English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | General Notes | Source |
above | encima, arriba | acima | location | panti, | inheritance | P1985 | ||||||||||
again | de nuevo, otra vez | de novo | grammar | hiwehi | unknown | |||||||||||
all | todo | todos | other | ko:m, ko:t | unknown | |||||||||||
and | y | e | grammar | 7ut (DS) | unknown | |||||||||||
ankle | tobillo | tornozelo | body | may 7anaq “leg joint” | inheritance | |||||||||||
armpit | axila, sobaco | axila | body | q'an kenti | inheritance | |||||||||||
ash | ceniza(s) | cinzas | environment | bukul | inheritance | |||||||||||
at | en, a | em, a | location | ti | inheritance | |||||||||||
back | espalda | costas | body | jaj | inheritance | |||||||||||
bad | mal | mal | quality | c'Epkal | inheritance | |||||||||||
belly | barriga | barriga | body | telyi | unknown | |||||||||||
below | abajo, debajo | abaixo | location | ken | loan into protolanguage, direction unknown | |||||||||||
big | grande | grande | quality | qom | inheritance | |||||||||||
bite | morder | morder | body | ba: | inheritance | |||||||||||
black | negro | preto | colour | culul | inheritance | |||||||||||
blood | sangre | sangue | body | tede:ki | inheritance | |||||||||||
blow | soplar | soprar | body | phulye | inheritance | |||||||||||
boil/pimple | espinilla, granos | espinha, borbulha | body | c'itik | inheritance? | |||||||||||
bone | hueso | osso | body | paq | inheritance | |||||||||||
breast | pecho, seno | peito | body | 7imit “milk, breast” | inheritance | |||||||||||
breathe | respirar | respirar | body | 7ol-phure | inheritance | |||||||||||
burn | quemar | queimar | environment | hire: (vi), | inheritance | |||||||||||
chew | masticar, mascar | mastigar | body | c'uka: | inheritance | |||||||||||
child | niño, niña | criança | human | -lye | inheritance | |||||||||||
climb | subir | subir | motion | dika | inheritance | |||||||||||
cloud | nube | nuvem | environment | q'ah, q'a:h | inheritance | |||||||||||
cold | frío | frio | quality | k'ol | unknown | |||||||||||
come | venir | vir | motion | hina | inheritance | |||||||||||
cook | cocinar | cozinhar | impact | co:lma (cause to be cooked) | inheritance | |||||||||||
correct/true | verdad, de veras | verdade | quality | caluma | inheritance | |||||||||||
count | contar | contar | mental | ly'a:mah | unknown | |||||||||||
cry | llorar | chorar | mental | waca: | inheritance | |||||||||||
cut/hack | cortar | cortar | impact | taka;, takca | loan | |||||||||||
day | día | dia | time | sani | inheritance | |||||||||||
die/be dead | morir | morrer | state | kira: | inheritance | |||||||||||
dig | cavar | cavar | impact | hapa: | inheritance | |||||||||||
dingo/wolf | fauna | taret (really something like “beast”) | unknown | |||||||||||||
dirty | sucio | sujo | quality | bukul | inheritance | |||||||||||
dream | soñar | sonhar | mental | yecew | inheritance | |||||||||||
drink | beber, tomar | beber | body | bula | inheritance | |||||||||||
dry | seco | seco | quality | Xonos “dried up, dried” | inheritance | |||||||||||
dull/blunt | sin filo, mocho, desafilado, embotado, romo | maçante, desamolado, não afiado | quality | mile: | unknown | |||||||||||
dust | polvo | poeira | environment | baqca :dusty” | ||||||||||||
ear | oreja | orelha | body | ma:t | unknown | |||||||||||
earth/soil | tierra | terra | environment | po:m | inheritance | |||||||||||
eat | comer | comer | body | ba: | inheritance | |||||||||||
egg | huevo | ovo | fauna | lyuh, lyu:h, | unknown | |||||||||||
eye | ojo | olho | body | tum “eyes, face” , tu:mu/tu:mum “eye” (MM) | inheritance | |||||||||||
faeces | heces, mierda, excremento, estiércol | fezes | body | c'enis | inheritance | |||||||||||
fall | caer | cair | motion | dile | inheritance | |||||||||||
far | lejos | longe | quality | kele:l, k'ele:l | inheritance | |||||||||||
fat/grease | grasa | gordura | body | hu:m | inheritance | |||||||||||
father | padre, papá | pai | kinship | -tan | inheritance | |||||||||||
fear | miedo | medo | mental | k'ilep | inheritance | |||||||||||
feather | pluma | pena | fauna | k'alah, k'alaq | inheritance | |||||||||||
fire | fuego | fogo | environment | pho:h | inheritance | |||||||||||
