English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | General Notes | Source |
above | encima, arriba | acima | location | ma:, ma:k, ma:Ly, ma:m, ma:y | inheritance | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
again | de nuevo, otra vez | de novo | grammar | -i:, -iy, -ya | unknown | |||||||||||
all | todo | todos | other | kwiny, ma:m “to be all” | unknown | |||||||||||
and | y | e | grammar | kaka:p “and then” | unknown | |||||||||||
ankle | tobillo | tornozelo | body | missing | ||||||||||||
armpit | axila, sobaco | axila | body | SwaL, 7iSwa/L | unknown | |||||||||||
ash | ceniza(s) | cinzas | environment | xm7uL | inheritance | |||||||||||
at | en, a | em, a | location | -i, -pi, -Si, -y | unknown | |||||||||||
back | espalda | costas | body | Lama/k, 7ima/k | inheritance | |||||||||||
bad | mal | mal | quality | xcaq, xca:q “to be” | unknown | |||||||||||
belly | barriga | barriga | body | 7icu/ “stomach” | inheritance | |||||||||||
below | abajo, debajo | abaixo | location | maTk | inheritance | |||||||||||
big | grande | grande | quality | ptay, pta:y, ptays, 7iny | inheritance | |||||||||||
bite | morder | morder | body | Sa:, Saw, Sa:w | unknown | |||||||||||
black | negro | preto | colour | nyi:Ly, nyiLy “to be black” | inheritance | |||||||||||
blood | sangre | sangue | body | nyxwaT | inheritance | |||||||||||
blow | soplar | soprar | body | xpSu: (with the mouth) | inheritance | |||||||||||
boil/pimple | espinilla, granos | espinha, borbulha | body | xuLy “pimple” | ||||||||||||
bone | hueso | osso | body | nyya:k, ya:k | inheritance | |||||||||||
breast | pecho, seno | peito | body | nymay, 7imay | inheritance | |||||||||||
breathe | respirar | respirar | body | ya:S, 7i:ya/:S | inheritance | |||||||||||
burn | quemar | queimar | environment | Lymar, ..., 7i:7a:/ (tr) Lyminy “burn up” | unknown | |||||||||||
chew | masticar, mascar | mastigar | body | smnyay “chew food” | inheritance | |||||||||||
child | niño, niña | criança | human | kwanyu/k “child about age 3” | unknown | |||||||||||
climb | subir | subir | motion | kuLy | inheritance | |||||||||||
cloud | nube | nuvem | environment | kwi: | inheritance | |||||||||||
cold | frío | frio | quality | xsu:r “to be” | inheritance | |||||||||||
come | venir | vir | motion | yi:, nyyiw, yi:s, yiw | inheritance | |||||||||||
cook | cocinar | cozinhar | impact | kuk, nyawi:/ rar, shiLy (over fire), | unknown | |||||||||||
correct/true | verdad, de veras | verdade | quality | nyxany “truly” | inheritance | |||||||||||
count | contar | contar | mental | sa:w | unknown | |||||||||||
cry | llorar | chorar | mental | mi, mis | inheritance | |||||||||||
cut/hack | cortar | cortar | impact | cuka/T, 7u:ka/T | inheritance | |||||||||||
day | día | dia | time | nya | inheritance | |||||||||||
die/be dead | morir | morrer | state | mSpa, 7i:m (spl) | unknown | |||||||||||
dig | cavar | cavar | impact | xwaLy | inheritance | |||||||||||
dingo/wolf | fauna | Txpa, xTpa “coyote” | inheritance | |||||||||||||
dirty | sucio | sujo | quality | 7i:ma/T | inheritance | |||||||||||
dream | soñar | sonhar | mental | shma:p, shcmas (dpl) | inheritance | |||||||||||
drink | beber, tomar | beber | body | Si, Si:p (multiple) | inheritance | |||||||||||
dry | seco | seco | quality | S7ar, S7a:r “to be dry” | inheritance | |||||||||||
dull/blunt | sin filo, mocho, desafilado, embotado, romo | maçante, desamolado, não afiado | quality | xlqay “to be dull” mriny “to look dull” | unknown | |||||||||||
dust | polvo | poeira | environment | mi:pu/T | inheritance | |||||||||||
ear | oreja | orelha | body | shma:l | inheritance | |||||||||||
earth/soil | tierra | terra | environment | maT, ma\Tkwr7u/r | inheritance | |||||||||||
eat | comer | comer | body | nyawi:/ ma “in general” | inheritance | |||||||||||
egg | huevo | ovo | fauna | xma Su7a/p, xma\Su7a/p | unknown | |||||||||||
eye | ojo | olho | body | 7iyu/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
faeces | heces, mierda, excremento, estiércol | fezes | body | missing | ||||||||||||
fall | caer | cair | motion | SiLy “several to fall” | inheritance | |||||||||||
far | lejos | longe | quality | ma\Txmi:/rLy “far-away place” | unknown | |||||||||||
fat/grease | grasa | gordura | body | shay | inheritance | |||||||||||
father | padre, papá | pai | kinship | ny7a: (female speaking), nyaLy (man speaking) | a na- word -- Not in IA | inheritance | ||||||||||
fear | miedo | medo | mental | mshya: | inheritance | |||||||||||
feather | pluma | pena | fauna | shawa/l | inheritance | |||||||||||
fire | fuego | fogo | environment | 7a7a:/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
fish | xx | xx | fauna | si'i/Ly | inheritance | |||||||||||
flow | fluir | fluir | motion | kup, raw | unknown | |||||||||||
flower | flor | flor | environment | supa/ny, Smal su:pa/ny | unknown | |||||||||||
fly | volar | voar | motion | man | inheritance | |||||||||||
fog | niebla, neblina | nevoeira, bruma, neblina | environment | Sa | inheritance | |||||||||||
foot | pie | pé | body | 7imi:/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
fruit | fruta | fruta | flora | xpaLy (of ironwood -- a legume- 7a: “mesquite bean”) | unknown | |||||||||||
good | bueno | bom | quality | mi:xa:/n, xany, xa:ny | inheritance | |||||||||||
grow | crecer | crescer | state | xmi: | unknown | |||||||||||
hair (of head) | cabello | cabelo | body | lmiS (body), mxwaL (head) | unknown | |||||||||||
hand | mano | mão | body | 7isha:Ly | inheritance | |||||||||||
3sg | el/ella | ele/ela | grammar | animate subj: a:-, aw-, u-, u:-, 7aw-, 7u-; non-subject p- | unknown | |||||||||||
head | cabeza | cabeça | body | mkur | unknown | |||||||||||
hear | oír | ouvir | mental | 7i:7i:/p | inheritance | |||||||||||
heavy | pesado | pesado | quality | nyix, nyi:x | inheritance | |||||||||||
hide | esconder | esconder | motion | kw7aL | unknown | |||||||||||
hit | golpear, pegar | bater | impact | 7u:xa/m (w/ long object), cu (w/ thrown or held object), 7u:xwa/sh (with whip), sTu (with fist), ptax (with hand), shuku/p (with knuckles) | unknown | |||||||||||
hold | correr, asegurar, sostener | segurar | other | shawi/n | unknown | |||||||||||
how? | como | como | grammar | km7ap “how can it be? | unknown | |||||||||||
1sg | yo | eu | grammar | subject nya:c (and various prefixes) | inheritance | |||||||||||
if | si | se | grammar | ny-, nya- | unknown | |||||||||||
in/inside | dentro, adentro | dentro | location | Ly-, -Ly- (“in”), kway “the inside, interior” | unknown | |||||||||||
intestines | intestinos | intestinos | body | nypxa, pxa | inheritance | |||||||||||
itch | hormiguear, sentir comezón | coçar | body | SaqSaq 7i (body part to itch, to feel itchy), or ciqciq 7i “to feel itchy” | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
kill | matar | matar | impact | nak | unknown | |||||||||||
know/be knowledgeable | saber, conecer | saber, conhecer | mental | 7u:ya:/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
lake | lago | lago | environment | xawiLy, xnyu | inheritance | |||||||||||
laugh | reír | rir | mental | 7u:Sa/y | inheritance | |||||||||||
