Language | Linnean Name | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Etymology Notes | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Range of Term | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | Classifier | Classifier Notes | Hypernym | Source | Association with Social Categories | Ritual/Mythologically Significant | Ritual Notes | Food Source | Food Notes | Medicinal | Medicinal Notes | How Collected | Who Collects | How Prepared | Psychotropic | Psychotropic Notes | Traded | Trade Notes | Distribution | Habitat | Dangerous | Ethnobiology Notes | Species Notes | General Notes |
Language | Linnean Name | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Etymology Notes | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Range of Term | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | Classifier | Classifier Notes | Hypernym | Source | Association with Social Categories | Ritual/Mythologically Significant | Ritual Notes | Food Source | Food Notes | Medicinal | Medicinal Notes | How Collected | Who Collects | How Prepared | Psychotropic | Psychotropic Notes | Traded | Trade Notes | Distribution | Habitat | Dangerous | Ethnobiology Notes | Species Notes | General Notes |
Bankalachi Toloim | Falco | e'-titch, e-tits | Sparrow hawk (Falco) | unique | but morphology looks Yokutsan with the -ch/ts suffix | same | derived | Looks like diminutive of “Red-tailed hawk” (with a probable Yokuts stem and a UA suffix!) | C. H. Merriam 72-77, 60-453 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone | Falco | pik-ker'-ige RM; | sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius) | inheritance | *pik- | Northern Uto-Aztecan | Stubbs 727 (2008:132); (Mono, Timbisa Shoshone, Round Mountain, Hopi piikwa “lesser nighthawk” ???. This form in Central, Western Numic | WW | %kili | same | underived | may be onomatopoeia | Merriam 61:73 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||
Cahuilla | Falco | kel-lek'-le-mal | keˈleklemal (note Luiseño kolókolomay “red-breasted hawk, small red hawk” (Elliott 1999:1462) | Sparrow hawk (Falco) | inheritance | *kɨlɨ- | Uto-Aztecan | S721 (Stubbs 2009:131); Note: Guarijío keleti̱ | kereti̱ (?) <kelecí (¿kerecí?)> ‘kind of a hawk’ (Miller 1996: 345); correspondence of medial /l/ is off, perhaps loan. Hopi kyeele “Sparrow Hawk” definitely not regular, perhaps sound-imitation is affec | WW | %kili | same | derived | keˈlekle-mal kele-kele (a call) - diminutive | -7aʃ “pet” | Possessive classifier -7aʃ | wikikmal (?) |; p. 163 | no info | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | All Americas | Diverse habitats | no | ||||||||||||
Central Sierra Miwok | Falco | tét:ete- | sparrow hawk | inheritance | *te:ete- | Eastern Miwokan | I think this is probably the wrong hawk,same word is “Cooper's Hawk” in CHM's Misn and Mip. Recon is Callaghan 1962:104 | reduplicated | Freeland & Broadbent 1960 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Chemehuevi | Falco | pe'-ve-nung'-guts, | Sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius) | unique | Colorado River Southern Numic, note Southern Ute piví-nagá-cI | same | other complex | pe'-ve-nung'-guts, perhaps piivinɨŋgɨ-cI , with final ABS; stem may be complex | Merriam 59:525 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Chumash Barbareno | Falco | kwiʧ | peregrine falcon, duck hawk | unique | Central Chumash only | underived | Beeler 1978:178 CHECK | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chumash Ineseno | Falco | ke'-lik | sparrow hawk | loan into protolanguage | Central Chumash only | unknown | a widely-distributed form, might be loan | WW | %kili | underived | Merriam 55:7 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||