fish | xx | xx | fauna | dikit, diket “McCloud speech, generic, obsolete” | inheritance? | Liedtke 07:43 from Heizer | ||||||||||
flow | fluir | fluir | motion | c'uha: | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
flower | flor | flor | environment | luli | inheritance | |||||||||||
fly | volar | voar | motion | thiwa | inheritance | |||||||||||
fog | niebla, neblina | nevoeira, bruma, neblina | environment | Xos | inheritance | |||||||||||
foot | pie | pé | body | mah | inheritance | |||||||||||
fruit | fruta | fruta | flora | 7im “berry” | inheritance | SH05 | ||||||||||
good | bueno | bom | quality | cali | loan into protolanguage, direction unknown | |||||||||||
grow | crecer | crescer | state | bohema- | inheritance | |||||||||||
hair (of head) | cabello | cabelo | body | tomoy (on head) | inheritance? | |||||||||||
hand | mano | mão | body | seh | inheritance | |||||||||||
3sg | el/ella | ele/ela | grammar | pi | inheritance | |||||||||||
head | cabeza | cabeça | body | phojoq | inheritance | |||||||||||
hear | oír | ouvir | mental | mute | inheritance | |||||||||||
heavy | pesado | pesado | quality | jilmas (< jily) | inheritance | |||||||||||
hide | esconder | esconder | motion | duka (vt) | unknown | |||||||||||
hit | golpear, pegar | bater | impact | qota | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
hold | correr, asegurar, sostener | segurar | other | c'aka: | unknown | |||||||||||
how? | como | como | grammar | hen | inheritance | |||||||||||
1sg | yo | eu | grammar | ni | inheritance | |||||||||||
if | si | se | grammar | kil (“conditional”) | unknown | |||||||||||
in/inside | dentro, adentro | dentro | location | 7el- | inheritance | |||||||||||
intestines | intestinos | intestinos | body | pot | inheritance | |||||||||||
itch | hormiguear, sentir comezón | coçar | body | c'ec'ereq | unknown | |||||||||||
kill | matar | matar | impact | keruma: (cause to die) | inheritance | |||||||||||
know/be knowledgeable | saber, conecer | saber, conhecer | mental | t'ipna: | inheritance | |||||||||||
lake | lago | lago | environment | lyul, lyu:l | loan | |||||||||||
laugh | reír | rir | mental | nuja | unknown | |||||||||||
leaf | hoja | folha | environment | dalas | inheritance | |||||||||||
left/left hand | izquierdo | esquerdo | location/body | thawharas “left hand, side” | inheritance | |||||||||||
leg/foot | pierna | perna | body | tole | inheritance | |||||||||||
lie down | acostarse, echarse | deitar | motion | bija | inheritance | |||||||||||
lightning | rayo, relámpago | relampago | environment | walu:qi | inheritance | |||||||||||
live/be alive | vivir | viver, morar | body | moroq | inheritance | |||||||||||
liver | hígado | figado | body | kila | inheritance | |||||||||||
long | largo | comprido, longo | quality | kelas | loan into protolanguage, direction unknown | |||||||||||
louse | piollo, piojo | piolho | fauna | pheres “body lice” | inheritance | SH05 | ||||||||||
lung | pulmón | pulmão | body | lyoso | unknown | |||||||||||
man/male | hombre | homem | human | wi:ta | inheritance | |||||||||||
meat/flesh | carne | carne | fauna | ci:r | loan into protolanguage, direction unknown | |||||||||||
moon | luna | lua | environment | canaly | unknown | |||||||||||
mother | madre, mamá | mãe | kinship | -tu:tu: address form | unknown | |||||||||||
mouth | boca | boca | body | qo:l | inheritance | |||||||||||
name | nombre | nome | human | -jet, jechuna:s | inheritance | |||||||||||
nape | base del cuello, nuca | nuca | body | tomoykenwiti | unknown | |||||||||||
near/close | cerca de | perto | quality | coki | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
neck | cuello | pescoço | body | doki | loan into protolanguage, direction unknown | |||||||||||
new | nuevo | novo | quality | po:, po:bes (of things) | inheritance | |||||||||||
night | noche | noite | time | cipi | unknown | |||||||||||
no/not | no | não | grammar | -mina | inheritance | |||||||||||
nose | nariz | nariz | body | sono | inheritance | |||||||||||
old | viejo | velho | quality | ho:n | unknown | |||||||||||
one | uno | um | number | k'ete: | inheritance | |||||||||||
open/uncover | abrir | abrir | other | xilama | unknown | |||||||||||