leaf | hoja | folha | environment | wal | unknown | |||||||||||
left/left hand | izquierdo | esquerdo | location/body | kSark (direction) | inheritance | |||||||||||
leg/foot | pierna | perna | body | 7imi:/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
lie down | acostarse, echarse | deitar | motion | paT | unknown | |||||||||||
lightning | rayo, relámpago | relampago | environment | cu:la/m, su:la/m “lightning to flash” | inheritance | |||||||||||
live/be alive | vivir | viver, morar | body | 7i:pa/T; ci:pa/y (human) | inheritance | |||||||||||
liver | hígado | figado | body | cpuSu/, nycpuSu/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
long | largo | comprido, longo | quality | kuLy, ku:ly “to be long” | inheritance | |||||||||||
louse | piollo, piojo | piolho | fauna | missing | ||||||||||||
lung | pulmón | pulmão | body | nymya:S | unknown | |||||||||||
man/male | hombre | homem | human | 7apa/, 7apa:s | inheritance | |||||||||||
meat/flesh | carne | carne | fauna | 7ima:c | unknown | |||||||||||
moon | luna | lua | environment | xLya7 | inheritance | |||||||||||
mother | madre, mamá | mãe | kinship | nyca:, nycal (living) | inheritance | |||||||||||
mouth | boca | boca | body | 7iya/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
name | nombre | nome | human | muLy | inheritance | |||||||||||
nape | base del cuello, nuca | nuca | body | mpuk | inheritance | |||||||||||
near/close | cerca de | perto | quality | xrpay, xrpa:y “to be near” | inheritance | |||||||||||
neck | cuello | pescoço | body | missing | ||||||||||||
new | nuevo | novo | quality | xany, xa:ny “to be new” | inheritance | |||||||||||
night | noche | noite | time | cnyam “to be night” | inheritance | |||||||||||
no/not | no | não | grammar | la, mm, 7a~/7a~ “No”, lax “to be not” | inheritance | |||||||||||
nose | nariz | nariz | body | 7ixu/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
old | viejo | velho | quality | lu:lp, lu:l 7i, | inheritance | |||||||||||
one | uno | um | number | shiT | inheritance | |||||||||||
open/uncover | abrir | abrir | other | cuma/n, 7u:ku/p | unknown | |||||||||||
other | otro | outro | grammar | missing | ||||||||||||
pain/painful/sick | dolor, doloroso, enfermo | dor, doloroso, doente | body | rap, ra:p “to be in pain, of body” | inheritance | |||||||||||
person/human being | persona | pessoa | human | capa/y, capa:/y | inheritance | |||||||||||
pound/beat | machacar, golpear | bater | impact | kucu/, kusu/l; cuya/Ly (when wet) | unknown | |||||||||||
rain | lluvia | chuva | environment | p7ay | inheritance | |||||||||||
red | rojo | vermelho | colour | xwaT “to be red” | inheritance | |||||||||||
right/right hand | derecha | direita | location/body | kxanyk “right (direction)” | inheritance | |||||||||||
road/path | camino | caminho | manufacture | wanya/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
root | raíz | raiz | flora | kwshama/, kwshma, shma | inheritance | |||||||||||
rotten | podrido | podre | quality | shax “to be rotten” | inheritance | |||||||||||
sand | arena | areia | environment | lysh7a:, ma\TLysh7a:/, ma\Tsh7a:/, sh7a: | unknown | |||||||||||
say | decir | dizer | mental | 7i: | inheritance | |||||||||||
scratch | rascar | rasgar | impact | Lyqshaq; Sxwany (an itch) | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
see | ver | ver | mental | wi: | unknown | |||||||||||
sharp | afilado, filudo, filoso | afiado | quality | ya:p “to be sharp”, lyaqlyaq “to be sharp-pointed” | inheritance | |||||||||||
shoot | tirar, disparar, balear | atirar | impact | shTip “shoot at”, Tim “shoot and hit” | inheritance | |||||||||||
short | corto | curto | quality | xly7uT, xly7u:T “to be short” | inheritance | |||||||||||
shoulder | hombro | ombro | body | Spi:r | unknown | |||||||||||
shy/ashamed | tímido, vergonzoso | timido, com vergonha | mental | mryu:, mrcyup, mryus | inheritance | |||||||||||
sit | sentar(se) | sentar | state | wa | inheritance | |||||||||||
skin | piel | pele | body | nykw7aL | inheritance | |||||||||||
sky | cielo | céu | environment | ma:, ma:Ly | inheritance | |||||||||||
sleep | dormir | dormir | body | shma: | inheritance | |||||||||||
small | pequeño | pequeno | quality | lycash, 7ilyca/sh “to be small” | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
smoke | humo | fumaça | environment | xyay | unknown | |||||||||||
sniff/smell | olfatear, oler | cheirar | body | xwi | inheritance | |||||||||||
spit | escupir | cuspir | body | lxa | unknown | |||||||||||
split | partir, dividir | rachar, dividir, partir | impact | cuTap (trs), Tap (intrs) | inheritance | |||||||||||
squeeze | estrujar, exprimir | espremer | impact | LkwiS “squeeze juice”, | inheritance | |||||||||||
stab/pierce | apuñalar, acuchillar | apunhalar | impact | 7u:sha/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
stand | estar de pié | ficar em pé | state | p7a:, wayk, ya:w | inheritance | |||||||||||
star | estrella | estrela | environment | kwLyap | inheritance | |||||||||||
steal | robar | roubar | other | wali/sh | unknown | |||||||||||
stick/wood | palo | pau, vara | flora | 7i: | inheritance | |||||||||||
stone | piedra | pedra | environment | wi:, xur | inheritance | |||||||||||
suck | chupar | chupar | body | sucu/k; pily, piS (baby); Su:x (a straw) | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
sweat | sudar | suor, suar | body | Lyxsus | unknown | |||||||||||
swell | hincharse | inchar | body | skwa | unknown | |||||||||||
swim | nadar | nadar | motion | nu:p | unknown | |||||||||||
tail | cola, rabo | rabo | body | shyuLy | inheritance | |||||||||||
that | ese/esa | esse | grammar | pu:, pu:c, pu:ny, 7upu:/, | inheritance | |||||||||||
3pl | ellos/ellas | eles/elas | grammar | animate subj: a:-, aw-, u-, u:-, 7aw-, 7u-; | unknown | |||||||||||
thick | grueso, gordo, espeso | grosso | quality | Smuck, shmuck (like boar), kwi:sh (like gravy) | unknown | |||||||||||
thin | delgado | fino | quality | rSa:w, S7i:T “to be thin” | unknown | |||||||||||
think | pensar | pensar | mental | Lyyu:m | unknown | |||||||||||
this | este/esta | este | grammar | pi:, -pic, -piny, pi:ny | unknown | |||||||||||
2sg | xx | xx | grammar | m, mapu/ | inheritance | |||||||||||
three | tres | tres | number | xmuk, xmu:k “to be three” | inheritance | |||||||||||
throat | garganta | garganta | body | 7inya/Ly | inheritance | |||||||||||
throw | tirar, lanzar | atirar, jogar | impact | cap (small obj); sa (collecionof objs), waT (a few objs), wa:p (a long obj) | unknown | |||||||||||
thunder | truenos | trovão | environment | shu:ki/r | inheritance | |||||||||||
tie up/fasten | atar, amarrar | amarrar | impact | xir | inheritance | |||||||||||
tongue | lengua | lingua | body | mpaLy | inheritance | |||||||||||
tooth | diente | dente | body | 7iya/, 7iaya\wi: | inheritance | |||||||||||
turn | girar, volter, torcer | virar | other | kwany “turn around” | unknown | |||||||||||
two | dos | dois | number | xwak “to be two” | inheritance | |||||||||||
vomit | vomitar | vomitar | body | yu:q | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
walk | caminar, andar | andar | motion | p7aw | inheritance | |||||||||||
