch-wiw “a bird” | loan direction unknown | Harrington 1974:6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
black ant | flora-fauna | Camponotus pennsylvanicus/Lasius niger | aniwouho aLnunasimilaqsa | small black ant | loan | Takic | Takic 7ane- “ant, red ant” | other complex | ant-X | JPH III:69:0081 from FL | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
black bear | flora-fauna | Ursus americanus | xus | bear (both grizzly and black) | inheritance | *qus | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:68-9 | underived | Merriam 55:35 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
black-tail Jackrabbit | flora-fauna | Lepus californicus | mah | black-tailed jack rabbit | inheritance | *ma' | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977;105 | underived | Merriam 55:39 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blackberry | flora-fauna | Rubus ursinus | tɨhɨ | California blackberry, Rubus ursinus | unique | loan? Ineseno tɨqɨtɨq | underived | Timbrook 2007:174 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blowfly/housefly | mosca | mosca | flora-fauna | Diptera | 7axunpes (Pinart has paopao) | fly | inheritance | *axulpes | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:87: Pinart form also Harrington pawapaw “flies”;, axunpes is “mosquito in Harrington III:91:0106 | phrase | meaning of elements unknown | Klar 1977:87 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
blowfly/housefly | mosca | mosca | flora-fauna | -pawapaw "any fly" | inheritance | JPH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blue grouse | flora-fauna | Dendrogapus? | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bobcat, lynx | flora-fauna | Lynx rufus | 7aLxa7i | small gato montes | unique | also 7al7ap'aLpai “big gato montes” JPH | other complex | 7al- | Merriam 55:35; JPH III:69:0403 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
butterfly, moth | mariposa | borboleta | flora-fauna | Lepidoptera | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
California condor | flora-fauna | Gymnogyps californianus | on-hawk (1905; hujawüt JPH “huitre”, big bird, red head” | Chumash B. wit from Yokuts; Beeler 1978:188; V , also turkey buzzard) | Condor, turkey buzzard | inheritance | Central Chumash only | same as Ineseno 7onoq(') “turkey vulture” | underived | Merriam 55:41; JPH III:69:0080 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
California jay | flora-fauna | Aphelocoma californica? | chi'-chi' | California jay | inheritance | Central Chumash only | In Barbareno | WW | %chay | reduplicated | Merriam 55:51 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
California woodpecker | flora-fauna | Melanerpes formicivorus? | čulakak | woodpecker | loan into protolanguage | *pVlak'a(k') | Proto-Chumash | unknown | Klar 1977:116; this is NOT a regular reflex and argues that this is a loan through the family | WW | %palaka ~ %pana(k) | underived | Klar 1977:116 | 2 | nephew of the sun, only one who did not die in the first flood (Applegate 531) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
chia | flora-fauna | Salvia columbariae | itepesh | Salvia columbariae, Chia | inheritance | *'epV- | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:75-6 | same | other complex | -Vsh resultative | Timbrook 2007:188 | 1 | “given as a ceremonial offering at most public and private rituals” Timbrook 2007:192 | 1 | 1 | to clear eyes of particles | gathered (wild but closely managed) | women | toasted, ground into flour | 0 | 0 | to Island Chumash “one hatful of chia worth five hatfuls of acorns, 5 o 8 hatfuls of Chia for a good elderberry-wood bow, also could be bought w/ strings of shell money (Timbrook 2007:192 | no | ||||||||||||||||||
chipmunk | flora-fauna | Tamias spp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cliff swallow | flora-fauna | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | an-ne'-pe | barn swallow (Hirundo) | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | other complex | 7al- | Merriam 55:43 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
coot | flora-fauna | Fulica americana | ksen | coot (Merriam confirms k'sā-en 55:45) | unique | underived | Mamet 2008:18 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cottontail rabbit | flora-fauna | Sylvilagus audobonii | timew | rabbit (Merriam 55:39 confirms cottontail); but note ku'nU “conejo prietito”; JPH says timew is “larger than ku'nU” | unique | underived | Mamet 2008:57 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cottonwood | flora-fauna | Populus spp. | khwelekhwel | Populus fremontii, Cottonwood (Merriam confirms 55:53) | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | reduplicated | Timbrook 2007:149 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
coyote | flora-fauna | Canis latrans | 7alaquweL | coyote | unique | other complex | 7al- agentive | Merriam 58:35 ; JPH III:91:374 | 1 | approaches house to warn of death | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
crow | flora-fauna | Corvus brachyrhynchos | 7a7awash | crow | inheritance | *7a7 | Proto-Chumash | Obispeno t-a7 | other complex | ʔaʔ-ʔiwaʃ crow-pejorative | Merriam 55:41; JPH III:69:0080 from FL) | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