other | otro | outro | grammar | k'ete | inheritance | |||||||||||
pain/painful/sick | dolor, doloroso, enfermo | dor, doloroso, doente | body | t'aqima:s “painful” | inheritance? | |||||||||||
person/human being | persona | pessoa | human | winthu:h, winthuh, winthu:n | inheritance | |||||||||||
pound/beat | machacar, golpear | bater | impact | palya | inheritance | |||||||||||
rain | lluvia | chuva | environment | luh, lu:hej | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
red | rojo | vermelho | colour | te:di | inheritance | |||||||||||
right/right hand | derecha | direita | location/body | cali right (dexter) side | inheritance | |||||||||||
road/path | camino | caminho | manufacture | jemer | inheritance | |||||||||||
root | raíz | raiz | flora | se:k | inheritance | |||||||||||
rotten | podrido | podre | quality | julel | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
sand | arena | areia | environment | c'eri | inheritance | |||||||||||
say | decir | dizer | mental | ti:n “talk, say, scold” | unknown | |||||||||||
scratch | rascar | rasgar | impact | luka: | unknown | |||||||||||
see | ver | ver | mental | wine | inheritance | |||||||||||
sharp | afilado, filudo, filoso | afiado | quality | tutuha “sharp-edged” | unknown | |||||||||||
shoot | tirar, disparar, balear | atirar | impact | jupca | unknown | |||||||||||
short | corto | curto | quality | woro:ta | unknown | |||||||||||
shoulder | hombro | ombro | body | salas | inheritance | |||||||||||
shy/ashamed | tímido, vergonzoso | timido, com vergonha | mental | kaja:, | inheritance | |||||||||||
sit | sentar(se) | sentar | state | buha | inheritance | |||||||||||
skin | piel | pele | body | c'op | inheritance | |||||||||||
sky | cielo | céu | environment | q'olci | unknown | |||||||||||
sleep | dormir | dormir | body | xi:na | inheritance | |||||||||||
small | pequeño | pequeno | quality | ku:t'e, | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
smoke | humo | fumaça | environment | nu:q | inheritance | |||||||||||
sniff/smell | olfatear, oler | cheirar | body | sube: | inheritance | |||||||||||
spit | escupir | cuspir | body | ly'uqa | unknown | |||||||||||
split | partir, dividir | rachar, dividir, partir | impact | Xica | inheritance | |||||||||||
squeeze | estrujar, exprimir | espremer | impact | c'i:qa | inheritance | |||||||||||
stab/pierce | apuñalar, acuchillar | apunhalar | impact | lyucu | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
stand | estar de pié | ficar em pé | state | suke | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
star | estrella | estrela | environment | satu:s “stars” | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
steal | robar | roubar | other | q'aja | inheritance | |||||||||||
stick/wood | palo | pau, vara | flora | k'ok | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
stone | piedra | pedra | environment | so:n | inheritance | |||||||||||
suck | chupar | chupar | body | c'uje | inheritance | |||||||||||
sweat | sudar | suor, suar | body | k'iwe: | inheritance | |||||||||||
swell | hincharse | inchar | body | 7ol-xusal | inheritance | |||||||||||
swim | nadar | nadar | motion | dumca | inheritance | |||||||||||
tail | cola, rabo | rabo | body | sutu | inheritance | |||||||||||
that | ese/esa | esse | grammar | pibeh | inheritance | |||||||||||
3pl | ellos/ellas | eles/elas | grammar | pite | inheritance | |||||||||||
thick | grueso, gordo, espeso | grosso | quality | cutup (of solids) | unknown | |||||||||||
thin | delgado | fino | quality | c'iri:kit | inheritance | |||||||||||
think | pensar | pensar | mental | jomoj | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||
this | este/esta | este | grammar | 7ew | inheritance | |||||||||||
2sg | xx | xx | grammar | mi | inheritance | |||||||||||
three | tres | tres | number | panuly | inheritance | |||||||||||
throat | garganta | garganta | body | doki | loan into protolanguage | |||||||||||
throw | tirar, lanzar | atirar, jogar | impact | lyej | inheritance | |||||||||||
thunder | truenos | trovão | environment | thumu:ka, thumu:kit, thumu:kus | unknown | |||||||||||
tie up/fasten | atar, amarrar | amarrar | impact | c'e:ka | inheritance | |||||||||||