water | agua | agua | environment | xa | inheritance | |||||||||||
1pl.excl | nosotros (exclusivo) | nós (exclusivo) | grammar | nya:c | inheritance | |||||||||||
1pl.incl | nosotros (inclusivo) | nós (inclusivo) | grammar | nya:c; see “I” | inheritance | |||||||||||
wet | mojado | molhado | quality | xay | inheritance | |||||||||||
what? | que, qué | que | grammar | lu:ny, lu:p | unknown | |||||||||||
when? | cuando | quando | grammar | knyayu/m | inheritance | |||||||||||
where? | donde | onde | grammar | missing | ||||||||||||
white | blanco | branco | colour | xma:Ly | inheritance | |||||||||||
who? | quien, quién | quem | grammar | lu:ny, lu:p | unknown | |||||||||||
wife | esposa | esposa | kinship | wa\sway | unknown | |||||||||||
wind | viento | vento | environment | cxa | inheritance | |||||||||||
wing | ala | asa | body | 7irwi/r, 7isha:Ly | inheritance | |||||||||||
woman/female | mujer | mulher | human | s7ak | inheritance | |||||||||||
work | trabajar | trabalhar | other | rar | loan | |||||||||||
yawn | bostezar | bocejar | body | xkwa:k, 7iya/ xkwa:k | inheritance | |||||||||||
yellow | amarillo | amarelo | colour | qwaS “to be yellow” | inheritance | |||||||||||
2pl | ustedes | vocês | grammar | see “thou” | inheritance |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Linnean Name | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Etymology Notes | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Range of Term | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | Classifier | Classifier Notes | Hypernym | Source | Association with Social Categories | Ritual/Mythologically Significant | Ritual Notes | Food Source | Food Notes | Medicinal | Medicinal Notes | How Collected | Who Collects | How Prepared | Psychotropic | Psychotropic Notes | Traded | Trade Notes | Distribution | Habitat | Dangerous | Ethnobiology Notes | Species Notes | General Notes |
abalone | flora-fauna | Haliotis spp. | şxkwi.l | seashell | unique | Note 'Iipay Aa kwellyhiiw “money” | broader (although I suspect Haliotis or Glycimeris is prototype) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ant (generic) | hormiga | formiga | flora-fauna | Formicidae | šmuyúły | ant | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Mo. chamaduuly, Co. šmuyúły, Yavapai čmyúl | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
antelope | flora-fauna | Antilocapra americana | mɂu·ł | antelope | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Yavapai mɂūl; Does this contain *?-mu(w) “bighorn sheep”?? with metath? Probably. | WW | %mo: | same | underived | ; may have diachronic complexity | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
badger | flora-fauna | Taxidea taxus | mxwa | badger | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Mo. mahwa, 'Iipay Aa mehwa, Kiliwa mxwaa=pi-y-l=t-kw+yaq; Yavapi Yavapai mhwá·, | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bald eagle | flora-fauna | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | missing | missing | missing | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
band-tail pigeon | flora-fauna | Patagioenas fasciata | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bat | murciélago | morcego | flora-fauna | Chiroptera spp | kwalynyaɂí· | Western pipistrelle bat | unique | narrower (one kind of bat) | underived | must be complex but no analysis in source, complexity not synchronic? | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
beaver | flora-fauna | Castor | kpiny | beaver | unique | Resemblant M. ɂapen | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
beetle | flora-fauna | Coleoptera spp | şxmnan | pinacate beetle (Eleodes sp.) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Yavapai čk/qnāna, 'Iipay Aa mes hanan | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
big round tule | flora-fauna | Schoenoplectus acutus | xca | reed | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Langdon 1976:871 (Metath); Mojave hatav'iily | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
big skunk | flora-fauna | Mephitis mephitis | łyxwi·w | skunk | inheritance | *xwiw (*kłʸikʷ) | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:96 (Langdon 1976:873 Metath) | same | underived | Crawford notes xwi “smell, stink” (p. 114) | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
big wolf (gray wolf) | flora-fauna | Canis lupus | missing | missing | missing | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bighorn sheep | flora-fauna | Ovis canadensis | mu łyayák | bighorn sheep | inheritance | *?-mu(w) | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:80, 91 (has increment) | WW | %mo: | same | phrase | sheep that.which.is.wild (a nice marking reversal) | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
bird | pajaro, ave | passaro | flora-fauna | ša | bird | inheritance | *č-sa | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:81 | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
black ant | flora-fauna | Camponotus pennsylvanicus/Lasius niger | šmuyúły nyi·ły | black ant | unique | no info | phrase | ant black (calque?) | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
black bear | flora-fauna | Ursus americanus | ɂu·s | bear | loan | Spanish | WW | %oso | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
black-tail Jackrabbit | flora-fauna | Lepus californicus | kɂuły | jackrabbit | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Yavapai (ɂ)kúla, M. ɂakɂuuly | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blackberry | flora-fauna | Rubus ursinus | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blue grouse | flora-fauna | Dendrogapus? | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bobcat, lynx | flora-fauna | Lynx rufus | nymi | bobcat | inheritance | *nymi- | Proto-Yuman | Langdon 1979:638 LION, Mixco 1978:91 | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
butterfly, moth | mariposa | borboleta | flora-fauna | Lepidoptera | şxmalyáp | butterfly | inheritance | Delta-California | Iipay Aa mes-halyaap | same | underived | no analysis in Crawford, but Iipay Aa mes-halyaap suggests diachronic complexity | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
California condor | flora-fauna | Gymnogyps californianus | missing | missing | missing | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
California jay | flora-fauna | Aphelocoma californica? | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
California woodpecker | flora-fauna | Melanerpes formicivorus? | šcɂu·ny | Gila woodpecker | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Mojave ɂisɂuun | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
chia | flora-fauna | Salvia columbariae | missing | missing | missing | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
chipmunk | flora-fauna | Tamias spp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cliff swallow | flora-fauna | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | xmka | swallow, purple Martin | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Mojave hamkyee | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