datura | flora-fauna | Datura wrightii | momoy | Datura wrightii, Jimsonweed, toloache | loan into protolanguage | *mom'oy < *moy | Proto-Chumash | Takic | Klar 1977:93 sees as inheritance but it's a loan from Gab or Lu “moon” | WW | %moji ~ %moni | same | reduplicated | Timbrook 2007:65 | 1 | taken at initiation to seek dream helper, and any time afterward | 1 | 1 | painkiller for serious injuries and broken bones | gathered (wild) | men, women | boiled to make infusion | 1 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||
deer | venado | veado, cariacu | flora-fauna | wyl | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
deer, mule | flora-fauna | Odocoileus hemionus | wɨ | deer (Merriam confirms All deer, blacktail and mule) | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Mamet 2008:57; | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
digger pine | flora-fauna | Pinus sabiniana | tsɨkɨnɨn | Pinus spp. (except P. monophylla) | unique | underived | Timbrook 2007:141 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dog (camp, domestic) | perro | cachorro | flora-fauna | Canis familiaris | ʧtɨn (same in B., also “pet”) Merriam steh-un, stā-un; JPH tšə7əniwaš | dog | inheritance | Also in Barbareno | underived | Mamet 2008:36, Merriam 55:39; JPH III:91:0326 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dog (camp, domestic) | perro | cachorro | flora-fauna | 7ishty7yniwash | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dogbane | flora-fauna | Apocynum cannabinum | tok | Apocynum cannabinum, Indian-Hemp, Dogbane | inheritance | Southern Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:31 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dove | paloma | pomba | flora-fauna | Zenaida macrocoura | šukušuk | tortola, turtle-dove | unique | Note Barbareno tukutuk, must be sound-symbolic variants | reduplicated | JPH III:91:0011 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
duck | pato | pato, marreco | flora-fauna | Anatidae | alishnoshkoloi | duck | unique | Central Chumash only | -koloj root in Ineseno | phrase | 7al-...Vsh, koloi; note 7aLmaLkoloi “alacran” JPH III:69:0483 | Heizer/Pinart I:56 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
elder | flora-fauna | Sambucus | qayas | Sambucus mexicana, Blue Elderberry; Merriam confirms 55:55 | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:195 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
elk | flora-fauna | Cervas elaphus | ši7iw(o) | elk | loan | Central Chumash only | Yokuts | Central Chumash -- could this be from Yokuts %sok, the /soyo/ form??? | underived | Merriam 55:37 ; JPH III:91:0307 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fish (generic) | pez | peixe | flora-fauna | ʧoʧonɨʃ | fish (Merriam confirms) | unique | reduplicated | Mamet 2008:26 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
flea | pulga | pulga | flora-fauna | Siphonaptera | step | flea | inheritance | *-tep | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Klar 1977:86 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
flicker | flora-fauna | Colaptes sp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
foothills yucca | flora-fauna | Yucca whipplei | pash | amole | unique | ts'ats'əs 7i pash “barba del amole”, amole fiber, suggests Y. whipplei | underived | JPH III:91:00278 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fox | flora-fauna | Vulpes, Urocyon | haw' | fox | unique | Is this a loan? Seems like I've seen a similar form somewhere | WW | %kaw | underived | JPH III:91:0044 | 2 | approaches house to warn of death | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
frog (generic) | flora-fauna | xwetet; JPH waqaq from FL | frog (Merriam confirms) | unique | WW | %wakat | underived | Mamet 2008:92; JPH III:69:0081 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
golden eagle | flora-fauna | Aquila chrysaetos | slo | aguila real (JPH) | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Merriam 55:41; JPH III:69:0080 from FL) | clan symbol (Applegate p. 452) | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gooseberry | flora-fauna | Ribes spp. | chtɨmɨy | Ribes spp., Gooseberry | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:170 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gopher snake, bull snake | flora-fauna | Pituophis catenifer | pʃoʃ | bullsnake (V); gopher snake (B) | inheritance | *pSoSo | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:89 | underived | Mamet 2008:18 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grass | hierba, pasto | capim, grama | flora-fauna | (NA) | tašta7aš | grass (any) | unique | reduplicated | taš “un tule muy delgado” | Merriam 55:61; JPH III:91:0114 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grass | hierba, pasto | capim, grama | flora-fauna | tashta7ash “grass in general” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grasshopper | flora-fauna | Caelifera | took (1932), tōk (1905); tukh | grasshopper | inheritance | *ti/uqu (<-qu) | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:89 | underived | Merriam 55:51; JPH 0157 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gray ground squirrel | flora-fauna | Sphermophilus sp. | pistuk | Gray ground squirrel, Citellus beecheyi group | inheritance | Also in Barbareno | underived | Merriam 55:37; JPH III:91:0133 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gray tree squirrel | flora-fauna | Sciurus spp. | tŏn'-tŏn' | Gray tree squirrel | unique | reduplicated | Merriam 55:37 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