tongue | lengua | lingua | body | tahal | inheritance | |||||||||||
tooth | diente | dente | body | si: | inheritance | |||||||||||
turn | girar, volter, torcer | virar | other | -thama | unknown | |||||||||||
two | dos | dois | number | pa:l | inheritance | |||||||||||
vomit | vomitar | vomitar | body | 7oqca | inheritance | |||||||||||
walk | caminar, andar | andar | motion | q'aja: | inheritance | |||||||||||
water | agua | agua | environment | me:m | inheritance | |||||||||||
1pl.excl | nosotros (exclusivo) | nós (exclusivo) | grammar | nele:t | inheritance | |||||||||||
1pl.incl | nosotros (inclusivo) | nós (inclusivo) | grammar | p'ele | inheritance | |||||||||||
wet | mojado | molhado | quality | lyata: | unknown | |||||||||||
what? | que, qué | que | grammar | pe:h | inheritance | |||||||||||
when? | cuando | quando | grammar | he:s | inheritance | |||||||||||
where? | donde | onde | grammar | heke | inheritance | |||||||||||
white | blanco | branco | colour | xa:ja | inheritance? | |||||||||||
who? | quien, quién | quem | grammar | heket | inheritance | |||||||||||
wife | esposa | esposa | kinship | p'oqta | inheritance | |||||||||||
wind | viento | vento | environment | k'ahi | inheritance | |||||||||||
wing | ala | asa | body | q'an | inheritance | |||||||||||
woman/female | mujer | mulher | human | p'oqta | inheritance | |||||||||||
work | trabajar | trabalhar | other | jura: | inheritance | |||||||||||
yawn | bostezar | bocejar | body | ha:sma | inheritance | |||||||||||
yellow | amarillo | amarelo | colour | qanal | inheritance? | |||||||||||
2pl | ustedes | vocês | grammar | mil | inheritance |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Linnean Name | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Etymology Notes | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Range of Term | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | Classifier | Classifier Notes | Hypernym | Source | Association with Social Categories | Ritual/Mythologically Significant | Ritual Notes | Food Source | Food Notes | Medicinal | Medicinal Notes | How Collected | Who Collects | How Prepared | Psychotropic | Psychotropic Notes | Traded | Trade Notes | Distribution | Habitat | Dangerous | Ethnobiology Notes | Species Notes | General Notes |
abalone | flora-fauna | Haliotis spp. | L'al | shell of any animal; abalone, etc. | inheritance | *L'al | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ant (generic) | hormiga | formiga | flora-fauna | Formicidae | t'i:do:q | ant, red ant (Pitkin t'idoq, only in one entry) | inheritance | *t'edVq | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
antelope | flora-fauna | Antilocapra americana | ture:p | antelope | unique | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
badger | flora-fauna | Taxidea taxus | socet | beaver, badger (merriam has paht so-chit “badger” | inheritance | *so:č- | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | other complex | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bald eagle | flora-fauna | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | moi'-e-hahs, moi'-ye-hus | Merriam consistent with similar forms across nearly all dialects for bald eagle (Merriam; he has this form k'acet for “golden eagle” 56:69)) | unique | other complex | Merriam 56:7, 56:69 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
band-tail pigeon | flora-fauna | Patagioenas fasciata | xowit | band-tailed pigeon (CHM confirms 56:7) | inheritance | *xo- ... wi- | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; a terrible set; note NimYokuts *s/howin | other complex | xow ... 1 only in this word | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
bat | murciélago | morcego | flora-fauna | Chiroptera spp | tehe:lah | bat (Merriam confirms 56:3) | inheritance | *dehe:la (?) | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | relative clause | deh “wings outstretched”; perhaps from *damhal “bat” with folk etymology | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
beaver | flora-fauna | Castor | bisu:s | beaver, otter, mink | unique | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