Chumash Obispeno | Falco | tšmija7; tšinatyi | a kind of gavilan, chiquito, cry mija; aguililla (Schoenhals et al. give F. sparviverius as one meaning); see (22) bald eagle | unique | underived | Harrington III:1:0299; 0118 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chumash Ventureno | Falco | kwiʧ; perhaps kilik JPH? | falcon sp. | loan into protolanguage | Central Chumash only | unknown | Ineseno has kilik | WW | %kili | underived | Mamet 2008:18 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||
Cocopa | Falco | mspily | sparrow hawk or American kestrel (Falco sparviverus) | inheritance | Delta-California | Iipay Aa mespily | same | underived | first element cognate with 'Iipay Aa mes-, separable in a number of words, no clear meaning | Crawford 1989 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Comanche | Falco | huhmara?, huumara? | falcon | unique | perhaps a loan from somewhere? | same | underived | Robinson & Armagost 1990:162 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cupeño | Falco | keyeyekmal | kəˈjɛjɛkmal | night hawk | loan | *kɨlɨ- | Cahuilla | vowel in Cupeño is /ɛ/, and /y/ is non-correspondent to /l/ in Cahuilla, Luiseño words. | same | derived | kəˈjɛjɛk-ma-l sparrow.hawk-diminutive-npn | -ʔaʃ "pet" | possessive classifier for animals | not a mukikmal as far as I know | Hill & Nolasquez 1973:158 | no info | 2 | 2 | probably not eaten; Luiseño, did not eat | no info | hunted | men | feathers for fletching arrows | 0 | 0 | Americas | diverse habitats | no | ||||||||||
Esselen | Falco | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gabrielino | Falco | koo'-neets | ˈku:niʧ (?) | Sparrow hawk | unique | Could this be the NUA “turkey” word??? Stubbs 2358 (2008;316), *kuyu-...? | same | underived | -ʧ is not an npn. Alexander Taylor gave this word for "bird" (in McC) | -ʔaʧ “pet | possessive classifier for animals |; p. 421 | no info | 2 | beaks, claws in Chingichngich figure (McC p. 28) | 2 | McC does not mention but is Chingichngish animal | no info | hunted | men | for feathers, for arrows and regalia | 0 | 0 | feathers used in regalia, traded | Americas | diverse habitats | no | |||||||||||
Iipay 'Aa | Falco | mespily | sparrow hawk | inheritance | Delta-California | Cocopa mspily | same | underived | Couro & Hutcheson 1973 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Kawaiisu | Falco | wižiki-ži hunarɨ | sparrow hawk | inheritance | *wi(t)tiki “bird” | Proto-Uto-Aztecan | Stubbs 205a (2008:67); what is hunarɨ ? Southern Paiute is witsɨ-ungwarats anga “bird-catcher” | same | phrase | wižiki-ži huna-rɨ bird-ABS X-NOMINALIZER (not an adj, which would precede “bird”) | Zigmond et al. | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||
Kiliwa | Falco | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kitanemuk | Falco | kɨyɨkɨyɨč | ˈkɨyɨkɨyɨʧ | red-tailed hawk (which is wrong) | inheritance | *kɨLɨ; *kɨtɨ | Uto-Aztecan | S721 (Stubbs 2008:131); but very widespread, sound-imitative; /y/ from *L a bit odd although not unknown | reduplicated | ˈkɨyɨ-kɨyɨ-ʧ dup-hawk.sp-npn | -ʔacit "pet" | possessive classifier for animals | Anderton 1988:358 | no info | 2 | figure in stories of creation time; also are good guardian spirits | 2 | no info | hunted | men | perhaps for feathers only | 0 | 0 | probably feather regalia traded | Americas | Diverse habitats | no | |||||||||||
Lake Miwok | Falco | 7íit7it | sparrow hawk (et) (Merriam confirms 57:517) | loan | Patwin | C. notes Patwin 7i:t7it “sparrow hawk”; see also Yokutsan *?yt'ychH (Callaghan 1997:59 and Palewyami form | reduplicated | Callaghan 1965 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luiseño | Falco | kolókolokamay | koˈlokolokamaj | sparrow hawk | inheritance | *kɨlɨ- | Uto-Aztecan | S721 (Stubbs 2009:131); Note: Guarijío keleti̱ | kereti̱ (?) <kelecí (¿kerecí?)> ‘kind of a hawk’ (Miller 1996: 345); correspondence of medial /l/ is off, perhaps loan. Hopi kyeele “Sparrow Hawk” definitely not regular , perhaps sound-imitation affecti | WW | %kili | same | derived | koˈlo-koloka-maj Dup-sparrow.hawk-diminutive (note: -maj is common variant of -ma-l with usual NPN suffix; -j may = -l | -ʔaʃ "pet" | possessive classifier; NPN form of noun is ʔaʃla | uncertain if is 7ehéngmal | Elliott 1999:398 | no info | 2 | feathers for headdresses (Sparkman 1908:208) | 2 | not eaten (Kroeber 1925:652) | no info | hunted | men | feathers for arrows, headdresses, wands | 0 | 0 | ceremonial regalia bought and sold | Americas | diverse habitats | no | ||||||