coot | flora-fauna | Fulica americana | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cottontail rabbit | flora-fauna | Sylvilagus audobonii | xłyɂa· | desert cottontail | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Kiliwa xa?law | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cottonwood | flora-fauna | Populus spp. | xɂa | cottonwood (Populus fremontii) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Mojave ɂahɂa, Yavapai ɂhá(·) | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
coyote | flora-fauna | Canis latrans | ţxpa, xţpa | coyote | inheritance | Delta-California | contains metathesized *(č)-xat “dog”; note 'Iipay Aa hattepaa | same | underived | -pa element separable diachronically | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
crow | flora-fauna | Corvus brachyrhynchos | qa·q | crow | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Sound-imitative but probably good as *qaaq | same | onomatopoeic | but cognate | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
datura | flora-fauna | Datura wrightii | şmál ka·pí·ţ | jimsonweed | doubtful loan | Hokan | Note Yavapai smá·lkktū·, Mojave ɂamalykatu; loan direction unknown although Yuma es'-mi-kă-peet' is clearly from Cocopa | same | phrase | şmál “grass”, ka·pí·ţ “not reduced from şmál kwa·pí·ţ” whichwould yield “crazy grass” Crawford 280) | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
deer, mule | flora-fauna | Odocoileus hemionus | kwak xntil | mule deer | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Mojave ɂaqwaq, 'Iipay Aa 'ekwak, Yavapai (ɂ)kʷ/qʷá:qa; this is a loan blend with xntil from Spanish gentil “wild” | same | phrase | deer wild | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
digger pine | flora-fauna | Pinus sabiniana | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dog (camp, domestic) | perro | cachorro | flora-fauna | Canis familiaris | xaţ | dog | inheritance | *(č)-xat “dog” | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:83 | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
dogbane | flora-fauna | Apocynum cannabinum | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dove | paloma | pomba | flora-fauna | Zenaida macrocoura | li·kú·, lku· | western mourning dove | inheritance | *k-wi(?) | Proto-Yuman | Metath not noted by Langdon 1976; Mixco 1978:84 | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
duck | pato | pato, marreco | flora-fauna | Anatidae | nyimí· láplá·p | any duck | unique | same | phrase | ny-imí· láplá·p its-foot flat | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
elder | flora-fauna | Sambucus | xsa·wk | elderberry (Sambucus mexicana) | unique | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
elk | flora-fauna | Cervas elaphus | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fish (generic) | pez | peixe | flora-fauna | siɂíły | fish | inheritance | *?-či· | Proto-Yuman | Langdon 1979:637 FISH, also contains the ?-?il WORM word | same | underived | diachronically fish-worm | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
flea | pulga | pulga | flora-fauna | Siphonaptera | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
flicker | flora-fauna | Colaptes sp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blowfly/housefly | mosca | mosca | flora-fauna | Diptera | şxlʸmu | fly, housefly (Musa domestica) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Mojave thily'ahmo | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
foothills yucca | flora-fauna | Yucca whipplei | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fox | flora-fauna | Vulpes, Urocyon | màţkawá· | gray fox | inheritance | *p-rxa·w/m-rxa·w | Proto-Yuman | Langdon 1979:637 FOX | same | phrase | màţ is “earth”; kawá· appears only in this word | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
frog (generic) | flora-fauna | xanyá | frog | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | resemblant M. hanye -- probably cognate but I'm not sure | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
golden eagle | flora-fauna | Aquila chrysaetos | špa | eagle | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Mojave M. ɂaspa | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gooseberry | flora-fauna | Ribes spp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gopher snake, bull snake | flora-fauna | Pituophis catenifer | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grass | hierba, pasto | capim, grama | flora-fauna | (NA) | şmal | grass, hay, shrub, bush | inheritance | Delta-California | Iipay Aa ɂesemay | broader (see definition) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
grasshopper | flora-fauna | Caelifera | łxmpaţ | grasshopper, horse lubber (Taeniopoda eques) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Yavapai kąpámka, Kiliwa xnkpaap, Yuma >hīk-ahm-putk' | narrower (defined as a species -- but I'll bet it's generic) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gray ground squirrel | flora-fauna | Sphermophilus sp. | ci·š | roundtail ground squirrel (Citellus tereticaudus) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Mojave ɂatiis | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gray tree squirrel | flora-fauna | Sciurus spp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
great horned owl | flora-fauna | Bubo virginianus | cu·pí·c | great horned owl (Bubo virginianus) | unique | same | underived | no analysis in Crawford | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grizzly bear | flora-fauna | Ursus arctos horribilis | missing | missing | missing | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
horned toad | flora-fauna | Phrynosomatidae | cxnyaş | horned toad | unique | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | A Cocopa totem (Crawford) | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
horse | caballo | cavalho | flora-fauna | Equus caballus | qwaqš | horse | unique | Could this possibly be ultimately from caballo?? | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
hummingbird | colibrí, picaflor (Peru) | beija-flor | flora-fauna | Trochilidae | nyírnyír | hummingbird | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Inheritance (Arcilocus costae?) Mojave, Cocopa, 'Iipay Aa | narrower (defined as a species -- but I'll bet it's generic) | reduplicated | possibly sound-imitative but cognate | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
tobacco | tabaco | tabaco | flora-fauna | Nicotiana spp. | ɂu·p | tobacco, cigarette | loan into protolanguage | Proto-Yuman | unknown | Mojave 'a'uuv, etc. This must be a very old loan from "Hokan"-level antiquity, or perhaps substratal, cf. Karuk 7uhípih, Chimariko h-óphat ‘smoking’, Proto-Palaihnihan *o:xpi (a Campbell "Pan-Americanism" but in fact only in California, I think) | WW | %7u:p | broader (includes cigarette) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||
insect (generic) | insecto | insecto | flora-fauna | generic | no generic | unique | unknown | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | variable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junco | flora-fauna | Junco sppp | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