great horned owl | flora-fauna | Bubo virginianus | moo-hoo (1932), mŏ-hŏ 1905; JPH muju | great horned owl | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Gab. muhut; this is a Proto-Uto-Aztecan word. But it's sound-imitative.... Also loan is into Central Chumash, not daughter langs. May be Chumash. | underived | Merriam 55:41 | 1 | Warns “a good person will die” (Ono 89) | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grizzly bear | flora-fauna | Ursus arctos horribilis | xus | bear (Merriam 55:35 confirms grizzly and black bear) | inheritance | Proto-Chumash | underived | nunaʃiʃ “animal; beast, devil” Beeler 1978:181 (and used this way in an Ono text, as “(big) vs. (small) animals re hunting preferences | Mamet 2008:57 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
horned toad | flora-fauna | Phrynosomatidae | an-tim'-men kā-yā-yă | horned toad | unique | Central Chumash only | phrase | Merriam 55:49 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
horse | caballo | cavalho | flora-fauna | Equus caballus | kawaju | horse | loan | Spanish | WW | %caballo | underived | Mamet 2008:47 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
hummingbird | colibrí, picaflor (Peru) | beija-flor | flora-fauna | Trochilidae | juxnuts | hummingbird | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:57; JPH III:69:0081 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
insect (generic) | insecto | insecto | flora-fauna | generic | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | variable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junco | flora-fauna | Junco sppp | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
juniper | flora-fauna | Juniperus californica | mulus | Juniperus californicus, California Juniper | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:108 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
louse | flora-fauna | order Phtiraptera | šik | louse | inheritance | *Seke | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:92-3 | underived | Klar 1977:92 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mallard | flora-fauna | Anas platyrhynchos | al'-le-wush-ko'-loi; JPH aniXwutskoloi | mallard | unique | Central Chumash only | phrase | Merriam 55:45; JPH III:69:0081 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
manzanita | flora-fauna | Arctostaphylos spp. | tsqoqo'n | Arctostaphylos spp., Manzanita | unique | Central Chumash? Ineseno, Barbareno tsqo'yon | reduplicated | Timbrook 2007:34 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
milkweed, broad leaf | flora-fauna | Asclepias eriocarpa | 7usha'ak | Asclepias (eriocarpa and fascicularis) | unique | underived | Timbrook 2007:40 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
milkweed, narrow leaf | flora-fauna | Asclepias fascicularis | 7usha'ak | Asclepias (eriocarpa and fascicularis) | unique | underived | Timbrook 2007:40 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mission tule | flora-fauna | Juncus | syɨt (Pinart has mexmei like in I.); Harrington has meXmei III:69:0028 | Juncus textilis, Indian Rush | loan | Takic | Note Serrano/Kitanemuk hy-T; Takic *sɨji- “Juncus”; the final -t also suggests a Takic loan although Takic languages have /l/ absolutive. | underived | Timbrook 2007:102 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mockingbird | flora-fauna | Mimus polyglottos | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mosquito | mosquito, zancudo | mosquito, carapana | flora-fauna | Anopheles spp, Isoptera | uakaneč | mosquito | unique | phrase | meaning of elements unknown | Heizer/Pinart I:58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
moth | mariposa nocturna, polilla | mariposa | flora-fauna | Heterocera | 7aLtipaka | palomita de la noche, moth | inheritance | Barbareno 7antipaka | other complex | 7al- | JPH III:69:0407 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
mountain lion | flora-fauna | Puma concolor | tuk'em' (took-am' (1932), 500-kem' (1905) | mountain lion | inheritance | *tVkem' | Proto-Chumash | Widespread Californianism, note NUA *tuCkuC; Klar 1977:98 but I think loan is post-Proto-Ch, hence irregularity | WW | %tuku | underived | Merriam 55:35 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
mountain quail | flora-fauna | Oreortyx pictus | 7üxüi7iXenti | codorniz | unique | phrase | a real mystery word | JPH III:69:008a from FL | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mussel | flora-fauna | Mytilus spp. | ttoho; qep JPH; t'o | mussels | inheritance | Also in Barbareno | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:60 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
