
Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Cahuilla maays corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Seiler & Hioki 1979
Cupeño maayis corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Hill & Nolasquez 1973
Luiseño kutápish shelled corn or beans unique derived, other complex Elliott 1999
Gabrielino maiz maize (same as in Spanish) loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Alexander Taylor in McCawley 1996
Serrano missing missing
Kitanemuk mayšt corn loan Spanish WW %maiz other complex Anderton 1988
Tübatulabal maysht corn loan Spanish Spanish WW %maiz other complex K. Hill Tub>Eng
Bankalachi Toloim missing missing
Kawaiisu missing missing
Chemehuevi hawivI corn (the grain) unique plant is -mpY other complex Harrington's Chemehuevi Noun List (K. Hill 1969)
Southern Paiute qummiH corn (old Indian name for corn, rarely used now) inheritance *kummi Uto-Aztecan also qoi7nI from English simplex Sapir
Southern Ute kymyj corn, maize inheritance *kummi Uto-Aztecan Hill 2001 simplex Givon
Tümpisa Shoshone maisi corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Dayley 1989
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone missing missing
Comanche haniibI corn, maize, ear of corn inheritance *hani Northern Uto-Aztecan Hill 2003 other complex R
Western Mono mAIsi corn, maize (Zea mays) loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Loether & Bethel 1993
Northern Paiute missing missing
Southern Sierra Miwok ma:jis- corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Broadbent 1964
Central Sierra Miwok missing missing
Northern Sierra Miwok ma:jus-u- corn loan Spanish other omplex Callaghan 1987
Plains Miwok missing missing
Lake Miwok máajuş corn loan Spanish WW %maiz probably from S. Pomo may:yish or W. Wappo ma:ish simplex Callaghan 1965
Maidu kóni corn loan English WW %corn simplex Shipley 1963
Nisenan missing missing
Yokuts Yawelmani masse: corn loan Spanish WW %maiz "probably" says Newman simplex Newman 1944
Yokuts Yawdanchi missing missing
Yokuts Palewyami missing missing
Washo kó:n corn loan English WW %corn simplex Washo Project Dictionary
Wintu mayis corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Pitkin 1985
Yuki mayiš corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Sawyer & Schlichter 1984
Wappo má:is corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Sawyer 1965
Mutsun missing missing
Esselen missing missing
Salinan A missing missing
Salinan M missing missing
Chumash Obispeno missing missing
Chumash Ineseno mays corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Applegate 1972
Chumash Barbareno mays corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Wash 2001
Chumash Ventureno majs corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Mamet 2008
Iipay 'Aa maays corn loan Spanish WW %maiz simplex Couro & Hutcheson 1973
Cocopa xca:s corn unique simplex Crawford 1989
Mojave tadiich corn,seed inheritance Proto-Yuman simplex Munro et al. 1992
Yavapai tyá(:)č corn inheritance Proto-Yuman simplex Shaterian 1983
Kiliwa ta7=yit corn, maize (Zea mays) inheritance Proto-Yuman from the 'seed' word derived t+yit seed Mixco 1985
Seri (Comcaac) hapxöl corn, maize unknown simplex Moser & Marlett 2005