juniper | flora-fauna | Juniperus californica | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
louse | flora-fauna | order Phtiraptera | ɂiɂíÍłʸ | headlice | semantic shift | *?-?il | Proto-Yuman | Resemblant Yavapai hɂél but not cognate?; from WORM (really VERMIN, VARMINT) | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
mallard | flora-fauna | Anas platyrhynchos | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
manzanita | flora-fauna | Arctostaphylos spp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
milkweed, broad leaf | flora-fauna | Asclepias eriocarpa | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
milkweed, narrow leaf | flora-fauna | Asclepias fascicularis | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mission tule | flora-fauna | Juncus | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mockingbird | flora-fauna | Mimus polyglottos | šàkwi·lá· | mockingbird | inheritance | *č-sa -kwila | Proto-Yuman | Contains *č-sa “bird”; this combo in Yav., Cocopa | same | underived | no analysis in Crawford | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
mosquito | mosquito, zancudo | mosquito, carapana | flora-fauna | Anopheles spp, Isoptera | šxmpu·l | mosquito | inheritance | *smpul | Proto-Yuman | Langdon 1979:637 FLY (*smpul “mosquito”) | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
moth | mariposa nocturna, polilla | mariposa | flora-fauna | Heterocera | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mountain lion | flora-fauna | Puma concolor | nymca· | mountain lion | inheritance | *nymi-tay | Proto-Yuman | Langdon 1979:638 LION, Mixco 1978:91 | same | underived | diachronically bobcat-big | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
mountain quail | flora-fauna | Oreortyx pictus | kuka·k | Gambel quail | loan | Takic | widespread kaka, kakata, takata, etc. forms in California | WW | %kaka | same | underived | reduced from xmàkuka·k (xma “chicken”)_ | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
mussel | flora-fauna | Mytilus spp. | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
olivella (olive snail) | flora-fauna | Callianax biplicata | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pinyon jay | flora-fauna | Cyanocitta stelleri? | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pinyon pine | flora-fauna | Pinus monophylla | ɂi·xwí· | pine (and pine nuts) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Kiliwa ?+khiiw; ?+xiw “pine nuts” | broader (includes pine nuts) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pismo clam | flora-fauna | Tivella stultorum | swi· | clam shell, clam | unique | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pocket gopher | flora-fauna | Thomomys | ţkši | pocket gopher | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Langdon 1976:872 metath | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
poison oak | flora-fauna | Toxicodendron diversilobum | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rattlesnake | flora-fauna | Crotalus spp. | ɂawí | rattlesnake | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Kiliwa ?+wi? | broader (any snake) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
red ant | flora-fauna | Solenopsis spp | šmuyúły ɂaxwáţ | red ant | unique | no info | phrase | ant red (calque?) | Crawford 1989 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
red-shouldered blackbird | flora-fauna | Agelaius phoeniceus | şqway qlucá·w | redwinged blackbird | inheritance | Delta-California | Iipay Aa hah-se-kwi' (Merriam) | same | phrase | blackbird ?(element appearing only in this expression) | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
red-tailed hawk | flora-fauna | Buteo jamaicensis | xma pkwya·w | western red-tailed hawk | inheritance | Delta-California | Note 'Iipay Aa pā'-kwahlCH; ep'-kwahCH | same | phrase | chicken hawk (a neologism??) | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
roadrunner | flora-fauna | Geococcyx californianus | clpu | roadrunner | loan into protolanguage | Proto-Yuman | Takic | Langdon 1976:873 Metath; "carrier" possibly folk etymology on %pu:??? | WW | %pu: | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ruddy duck | flora-fauna | Oxyura jamaicensis | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sage herb | flora-fauna | Artemisia californica | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
salmon/steelhead | flora-fauna | Oncorhynchus mykiss | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
scaly lizard | flora-fauna | Pygopus lepidopodus? | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
small bird | flora-fauna | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
small brown lizard | flora-fauna | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
snake (generic) | culebra, serpiente | cobra | flora-fauna | ɂawí | appears in other snake names, always in phrase | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Kiliwa ?+wi? | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
soaproot | flora-fauna | Chlorogalum | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sour berry | flora-fauna | Rhus trilobata | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sparrow hawk | flora-fauna | Falco | mspily | sparrow hawk or American kestrel (Falco sparviverus) | inheritance | Delta-California | Iipay Aa mespily | same | underived | first element cognate with 'Iipay Aa mes-, separable in a number of words, no clear meaning | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
spider | araña | aranha | flora-fauna | Arachnida, Araneae | xłycuc | spider | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | IA hellytutt “black widow spider”, Mojave halytot | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | variable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
spotted skunk | flora-fauna | Spilogale gracilis | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
toad | sapo | sapo | flora-fauna | Bufonidae | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tree | árbol | arvore | flora-fauna | (NA) | ɂayá· | tree, willow | semantic shift | Proto-Yuman | Only case I know where “willow” is prototypical tree | same | underived | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
tree yucca | flora-fauna | Yucca schidegera | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
turkey buzzard | flora-fauna | Cathartes aura | šayí· | buzzard | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Yavapai sé·, Mojave ?ase, Kiliwa sii | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