olivella (olive snail) | flora-fauna | Callianax biplicata | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pinyon jay | flora-fauna | Cyanocitta stelleri? | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pinyon pine | flora-fauna | Pinus monophylla | posh | Pinus monophylla | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:142 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pismo clam | flora-fauna | Tivella stultorum | 7alčʰum; qəpqə7əp; tswaqsiq (F. Librado JPH III:69:0030 | clam sp., money; clam | inheritance | *'ala-qu-Cum | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:97 | other complex | 7al- | Klar 1977:97; JPH III:91:0425 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
pocket gopher | flora-fauna | Thomomys | awCH'-wah, ŏCH'-wah (1932) ohCH'-wah 1905 | pocket gopher | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Merriam 55:39 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
poison oak | flora-fauna | Toxicodendron diversilobum | yasis | Toxicodendron diversilobum, poison oak | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:214 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rattlesnake | flora-fauna | Crotalus spp. | xʃap | rattlesnake Merriam confirms 55:47) | inheritance | Proto-Chumash | Obispeno kaxʃap | underived | Mamet 2008:18; | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
red ant | flora-fauna | Solenopsis spp | sutülhüL | rose-colored ant | unique | underived | maybe a redup here | JPH III:69:0081 from FL | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
red-shouldered blackbird | flora-fauna | Agelaius phoeniceus | tš'oq | blackbird | loan into protolanguage | Central Chumash only | Yokuts | In Barbareno | WW | %chak | underived | JPH II:91:0346 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
red-tailed hawk | flora-fauna | Buteo jamaicensis | k'wee'ch (1932), koo-ētch 1905; kwits (JPH) | hawk sp. | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Merriam 55:41 V ; JPH III:69:0080 (from FL) | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
roadrunner | flora-fauna | Geococcyx californianus | pupu | road runner | loan into protolanguage | *pu' | Proto-Chumash | unknown | Klar 1977:106 | WW | %pu: | reduplicated | Merriam 55:41; JPH III:91-0260 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ruddy duck | flora-fauna | Oxyura jamaicensis | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sage herb | flora-fauna | Artemisia californica | wewe'y | Artemisia californica | inheritance | Central Chumash only | In Barbareno | reduplicated | Timbrook 2007:36 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
salmon/steelhead | flora-fauna | Oncorhynchus mykiss | lap (2), poiok (3) | salmon | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Ineseno has lap; what about Yokuts lopit? | WW | %lvp | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:60, 61 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
scaly lizard | flora-fauna | Pygopus lepidopodus? | an'-tip-snă'-ki | scaly lizard | unique | other complex | 7al- | Merriam 55:49 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
small bird | flora-fauna | tšwiw | small bird, any bird | inheritance | In Barbareno | underived | JPH II:91:0336 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
small brown lizard | flora-fauna | ʔolpo; 7oLpo JPH | lizard sp. | unique | underived | is this from 7al-?? | Mamet 2008:32 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
snake (generic) | culebra, serpiente | cobra | flora-fauna | pʃoʃ | snake | inheritance | *pSoSo | Proto-Chumash | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:58 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
snake (generic) | culebra, serpiente | cobra | flora-fauna | xshap “rattlesnake” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
soaproot | flora-fauna | Chlorogalum | pash | paʃ | Chlorogalum pomeridianum; Soap plant, Soap root, Amole | unique | I think this is wrong word, this is the yucca-root soap | underived | Timbrook 2007:56 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sour berry | flora-fauna | Rhus trilobata | shuna'y | Rhus trilobata, 3-leaved sumac | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:166 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sparrow hawk | flora-fauna | Falco | kwiʧ; perhaps kilik JPH? | falcon sp. | loan into protolanguage | Central Chumash only | unknown | Ineseno has kilik | WW | %kili | underived | Mamet 2008:18 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
spider | araña | aranha | flora-fauna | Arachnida, Araneae | ktut | spider | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash; Note Yowlumne ko-to-gil-loi; ko-lo-kil'-wi; Delta-california Yuman IA hellytutt “black widow spider”; C. xłycuc | underived | Mamet 2008:18; | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | variable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
spider | araña | aranha | flora-fauna | 7aja7kHa “any spider” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spotted skunk | flora-fauna | Spilogale gracilis | tah'-kah-mah | little spotted skunk | inheritance | *tVqema | Proto-Chumash | underived | Merriam 55:37 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
toad | sapo | sapo | flora-fauna | Bufonidae | xwetet | toad | inheritance | Barbareno qewet | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:58; JPH III:69:0081 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tobacco | tabaco | tabaco | flora-fauna | Nicotiana spp. | show | Nicotiana quadrivalvis, Indian tobacco | loan into protolanguage | Central Chumash only | Yokuts | loan from Yokutsan into Central Chumash | WW | %sokon | underived | Timbrook 2007:126 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