Maidu | Falco | ke'-lik-lik'-kim | sparrow hawk | loan | Northern Sierra Miwok | areal form in Miwokan, PUA, Salinan, PW *k'ililuk, etc. (imitates bird's cry) | WW | %kili | reduplicated | -im suffix | Merriam 57:41 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||
Mojave | Falco | thiinyer | sparrowhawk | unique | same | underived | Munro et al.1992 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mutsun | Falco | 7eleymin | hawk sp. (Mason 1916:427 goshawk; Merriam confirms sparrow hawk) | unique | Southern Costanoan only | Pinart has “ellem” in Co IV; Merriam has el'-lim “red-tailed hawk” for Rumsen 55:439 | relative clause | -min "one who is/has" | Okrand 1977:58 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nisenan | Falco | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northern Paiute | Falco | wobbe'e | Sparrow hawk | unique | same | underived | Merriam 61:137 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northern Sierra Miwok | Falco | kiliksaje- | sparrow hawk | loan into protolanguage | Eastern Miwokan | unknown | Also in Miss, Mip; areal form, is in PUA,Salinan,Maidu, etc. imitates bird's cry | WW | %kili | compound | kilik-saje; saje untralsatable | Callaghan 1987 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Plains Miwok | Falco | kiliksa:je- | sparrow hawk (Merriam confiirms) | loan into protolanguage | Eastern Miwokan | unknown | In Mins, Miss; widespread areal for kili- (see Proto-Wintun *k'ililuk “Cooper's Hawk?” Shepherd 224) | WW | %kili | phrase | kilik-sa:je (sound.imitation -uncertain.meaning) | Callaghan 1984 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Salinan A | Falco | skele:lé7 | sparrow-hawk | loan | Salinan | unknown | This is a widespread form; e.g. Chumash B xelex “hawk sp.”, Maidu ke'-lik-lik'-kim; Proto-UA *kɨlɨ-. This is the sound of this hawk. | WW | %kili | other complex | s- animal prefix | Mason 1918:124; Turner 1980:76 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Salinan M | Falco | skelé:le | sparrow hawk | loan | Salinan | unknown | This is a widespread form; e.g. Chumash B xelex “hawk sp.”, Maidu ke'-lik-lik'-kim; Proto-UA *kɨlɨ-. This is the sound of this hawk. | WW | %kili | other complex | s- animal prefix | Mason 1918:124 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Seri (Comcaac) | Falco | siimen | American kestrel, Falco sparviverius | unique | same | underived | Comcaac Dictionary 558 | 2 | siimen cöittaxz “tener mala suerte” | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Serrano | Falco | kre'-yu kre'-ets, kre'-yu kre'-yuts | Sparrow hawk | inheritance | *kɨLɨ; *kɨtɨ | Uto-Aztecan | S721 (Stubbs 2008:131); but very widespread, sound-imitative; /y/ from *L a bit odd although not unknown | reduplicated | -t NPN | Merriam 72-27, 60-101 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Southern Paiute | Falco | qɨrin'nangqatsI | Sparrow hawk (?) | unique | same | other complex | has -tsi ABS; stem clearly compound but meaningless elements although Sapir speculates that nangqa- may be “ear-ring”??? | Sapir 1930:638 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Southern Sierra Miwok | Falco | kil-lik'-si-e; kil-lik'-kik-kŭ | Sparrow hawk | loan into protolanguage | Eastern Miwokan | unknown | first form also in Mins, Mip | WW | %kili | other complex | kilik' -saji | Merriam 55:453 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||