turtle (generic) | flora-fauna | Testudines | xnya·r | turtle | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Kiliwa xnaal; Yuma axnaraxna/r Halpern 3:207 | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley live oak | flora-fauna | Quercus agrifolia | snya· | oak, acorn | inheritance | Delta-California | Iipay Aa ɂesnyaaw | broader (includes acorn) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley oak | flora-fauna | Quercus lobata | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley quail | flora-fauna | Callipepla californica | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Washington clam | flora-fauna | Saxidomus nuttalli | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Western Canada goose | flora-fauna | Branta canadensis | ya·lák | wild goose | loan into protolanguage | unknown | M. yaalak must be a loan from Cocopa; Words with this general structure very widespread in western NAM, probably sound-imitative originally | WW | %lala ~ %lak | broader (any wild goose, apparently) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
whale | flora-fauna | Eschrichtius robustus | xàlšɂá·ţ | whale, possibly porpoise | unique | broader (perhaps whales and porpoises -- “Cetacean”) | underived | no analysis in Crawford; however note xàlqwcá·c “name of a personage in a myth, called variously dragon, whale, and water snake” Crawford p. 341) | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
white pelican | flora-fauna | Pelicanus erythrorhynchos | knyɂuy | a gray and white bird, possibly a pelican | unique | Note M. iiya kwinyiihuly | same | underived | no analysis in Crawford | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild grapevine | flora-fauna | Vitis californica | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild oats | flora-fauna | Avena (introduction) | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild rose | flora-fauna | Rosa californica | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild sunflower | flora-fauna | Helianthus (and other genera) | nya supány | sunflower | unique | same | phrase | nya supány sun flower (calque?) | Crawford 1989 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
willow | flora-fauna | Salix spp. | ɂayá· | tree, willow | inheritance | with *-yaaw | Proto-Yuman | JHH Langdon mentions somewhere with no recon | broader (generic for tree) | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
wood rat, round-tail | flora-fauna | Neotoma spp. | ɂamíły | wood rat | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Kiliwa ?+maql, Yavapai (ɂ)mālka;, 'Iipay Aa ɂemallk; Yuma ah-mi'-ĕk?? | same | underived | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
worm, hairy caterpillar | flora-fauna | Arctiidae (many species) | nyawí· lmiş | hairy caterpillar | unique | no info | phrase | nyawí· lmiş thing hairy | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
worm, smooth caterpillar | flora-fauna | Trichoplusia ni (?) cabbage looper | maɂí·ły | worm, maggot, rice | unique | Contains *?-?il, WORM (Proto-Yuman), Langdon 1979:639 | broader (see gloss) | underived | no analysis in Crawford, but diachronically complex | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yellow jacket | flora-fauna | Vespula spp., Dolichovespula spp. | şxmpa· | yellowjacket | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Note Kiliwa cpaaw, 'Iipay Aa metpaaw, Mojave thaampo, Yuma mes-paw' | unknown | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yellowbird | flora-fauna | Dendroica petechia | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yerba santa | flora-fauna | Eriodictyon californicum | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ant (generic) | hormiga | formiga | flora-fauna | shmuyu/Ly | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bird | pajaro, ave | passaro | flora-fauna | sha | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blowfly/housefly | mosca | mosca | flora-fauna | Sxlymu | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dog (camp, domestic) | perro | cachorro | flora-fauna | xaT, xa:T (plural) | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grass | hierba, pasto | capim, grama | flora-fauna | Smal | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
deer | venado | veado, cariacu | flora-fauna | kwak | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
snake (generic) | culebra, serpiente | cobra | flora-fauna | 7awi/ “rattlesnake” | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spider | araña | aranha | flora-fauna | xLycuc | inheritance |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | General Notes | Source |
acorn mush | food | šu:wi: | mush, gravy made with corn and white beans | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | see Kiliwa s-wiy | derived | but I don'tknow how it works, not -a- here | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
ball game | food | kaxa:l | kickball | unknown | derived | ka- is IP for 'with the foot' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
afterworld, land of dead, Heaven | tierra do los muertos | terra dos mortos | culture-mythology | màTkWşapú | the land of the dead | unique | compound | maT 'land', şapú ;one who is dead, deceased relative' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
feather headband | dress | kupu:r | headband, kerchief (not the same as the California feather headband) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | see Mojave makupuur 'hat'; might be a loan, of course | derived | k- | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
arrow | flecha | flecha | subsistence tool | 7i:pá | arrow, bullet, cartridge | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | JHH | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
arrow straightener | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
bait for fishing | cebo, carnada para pescar, empate (Peru) | isca | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
school | escuela | escola | acculturation | 7awnYúr 7usá:w | Caps are superscript in Crawford 1989 | school | unique | phrase | (sa:w 'read' 7awnYur 'writing') | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
stone bowl | culture-material | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
basket (general) | canasta, canasto, cesta | cesto | culture-material | knYxu | basket, canoe | unknown | derived | k- | Crawford 1986 | |||||||||
basket, small | canasta, canasto, cesta | cesto pequeno, tampado | culture-material | missing | Missing | |||||||||||||
basketry hat | culture-material | missing | Missing | |||||||||||||||
bead | abalorio, mostacilla, cuenta, gota, puca; necklace=collar | miçanga | culture-material | şak7ú:l | beads | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | see Mojave | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
ochre | culture-mythology | missing | Missing | |||||||||||||||
bow | arco | arco | subsistence tool | 7i:cim(ayá:) | bow (and arrow) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | JHH | simplex | 7ayá: 'willow' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
canoe | canoa | canoa | transport | knYxu | basket, canoe (probably not dugout, I don't know style of boats) | unknown | derived | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
carrying net | subsistence tool | 7uyúLY | carrying net, net for hanging clothes in | unknown | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||||
bottle | botella | garrafa | acculturation | lmet | bottle | loan | Spanish | WW | %limida | also xLY7u | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||