tree | árbol | arvore | flora-fauna | (NA) | pon' | tree | inheritance | *pono' | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:116 | underived | Mamet 2008:46; Beeler 1978:182 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
tree yucca | flora-fauna | Yucca schidegera | shtakuk | Yucca whipplei, Chaparral Yucca, Spanish Bayonet (Timbrook lacks Y. schidegera) | unique | underived | Timbrook 2007:226 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
turkey buzzard | flora-fauna | Cathartes aura | awn'-hawk (1932), on'-howk (1905); aLmaXwo | turkey vulture, condor; aura | inheritance | Central Chumash only | underived | Merriam 55:41 V ; JPH III:69:0080 (from FL) | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
turtle (generic) | flora-fauna | Testudines | ʃaq | turtle | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Mamet 2008:57 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley live oak | flora-fauna | Quercus agrifolia | kuw | Quercus agrifolia, Coast live oak | inheritance | *kuwu(') | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:102 | underived | Timbrook 2007:160 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley oak | flora-fauna | Quercus lobata | ta | Quercus lobata, Valley Oak | inheritance | *ta' | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:102 | underived | Timbrook 2007:163 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley quail | flora-fauna | Callipepla californica | tah-kah'-ka | Valley quail | loan into protolanguage | *takaka | Proto-Chumash | Takic | Klar 1977;105; perhaps a loan, a widespread arealism | WW | %kaka | reduplicated | Merriam 55:41 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Washington clam | flora-fauna | Saxidomus nuttalli | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Western Canada goose | flora-fauna | Branta canadensis | xox; JPH wauwau | goose | unique | underived | Heizer/Pinart I:56; JPH III:69:0081 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
whale | flora-fauna | Eschrichtius robustus | paxat | whale | inheritance | *paqat(V) | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977;115 | underived | Mamet 2008:59 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
white pelican | flora-fauna | Pelicanus erythrorhynchos | hew; Pinart 3 has pelepesh | pelican (may be brown) | inheritance | *sew | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:103 | WW | %hew | underived | Klar 1977;103 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild grapevine | flora-fauna | Vitis californica | nunit (noo-net'-tah Merriam 55:63) | Vitis californica, girdiana | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash ; maybe %sonot | underived | Timbrook 2007:224 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild oats | flora-fauna | Avena (introduction) | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild rose | flora-fauna | Rosa californica | wati'qon'iqon | Rosa californica , California Wild Rose | unique | Central Chumash only | looks a little loan-y, irregular | phrase | meaning of elements unknown | Timbrook 2007:172 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild sunflower | flora-fauna | Helianthus (and other genera) | tahCH'-al ? | Wild sunflower (Helianthus annuus) | unique | underived | Merriam 55:63 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
willow | flora-fauna | Salix spp. | khaw | S. lasiolepis | unique | Only in V, C | underived | Timbrook 2007:180 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wood rat, round-tail | flora-fauna | Neotoma spp. | nakh | woodrat | unique | underived | Merriam 55:39; JPH III:69:0405 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
worm, hairy caterpillar | flora-fauna | Arctiidae (many species) | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
worm, smooth caterpillar | flora-fauna | Trichoplusia ni (?) cabbage looper | tskonin | worm | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash, could this be part of the %kes system??? | underived | JPH III:91:0149 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yellow jacket | flora-fauna | Vespula spp., Dolichovespula spp. | 7ɨy | yellowjacket | inheritance | *ɨyɨ, *ɨyɨ' | Proto-Chumash | Klar 1977:117 | underived | Klar 1977;117 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yellowbird | flora-fauna | Dendroica petechia | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yerba santa | flora-fauna | Eriodictyon californicum | wishap | Eriodictyon crassifolium, Yerba Santa | inheritance | Central Chumash only | Central Chumash | underived | Timbrook 2007:83 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | General Notes | Source |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | General Notes | Source |
acorn bread | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
acorn mush | food | sŭ'-pŭ-tush | šïpïta7aš (Applegate 2:29) | acorn mush | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | see Ineseno | derived | Merriam 39:29 | |||||||||
afterworld, land of dead, Heaven | tierra do los muertos | terra dos mortos | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