Southern Ute | Falco | piví-nagá-cI | sparrow-hawk | unique | Colorado River Southern Numic -- note Chemehuevi pe'-ve-nung'-guts | same | other complex | has -ci ABS ; looks phrasal but elements have no analysis, don't occur elsewhere obviously | Givon 1979 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Tübatulabal | Falco | liklīkīpitt | likli:gi:ˈbit | a story character | loan | Southern Sierra Miwok | SSM lekleksa (and note Nutuntu Yokuts likik | WW | %kili | same | derived | likli:gi:-ˈbi-t hawk.sp-diminutive-npn | Hill 2010:40 | no info | 2 | Hawk is a supernatural being, a yümükīwal, and must be treated with respect | 2 | Voegelin 1938:12 | no info | hunted | men | for feathers for arrow fletching (Voegelin 1938:28) | 0 | 0 | Americas | Diverse habitats | no | |||||||||||
Tümpisa Shoshone | Falco | pikkitikittsi | sparrow hawk | inheritance | *pik- | Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan | Stubbs 727 (2008:132); (Mono, Timbisa Shoshone, Round Mountain, Hopi piikwa “lesser nighthawk” ???. This form in Central, Western Numic | same | other complex | pikkitiki-ttsi onomatopoeia?-DIM | Dayley 1989:206 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||
Wappo | Falco | she'-nes-nah'-tsah, se'-nis-nats'-să | Sparrow hawk | unique | phrase | Merriam 52:569 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Washo | Falco | dat-too'-too-de; dă-troo-troo-de | sparrow hawk (M. has this as “his call” with red-tail???) | unique | reduplicated | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Western Mono | Falco | pik-kid'-de-gĕ; Gayton pikɨdigi “sparrow hawk” | Sparrow hawk, Falco | inheritance | *pik- | Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan (Mono, Timbisa Shoshone, Hopi piikwa “lesser nighthawk” ???. This form in Central, Western Numic | WW | %kili | same | underived | must be derived somehow, too long for real simplex | Merriam 59:71 | Falcon lineages highly respected and a man from such could become chief (Gayton 2:270); but for Waksachi “not a totem” Gayton 2:223) | 2 | totem animal | 2 | no info | hunted | men | probably for feathers | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||
Wintu | Falco | e'-re-ēs' | sparrow hawk (CHM consistent for all dialects) | inheritance | *7i:r7ir (?) | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Merriam 56:7 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Yavapai | Falco | ɂčkyô·č | diver or chicken hawk | unique | unknown | Shaterian 1983 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yokuts Palewyami | Falco | e-titch'-wāy | sparrow hawk | inheritance | *?yt'ychH | Yokutsan | Callaghan 1937:59 says is only Nim, but this form suggests Yokutsan; compare Mil ?i:t'it, (loanword from Patwin?) | same | other complex | clearly has a -we: increment, function and meaning unknown; compare word for “band-tail pigeon” with final -wah in Merriam on a possible cognate | Merriam 58:521 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||
Yokuts Yawdanchi | Falco | üdatc; ütatc 220 (from spec.) | hawk sp. (Merriam confirms ut-tuch 58 361) | inheritance | *?yt'ychH | Yokutsan | Callaghan 1937:59 says is only Nim, butPalewyami form suggests Yokutsan; compare Mil ?i:t'it, (loanword from Patwin?) | same | underived | Kroeber 1961:211 (212) | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Yokuts Yowlumne | Falco | iditc, 'it'iç | hawk sp. | inheritance | *?yt'ychH | Yokutsan | Callaghan 1997:59 says is only Nim, but Palewyami form suggests Yokutsan; compare Mil ?i:t'it, (loanword from Patwin?) | same | underived | Kroeber 1961:211 (#212) | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Yuki | Falco | me-leel' MWO | sparrow hawk | unique | other complex | -il a noun suffix | Sawyer & Schlichter 1984 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yuma | Falco | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no |
Language |