paper | papel | papel | acculturation | papí:l | paper, letter, book | loan | Spanish | WW | %papel | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
chief/leader | jefe, cacique | chefe | culture-mythology | kWmšyaráy | chairman, captain, leader | unknown | derived | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
club | garrote, cachiporra | clava, porrete | subsistence tool | LaxWá:y | war club | unknown | simplex | xWa 'soldier, warrior' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
loincloth | taparrabos, guayuco, pampanilla | tanga, tapa-sexo | dress | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
cook food | food | nYawí: rar | work for (someone), be occupied with, be at work on, cook, prepare (food to eat) | inheritance | *wi | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:84 | derived | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
corpse | food | mşapás | someone recently dead, a corpse | unknown | derived | mşpa 'die' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
dance (generic) | culture-mythology | 7i:má | to dance | inheritance | *ma(7) | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:84 | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
deity/powerful spirit/culture figure | dios(es), deidad | divinidade, figura mítica | culture-mythology | kùkmá:T | a Cocopa, and probably pan-Yuman, deity | unknown | derived | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
digging stick | subsistence tool | şmál nYmawpú:n | digging hoe | unique | phrase | grass/weed. To.hoe | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
dipper | subsistence tool | xa nYmšunYá:y | dipper | unique | phrase | xa 'water' šnYa: to dip | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
dream | sueño, soñar | sonho, sonhar | culture-mythology | šma:p | to dream | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | JHH always from 'sleep' | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
drone pipe | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
drum | tambor | tambor | culture-mythology | waxá:m | drum | unknown | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
chicken | gallina | galinha | acculturation | xma | chicken | semantic shift | Proto-Yuman | probably from Gambel's Quail; note Kiliwa has same shift (with a marking reversal) | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
earring | other | šma:l şakWí:nY | earrings | inheritance | *$mal(k) 'ear' | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:84 | phrase | ear to.wear.earrings (şkWinY) | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit | espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio | espirito | culture-mythology | lxwacáq nYšuLY s7uLY | devil | unknown | phrase | ghost tail arrow | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
fire drill | subsistence tool | 7u:ká | to make fire with fire drill | inheritance | Delta-Californian | I A ko-katch 'fire drill' | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
fire-tender | culture-mythology | kWLYamá:r | firemaker | unknown | derived | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||||
fireplace | hogar | lareira | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
firewood | leña | lenha | other | 7i: | wood | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | JHH | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
fish (with fish-poison) | pescar con barbasco, barbasquear | pescar com timbó; tinguijar | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
fish (with line) | anzuelear, pescar con linea | pescar (com linha) | food | si7ílY pwac | I am fishing (sitting for fish) | unique | phrase | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
fish poison | barbasco, matapez (Colombia) | timbó | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
fishing line | cordel/cuerda p/ pescar, sedal, tanze | linha de pesca | subsistence tool | si7ílY (nY)mpuwá:w | fishing pole and line | unique | phrase | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
fish hook | subsistence tool | muLYcác | barrel cactus, fish hook | unknown | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||||
acorn bread | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
wheat | food | nYpa: xa:nY | white man's wheat | semantic shift | Proto-Yuman | Kiliwa has same word | phrase | Distichlis palmeri plus be.new | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
flute | flauta, quena (Peru) | flauta | culture-mythology | wílwí(:)l | flute | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Mojave wilawil 'musical instrument' | reduplicated | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
gambling sticks | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
game animal | caza, animal de caza | caça, animal de caça | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit | espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio | espirito | culture-mythology | lxwacáq | ghost, television | unknown | derived | xcaq 'be bad' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
glue | subsistence tool | cxpiL | glue | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | see Kiliwa 'pitch' | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
grave | tumba, sepultura, sepulcro | sepultura, sepulcro, cova | culture-mythology | (mşapás) LypawnYá:r | grave | unique | phrase | 7u:nyár 'to bury' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
alcohol | food | xa rap, xaráp | liquor, whiskey, any beverage w/ high alcoholic content | semantic shift | compound | water, body.to.hurt | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
Datura wrightii | narcotics | şmál ka:pít | Jimson weed (Datura discolor) | inheritance | shares smaly root | phrase | NOT 'crazy Kwa:pi:t)grass', but close | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
shaman, healer | chamán, brujo | xaman, pajé, feiticeiro | culture-mythology | şkWi:yá: | doctor, shaman, medicine man, witch | unknown | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
honey | miel | mel | food | nYi:l | honey | loan | Spanish | WW | %miel | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
house | other | wa | house, home, homeland,room | inheritance | *wa(7) | Proto-Yuman | JHH | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
hunt | cazar | caçar | food | nYay | hunt, search or look for | inheritance | Delta-Californian | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
initiate boy | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
initiate girl | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
knife | cuchillo | faca | culture-material | wi: | metal, knife, rock, mountain | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Mo 7avii 'mountain' | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
mat | culture-material | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
mortar | mortero | pilão | subsistence tool | xmu | mortar (said to be made of cottonwood or mesquite) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | JHH | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