alcohol | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
arrow | flecha | flecha | subsistence tool | ya | arrow | inheritance | *ya | Proto-Central Chumash | simplex | Klar 1977 | ||||||||
arrow straightener | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
bag, sack | culture-material | meš | bag (Merriam 'tobacco bag' 39:23) | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||||
bait for fishing | cebo, carnada para pescar, empate (Peru) | isca | subsistence tool | s'uw | bait | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | simplex | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||||
ball game | food | tiqaw | shinny game | unknown | simplex | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||||||
basket (general) | canasta, canasto, cesta | cesto | culture-material | 7aqnïpaš | coiled basketry | unknown | caya 'kind of basket' 4-14 | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||||
basket, small | canasta, canasto, cesta | cesto pequeno, tampado | culture-material | h>em | sub-globular choke-mouth bowl | unknown | simplex | Merriam 38:25 | ||||||||||
basketry hat | culture-material | 7epsuN | hat | inheritance | Proto-Southern Chumash | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||||
bead | abalorio, mostacilla, cuenta, gota, puca; necklace=collar | miçanga | culture-material | si-ciyel'iku | l' in Mamet 2008:82 | a bead | unknown | al-taqaš Applegate 1973 Ch. 10:9 | derived | si is just definite article but the rest is obviously multimorphemic | Harrington 1974 | |||||||
beans | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
boomerang/throwing stick (generic) | subsistence tool | missing | ||||||||||||||||
bottle | botella | garrafa | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
bottom grinding stone | manufacture | 7aLqap, 7aLqapuch, pejesh | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||||
bow | arco | arco | subsistence tool | 7ax | bow | inheritance | *aqa | Proto-Central Chumash | simplex | Klar 1977 | ||||||||
canoe | canoa | canoa | transport | tomol | canoe | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
carrying net | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
cat | gato | gato | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
chicken | gallina | galinha | acculturation | ka7ataxač | male chicken | semantic shift | quail word | simplex | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||||
chief/leader | jefe, cacique | chefe | culture-mythology | wot' | chief | inheritance | Proto-Southern Chumash | in I & B | simplex | Mamet 2003 | ||||||||
clapper | acculturation | wansaq | split-stick rattle | inheritance | *wanS-aq'a, *wacs-aq'a | Proto-Chumashan | derived | Klar 1977 | ||||||||||
clothing | ropa | roupa | culture-mythology | axwi | clothes | inheritance | Proto-Southern Chumashan | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
club | garrote, cachiporra | clava, porrete | subsistence tool | wïpï7ïš | club | unknown | also wikalï7ïš | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||||
cook food | food | 7ipsïl | to cook | inheritance | *pSel | Proto-Chumashan | simplex | Klar 1977 | ||||||||||
corn | food | majs | corn | loan | Spanish | WW | %maiz | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
corpse | food | čaqšanuč | he is dead/corpse | inheritance | *qsa 'to die' | Proto-Chumashan | derived | ts-aqsa- 3-to.die … | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
cradleboard | culture-material | o-te'-nah-e | 7utin'ay Applegate Lex 4 | baby basket | unknown | derived | Merriam 38:25 | |||||||||||
cremate | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
dance (generic) | culture-mythology | 7axinal' | to dance | inheritance | Proto-Southern Chumash | also wïwïn Mamet 2008:77 | derived | axi-nal' ITER-to.g | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
Datura wrightii | narcotics | momoy | Jimsonweed | loan into protolanguage | *mom'oy from *moy | Proto-Chumashan | Gabrielino | WW | %moji ~ %moni | may not be proto if from Gab. Moya- 'moon', loan wouldn't be into Proto-Chumashan | reduplicated | Klar 1977 | ||||||
deity/powerful spirit/culture figure | dios(es), deidad | divinidade, figura mítica | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
digging stick | subsistence tool | 7ušpajï7ïš | digging stick | unknown | Henshaw spa | derived | paj 'dig' | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||||
digging stick | subsistence tool | missing | ||||||||||||||||
dipper | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
dream | sueño, soñar | sonho, sonhar | culture-mythology | 7atišwič | to dream | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | derived | 7atišwiN 'charmstone' verbalized | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||
drone pipe | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
drum | tambor | tambor | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
earring | other | su-wayan | earrings | inheritance | *wayan | Proto-Chumashan | derived | Klar 1977 | ||||||||||
feather headband | dress | cux | headdress | loan | Yokuts | Pyokutsan *cux by Golla 1964; early as also in Ineseno | simplex | Applegathe 1973 ms | ||||||||||
fire drill | subsistence tool | hup-was-no-ho | fire drill | unknown | derived | Henshaw (Heizer 1955) | ||||||||||||