beetle | flora-fauna | Coleoptera spp | xerismet | stinkbug | inheritance | *xed-i-men | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | relative clause | xEd “eject odor” | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
big round tule | flora-fauna | Schoenoplectus acutus | lyupul | tule, rat-tail grass, needle grass (Merriam Scirpus sp., small tule 56:59; big round tule 56:123 (S. lacustris)) | inheritance | *L'op | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | maybe -VL derivation? | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
big skunk | flora-fauna | Mephitis mephitis | Xo: | skunk | inheritance | *qHo: | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
big wolf (gray wolf) | flora-fauna | Canis lupus | lubeles | wolf | unique | other complex | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bighorn sheep | flora-fauna | Ovis canadensis | son too-rep | so:n ture:p | bighorn “rock antelope” | unique | phrase | Merriam 56:67; 97 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bird | pajaro, ave | passaro | flora-fauna | č'ilč'iL | č (Schlichter) and c (Pitkin) are same sound; L is always lamda (my L) in Pitkin, in Schlichter she writes Lambda glottal (my L') for glottalized sound and barred l (my L) for the non-glottalized one. | bird | unique | Looks like a lot of other bird words; may have a sound-symbolism relationship to Shepherd's “bird” cognate | reduplicated | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
black ant | flora-fauna | Camponotus pennsylvanicus/Lasius niger | lalas ti'ido:q | little black ant, tiny stink ant | unique | phrase | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
black bear | flora-fauna | Ursus americanus | c'iL | bear, black or brown, all except grizzly | inheritance | *č'il | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; Golla 1997:164 relates to Alsea su:Ln 'grizzly' and perhaps ultimately to words for “black” | underived | just means “black” | Pitkin 1985 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
black-tail Jackrabbit | flora-fauna | Lepus californicus | pombo:las, bombo:las | jackrabbit | unique | underived | must be an old compound; -as not the right vowel so not the derivational suffix, probably | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blackberry | flora-fauna | Rubus ursinus | 7im | blackberry | inheritance | *7im(il) | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; Berman compares to Molala 7i:m “huckleberries” | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blue grouse | flora-fauna | Dendrogapus? | nirit | blue grouse (CHM confirms 56:7) | unique | other complex | nir ... | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bobcat, lynx | flora-fauna | Lynx rufus | p'aLimet | bobcat, lynx | inheritance | *p'a ..l ..m- | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; she assumes metathesis in P p'amalay | relative clause | -met; but p'aLi probably part of a loan word | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
butterfly, moth | mariposa | borboleta | flora-fauna | Lepidoptera | saysayboloq | butterfly | inheritance | *bolVq | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | phrase | say “light, lamp”; saysay “glitter”; boloq “fragile, soft, delicate” | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
California condor | flora-fauna | Gymnogyps californianus | wu:qwuq | condor (Merriam yum-hahk 56:7; mol'-luk 56:39; ly'uk form 56:69) | unique | reduplicated | Pitkin 1985 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
California jay | flora-fauna | Aphelocoma californica? | c'ayik | jaybird, bluejay, smooth-headed bluejay (CHM confirms) | loan into protolanguage | *č'ayi(:)k | Wintun | unknown | Shepherd 2005 | WW | %chaj | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
California woodpecker | flora-fauna | Melanerpes formicivorus? | č'ura:t | California woodpecker (CHM confirms 56:9) | loan | Yana | same word is in Yana c'uraadu (Sapir & Swadesh 1960); W word is NOT cognate with other Wintun forms so loan probable, although system is probably wider | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
chia | flora-fauna | Salvia columbariae | missing | missing | missing | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