necklace | other | xanYá:k | necklace | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | WW | derived | xnYak put on or wear a necklace; derivation with infix -a- | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
needle/awl | subsistence tool | šwakWí:LY | needle | unknown | derived | šukWíLY to sew; derivation with infix -a- | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
paddle/oar | remo | remo | transport | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
pestle | pilón, mano de mortero, mazo, moledor | mão de pilão | subsistence tool | xmu:ká: | pestle | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | xmu: is the 'mortar' word | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
pinole | food | pinó:l | pinole, ground roasted wheat (and possibly corn) | loan | Spanish | WW | %pinole | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
pipe for tobacco | pipa | cachimbo | other | (7u:p) mukWínY | pipe for smoking tobacco | inheritance | Delta-Californian | phrase | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
pitch | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
pot | olla, pote | panela, vasilha | subsistence tool | LYu:más | cooking pot | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Lyu: 'cook' in Mojave | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
quiver | subsistence tool | kupíT | quiver (for arrows) | loan direction unknown | Mojave | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
rattle | matraca, maraca | marico, chocalho | culture-mythology | kwak nYcaşíl | deer hoof rattle | unknown | phrase | deer its-rattle | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
red paint | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
salt | sal | sal | food | ş7ir | salt | inheritance | *7iR < s-7iR | Proto-Yuman | Mixco 1978:95 | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
seed beater | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
clothing | ropa | roupa | culture-mythology | nYu7á:l | clothes | unknown | derived | from 'wear'?? | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
sinew-backed bow | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
skirt | falda, saya, fustan, pollera | saia | culture-material | šayú:l kánkán | skirt | inheritance | Delta-Californian | See 'Iipay Aa heyul | phrase | dress ? | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
snare | subsistence tool | pcu:pí:T | trap | unknown | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||||
song (generic) | canción, canto | canção | culture-mythology | suyáw | song, that which one sings | inheritance | Delta-Californian | root is -yaaw in IA?? | derived | sya: 'sing' | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
spear | lanza | lança | subsistence tool | nYša7úr | spear | unknown | derived | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
stirring stick | food | 7ará:s mca:wá:r | fire poker, stick for stirring coals | unique | phrase | 7ara:s coals, coal, charcoal; cawa:r, šwa:r 'stir' (coals)?? | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
rope/string | mecate, cuerda, soga | corda | culture | xkWa: | string used in making blankets | unknown | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
bag, sack | culture-material | kmi | sack, bag | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | see Kiliwa | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
string of shell money | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
sugarcane/sugar | azúcar, caña de azúcar | açucar (de cana) | acculturation | 7asúkr | sugar | loan | Spanish | WW | %azúcar | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
sweathouse | other | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
tell history | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
cremate | culture-mythology | maLY | cremate, burn a corpse | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | Kiliwa maal root in 'burn', 'flame' | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||
tobacco (native) | narcotics | 7u:p | tobacco, cigarette | loan into protolanguage | Proto-Yuman | Hokan | WW | %7u:p | JHH | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
tule boat | transport | ku:páp | raft (made of tule or bullrushes) | unknown | derived | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||||
white paint | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
winnowing basket | culture-material | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
wood tray | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
shoes | zapatos | sapatos | dress | xmanyáw | shoes (unpossessed) | inheritance | Proto-Yuman | JHH; see Kiliwa | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
medicine | narcotics | m(i)rsín | medicine | loan | Spanish | WW | %medecina | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
cradleboard | culture-material | kWanyúk 7uyák | cradlebasket frame | unknown | phrase | baby lie | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||||
policeman | polícia | policía | acculturation | capáy kWaxí:r | policeman | unknown | phrase | person catch | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
soldier | soldado | soldado | acculturation | xWa | army, soldier, fighter, warrior | semantic shift | Proto-Yuman | Kiliwa xwa 'warrior, enemy' | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
corn | food | xca:s | corn | unique | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||||||
beans | food | mri:k | beans | loan | unknown | WW | %mun | very widespread loan | simplex | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
cat | gato | gato | acculturation | kíri | cat | loan | English | WW | %kitty | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||
gun | arma, escopeta | espingarda, fusil | acculturation | 7i:cim | gun, rifle, bow | semantic shift | Proto-Yuman | simplex | Crawford 1989 | |||||||||
hat | sombero | chapéu | dress | (nY)şpu:l | hat | semantic shift | Proto-Yuman | note Kiliwa m+puul 'basketry hat' | derived | Crawford 1989 | ||||||||
clapper | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
rope/string | mecate, cuerda, soga | corda | culture | yu7a/r | inheritance | |||||||||||||
thatch/roof | crisneja | palha, caraná | culture-material | xanya:/r, xa:nya/:r “domed roof”, wa ya:l, way wal “roof of a ramada” | unknown | |||||||||||||
bottom grinding stone | manufacture | xpi | inheritance | |||||||||||||||
digging stick | subsistence tool | Smal nymawpu:/n “digging hoe” | unique | |||||||||||||||
winnow | aventar, tirar (sementes) | joeirar | manufacture | missing | ||||||||||||||
top grinding stone | metate, mano; piedra de moler | metate, mano | manufacture | xpusa/ | loan | |||||||||||||
boomerang/throwing stick (generic) | subsistence tool | missing | ||||||||||||||||
spearthrower | subsistence tool | 7i:ci/m, 7i:ci\maya:/ “bow (and arrow)” | unknown | |||||||||||||||
spear | lanza | lança | subsistence tool | nysha7u/r | unknown | |||||||||||||
house | other | nywa, wa, wa:s | inheritance |
Current Population (speakers) | Former Population Estimate | Subsistence Preference | Density | Sedentism | Ecotome | Marriage Pattern | Notes | Source |
large | AG | dense | sedentary | no |