fire-tender | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
fireplace | hogar | lareira | other | 7aqtïpmu | ï is barred i | hearth, fireplace | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | B 7aqtip 'build a fire' | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||
firewood | leña | lenha | other | pon' | wood, tree, stick | inheritance | *pono | Proto-Chumashan | Merriam confirms 39:19 | simplex | Klar 1977 | |||||||
fish (with fish-poison) | pescar con barbasco, barbasquear | pescar com timbó; tinguijar | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
fish (with line) | anzuelear, pescar con linea | pescar (com linha) | food | su-axsil | to angle | unknown | derived | CAUS-to.bite | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
fish hook | subsistence tool | tsHa | fishhook, arrowhead | inheritance | *Sa | Proto-Chumashan | mi-as 'shell fishhook' Henshaw | simplex | ts-sa 3-tooth Mamet's anal. | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||
fish poison | barbasco, matapez (Colombia) | timbó | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
fishing line | cordel/cuerda p/ pescar, sedal, tanze | linha de pesca | subsistence tool | wašt'ujaš | fishline | unknown | derived | waš-t'uj involving.hands-to.depart | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
flute | flauta, quena (Peru) | flauta | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
gambling sticks | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
game animal | caza, animal de caza | caça, animal de caça | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit | espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio | espirito | culture-mythology | nunašïš | devil | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | derived | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit | espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio | espirito | culture-mythology | 7enhešeš | ghost, spirit | unknown | also alcinaxkuhu Lex 10 | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||||
glue | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
grave | tumba, sepultura, sepulcro | sepultura, sepulcro, cova | culture-mythology | 7usc'ïmïčmu | burial ground | unknown | Merriam 38:31 on-moi grave (lying place? JHH) | derived | ts'ïmïN 'cloud' Mamet 2008:52 | Harrington 1974 | ||||||||
gun | arma, escopeta | espingarda, fusil | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
hat | sombero | chapéu | dress | sumlelu | hat | loan | Spanish | WW | %sombrero | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||
honey | miel | mel | food | mow | honey | semantic shift | c-hin-mow honey of bee Applegate 1973:V9 | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
house | other | 7ap | house | inheritance | Proto-Southern Chumashan | simplex | ap 'to live' with 7-, according to Mamet 2008:36 | Harrington 1974 | ||||||||||
house | other | 7ap | unknown | Harrington 1974:8 | ||||||||||||||
hunt | cazar | caçar | food | 7ut7aw | to hunt | unknown | w | derived | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||
initiate boy | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
initiate girl | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
knife | cuchillo | faca | culture-material | 7ïw (Mamet's 7ïwï p. 55) | knife | inheritance | *7iw | Proto-Chumashan | simplex | Klar 1977 | ||||||||
loincloth | taparrabos, guayuco, pampanilla | tanga, tapa-sexo | dress | 7ičk'ï | loin cloth | inheritance | Proto-Southern Chumash | Henshaw has yu-yák | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | ||||||||
mat | culture-material | 7as | sleeping mat, mat | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||||
medicine | narcotics | 7axiye7ep | medicine | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | B 7axiyep 'cure' Beeler | derived | 7axiyep 'to cure' | Applegate 1973 | |||||||||
mortar | mortero | pilão | subsistence tool | pā-yes | peyeš Applegate 'a mortar that sits by itself' Ch. 10 p. 3 | portable mortar | unknown | I think this is an error: pej 'to stick to' suggests this is bricklaying mortar??? Or maybe Mamet's peješ form (60) is really the portable mortar??? Maybe al-qap Applegate 1973 4:17 | derived | Merriam 38:23 | ||||||||
necklace | other | 7el | necklace | inheritance | *el' | Proto-Chumashan | simplex | Klar 1977 | ||||||||||
needle/awl | subsistence tool | ahk-nŭp | awl used in basketry | unknown | tipïš 'awl' (maybe) Applegate 1973:8-3 | simplex | Merriam 38:23 | |||||||||||
ochre | culture-mythology | hïlhïl | ochre | unknown | could this be loan from Kitanemuk hyt?? Much speculation about UA source of ï in Ventureno in Mamet | reduplicated | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||||
paddle/oar | remo | remo | transport | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
paper | papel | papel | acculturation | papel | paper | loan | Spanish | WW | %papel | simplex | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||
pestle | pilón, mano de mortero, mazo, moledor | mão de pilão | subsistence tool | t'spoo | pestle | unknown | c'uniyhïk Applegate 1973:Ch. 10-1 | simplex | Merriam 38:23 | |||||||||
pinole | food | 7it'epeš | chia mush | inheritance | *epe 'chia' | Proto-Chumashan | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | ||||||||||