chipmunk | flora-fauna | Tamias spp. | č'upč'ubukus | chipmunk (OK CHM) | inheritance | *č'ube “mouse, rat” | Wintun | Shepherd 2005:81 | phrase | elements unknown, -us presumably derivaitonal | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
cliff swallow | flora-fauna | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | q'i(:)rteqčit | q'an-tun-ut “wing-gatherer” | California swallow, barn swallow; mud dauber bee; CHM >kēL-to-ne “cliff swallow” (L raised, underlined); at 56:69 has >kan-too'-nut Cliff swallow) | unique | relative clause | q'i(:)r- “mud”, teqčit dauber | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
coot | flora-fauna | Fulica americana | qa:tqat | any tame or wild duck, coot | unique | reduplicated | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cottontail rabbit | flora-fauna | Sylvilagus audobonii | wacit | cottontail (CHM “brush rabbit” but cottontail at 56:99 McCloud dialect) | unique | other complex | waci “cry”, the crying one, crybaby | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cottonwood | flora-fauna | Populus spp. | t'arap | cottonwood, maple (CHM tar-rap' me 56:19, different word for maple) | unique | Shepherd 2005:183 has as word for “mushroom, flat, on trees” in River Patwin | WW | %pa(t) ~ %lapat | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
coyote | flora-fauna | Canis latrans | sedet | coyote, dog,fox | inheritance | *sede | Wintun | Pitkin 1985 says is possibly loan from Yurok; verb root means “promiscuous”. But Shepherd 2005 gives *sede, so loan is into Proto-Wintun if loan | other complex | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
crow | flora-fauna | Corvus brachyrhynchos | 7a:L, 7alal (P) | crow | inheritance | *7a:l | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
datura | flora-fauna | Datura wrightii | missing | missing | missing | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
deer, mule | flora-fauna | Odocoileus hemionus | no:p | deer, buck, venison | inheritance | *no:p | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
digger pine | flora-fauna | Pinus sabiniana | čatimi | digger pine tree (CHM confirms) | unique | compound | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dog (camp, domestic) | perro | cachorro | flora-fauna | Canis familiaris | suku, sukuh | dog, horse | inheritance | *suku | Wintun | Nisenan has identical form, as does Yana, Mis; areal form | WW | %suku | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
dogbane | flora-fauna | Apocynum cannabinum | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dove | paloma | pomba | flora-fauna | Zenaida macrocoura | qi:nus | dove (CHM confirms 56:71, says means “sleepy or sad” | unique | other complex | qi:n only here; -us unclear but recurrent partial | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
duck | pato | pato, marreco | flora-fauna | Anatidae | qa:tqat | duck (CHM confirms all ducks) | unique | looks like Luiseno word | reduplicated | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
elder | flora-fauna | Sambucus | 7apmi | elderberry tree | unique | compound | < 7ap “elderberry”, mi: “tree” | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
elk | flora-fauna | Cervas elaphus | qu:l | elk, buffalo (Merriam has with -it') | semantic shift | *qo(:)la “hide, buckskin | Wintun | Shepherd 2005:153 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fish (generic) | pez | peixe | flora-fauna | nur | fish, salmon | inheritance | *nur | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; salmon definitely the prototype. Slightly irregular, she has speculations p. 135 | underived | nur ... | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
flea | pulga | pulga | flora-fauna | Siphonaptera | k'okos | flea, “he who puts rafters on” | inheritance | *k'ok'o | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; note Miwokan *ky:ky$-, Maiduan tyk'y/si (the Maidu form, Nisenan only from Merriam) | other complex | k'ok “rafter”, but I think this is folk etymology of a Penutian flea word, look at Miwokan, -os has wrong vowel to be the usual suffix | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