pipe for tobacco | pipa | cachimbo | other | tip-haw-pe | pipe | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | derived | Merriam 38:21 | |||||||||
pitch | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
policeman | polícia | policía | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
pot | olla, pote | panela, vasilha | subsistence tool | 7oja | pot | loan | Spanish | WW | %la olla | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||
quiver | subsistence tool | 7olotoč | quiver | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | simplex | Harrington 1974 | |||||||||||
rattle | matraca, maraca | marico, chocalho | culture-mythology | ts'iwis | rattle | inheritance | Proto-Southern Chumashan | also towonwon Mamet 2008:57 | simplex | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||
red paint | culture-mythology | al-lōk-sta'-hi | 7uqštahay 'be red' Mamet 2008:72 | red paint | unknown | and Henshaw | derived | Merriam 38:19 | ||||||||||
rope/string | mecate, cuerda, soga | corda | culture | mijaš | cord | inheritance | Proto-Central Chumash | derived | miy 'to make cord' + RSLT | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||
rope/string | mecate, cuerda, soga | corda | culture | sutine/t “mecate” | unknown | B67:64 | ||||||||||||
salt | sal | sal | food | tip | salt | inheritance | *tepu(7), *tipu(7) | Proto-Chumashan | simplex | Klar 1977 | ||||||||
school | escuela | escola | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
seed beater | subsistence tool | pu-wōt | seed fan | unknown | pu 'with hand' | derived | Henshaw (Heizer 1955) | |||||||||||
shaman, healer | chamán, brujo | xaman, pajé, feiticeiro | culture-mythology | al-al-loos-tes | doctor or shaman | unknown | derived | Merriam 38:35 | ||||||||||
shoes | zapatos | sapatos | dress | sapatu | shoe | loan | Spanish | WW | %zapato | 7eqenmu 'sandal' Applegate 1973 4-12 | simplex | Mamet 2008 | ||||||
sinew-backed bow | subsistence tool | taliwiš | a bow | loan | Yokuts | simplex | possessed -taliw | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||||
skirt | falda, saya, fustan, pollera | saia | culture-material | tiwansk'ït | apron, to put on apron | piyač feather skirt | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | ||||||||||
snare | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
soldier | soldado | soldado | acculturation | 7emečeš | soldier | semantic shift | Proto-Central Chumash | B 7em'echesh 'army, enemies' | derived | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||
song (generic) | canción, canto | canção | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
spear | lanza | lança | subsistence tool | qujiwaš | lance | unknown | al-ic'uq-š lance Applegate 1973 ms:3-17 | derived | ic'uq to pierce | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||
spear | lanza | lança | subsistence tool | kal-awa “arrow | inheritance | Klar 1977:65 | ||||||||||||
spearthrower | subsistence tool | 7ax “bow” | inheritance | Klar 1977:71 | ||||||||||||||
stirring stick | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
stone bowl | culture-material | al-as-ko-woks | shallow steatite dish | unknown | derived | Henshaw (Heizer 1955) | ||||||||||||
string of shell money | other | 7al-cHum (Mamet has 7ančum p. 37) | money | inheritance | 7ala-qu-Cum, *ana-qu-Cum | Proto-Chumashan | I disagree; cognacy is not perfect and shell money is too late to be P-C | derived | Klar 1977 | |||||||||
sugarcane/sugar | azúcar, caña de azúcar | açucar (de cana) | acculturation | 7asukal | sugar | loan | Spanish | WW | %azúcar | simplex | Mamet 2008 | |||||||
sweathouse | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
tell history | culture-mythology | tinawajuč | to tell stories | unknown | derived | long.ago (plus VB, NMZR) ti-nawaj- 'by.speaking'- | Mamet 2008 | |||||||||||
thatch/roof | crisneja | palha, caraná | culture-material | 7ixty | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||
tobacco (native) | narcotics | sow' | tobacco | loan into protolanguage | Proto-Central Chumash | Yokuts | WW | %sokon | simplex | Mamet 2008 | ||||||||
top grinding stone | metate, mano; piedra de moler | metate, mano | manufacture | ts'unihjykH “mano de mortero” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||
tule boat | transport | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
wheat | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
white paint | culture-mythology | al-o-wo | 7ow'ow be.white Mamet 2008:58 | white paint | unknown | derived | Merriam 38:19 | |||||||||||
winnow | aventar, tirar (sementes) | joeirar | manufacture | kshuwapysh “I winnow with tray” | unknown | JPH | ||||||||||||
winnowing basket | culture-material | suwatïy'ï7ïš | winnowing basket | unknown | also 7ewhey' Applegate 4-17 and Henshaw | derived | Applegate 1973 ms | |||||||||||
wood tray | subsistence tool | missing | missing |
Current Population (speakers) | Former Population Estimate | Subsistence Preference | Density | Sedentism | Ecotome | Marriage Pattern | Notes | Source |
Current Population (speakers) | Former Population Estimate | Subsistence Preference | Density | Sedentism | Ecotome | Marriage Pattern | Notes | Source |
large | HG | dense | sedentary | no |