flicker | flora-fauna | Colaptes sp. | č'ilew | yellowhammer (CHM confirms) | inheritance | *či- | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; some forms changed on analogy with “old man” preventing full reconstruction | underived | č'il... 1 | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
blowfly/housefly | mosca | mosca | flora-fauna | Diptera | xilit | fly, flies | unique | other complex | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
foothills yucca | flora-fauna | Yucca whipplei | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fox | flora-fauna | Vulpes, Urocyon | 7uwe ha:w | common gray fox | loan into protolanguage | *ha:w | Wintun | unknown | Shepherd 2005; identical form in Proto-Maidu, perhaps related to Yokutsan words | WW | %kaw | relative clause | Pitkin 1985 says ha:w “probably a kenning originally” (from “go”, keep going”; he glosses 7uwe as “just that way” | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||
frog (generic) | flora-fauna | wataq(met) | frog (CHM confirms 56:15) | inheritance | *wataq | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; a large areal group of very similar forms | WW | %wakat | underived | waq...1 | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
golden eagle | flora-fauna | Aquila chrysaetos | L'uk | (bald?) eagle (Pitkin has for “eagle”), worm; see “Other notes” (Merriam confirms 56:7), but also has Pitkin's k'acet “white-headed bald eagle” | semantic shift | *L'uk “worm” | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; Pitkin says means “worm” because unauthorized person who takes eagle or feathers will get worms. However Golla (1997:162) following Liedtke thinks it may be cognate with Alsea Li:q-iy-s “feather”, Li:x “tail feather”, and Wintu L'uq-e “pl | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gooseberry | flora-fauna | Ribes spp. | buli kilus | gooseberry, thorny gooseberry (CHM Ribes sp. “currant” 56:23) | unique | on *kHi:l “thorn”, note also Utian *kil:i- “horn, antler” (which appears in “thorn” words too -- and W “thorn” is related to “horn” words. A “Penutian” item? | phrase | buli “hill”/ kilus from *kHi:l “thorn” | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gopher snake, bull snake | flora-fauna | Pituophis catenifer | moroqp'eh | bullsnake (CHM confirms) | unique | relative clause | moroq “to move, quiver” is a Wintun cognate | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grass | hierba, pasto | capim, grama | flora-fauna | (NA) | č'aru:q | green, greens, grass, edible clover | inheritance | *č'aro:q(-i) | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; Golla 1997:164 relates to Alsea su:lha7k “grass” | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
grasshopper | flora-fauna | Caelifera | nep | grasshopper (several kinds) | unique | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gray ground squirrel | flora-fauna | Sphermophilus sp. | Lat | ground squirrel (CHM confirms at 56:67 in “Ono wintu, Wintu proper”) | inheritance | *L'et | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
gray tree squirrel | flora-fauna | Sciurus spp. | k'aysas | gray squirrel (generic aspect) | inheritance | *k'ay | Wintun | Shepherd 2005: 107 “rodent, gopher, squirrel”, maybe fast walker | other complex | k'ay “to walk fast, hurry, run” | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
great horned owl | flora-fauna | Bubo virginianus | ču(:)tkudu:t | great horned owl (CHM confirms 56:7) | inheritance | *kudu: (?) | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; not a very good set JHH | WW | %(hu)tukul | other complex | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
grizzly bear | flora-fauna | Ursus arctos horribilis | wimah | grizzly bear (particular aspect) | unique | Note Proto-Pomo *li:ma (with mima in some dialects); Wappo wima “cougar” Elmendorf 1993:230 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
horned toad | flora-fauna | Phrynosomatidae | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
horse | caballo | cavalho | flora-fauna | Equus caballus | suku, sukuh | dog, horse | loan | no information | Same as “dog” | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
hummingbird | colibrí, picaflor (Peru) | beija-flor | flora-fauna | Trochilidae | lučit | hummingbird (CHM confirms for all dialects) | unique | Note li:cici- in Mis and Nisenan | other complex | lOč ... | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
tobacco | tabaco | tabaco | flora-fauna | Nicotiana spp. | lol | tobacco | inheritance | *lo(:)l | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
insect (generic) | insecto | insecto | flora-fauna | generic | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | variable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junco | flora-fauna | Junco sppp | č'enduk | little mountain snowbird, junco? (CHM confirms junco 56:11) | unique | underived | č'en only in this word, duk unknown. Probably etymologicall complex | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
juniper | flora-fauna | Juniperus californica | puy7it | juniperW tree (Merriam chĕ-ĕk chek'-min 56:113 McCloud) | unique | Wintun is *mon | other complex | puy “east”??? | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
louse | flora-fauna | order Phtiraptera | don | headlice | unique | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mallard | flora-fauna | Anas platyrhynchos | qa:tqat | mallard duck | unique | reduplicated | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
manzanita | flora-fauna | Arctostaphylos spp. | pʰaqami | manzanita tree (CHM A. viscida 56:117 McCloud) | unique | compound | < pʰaqa “manzanita” -mi: “tree” | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
milkweed, broad leaf | flora-fauna | Asclepias eriocarpa | boq | Shepherd 2005 transcription | A. eriocarpa (consistent, several dialects) | inheritance | *boq | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | baqi “brush”?? | Merriam 56:25 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
milkweed, narrow leaf | flora-fauna | Asclepias fascicularis | koo-roo'-te | A. fascicularis | unique | other complex | q'ur “pick grass in fistfuls”?? | Merriam 56:121 McCloud | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mission tule | flora-fauna | Juncus | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mockingbird | flora-fauna | Mimus polyglottos | č'a:wi č'ilč'iL | mockingbird | unique | relative clause | č'a:w ... “sing” | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mosquito | mosquito, zancudo | mosquito, carapana | flora-fauna | Anopheles spp, Isoptera | yu:s | mosquito | unique | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
moth | mariposa nocturna, polilla | mariposa | flora-fauna | Heterocera | tukulu:t | moth | unique | relative clause | tu:k “the flutterer” | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mountain lion | flora-fauna | Puma concolor | patet | mountain lion | inheritance | *pate | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | other complex | pat “outside”; “the one from outside, from the wild” | Pitkin 1985 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
mountain quail | flora-fauna | Oreortyx pictus | č'olč'oL | mountain quail (CHM confirms 56:7) | inheritance | *čHolčHol | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | reduplicated | č'ol (also root in sound word); čHoL “mountain” | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
mussel | flora-fauna | Mytilus spp. | L'al | mussels | inheritance | *L'al | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
olivella (olive snail) | flora-fauna | Callianax biplicata | Lono:q | olivella shells | inheritance | *Lono(:)q | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pinyon jay | flora-fauna | Cyanocitta stelleri? | woč'ot | Stellar's Jay (CHM confirms Cyanocitta 56:7) | inheritance | *woč- | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | other complex | woč.., opknot of bird. A harmonizing vowel and -t derive many, many nouns from roots that sometimes appear nowhere else | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
pinyon pine | flora-fauna | Pinus monophylla | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pismo clam | flora-fauna | Tivella stultorum | L'al | clams | inheritance | *L'al | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pocket gopher | flora-fauna | Thomomys | yilal | gopher (CHM confirms 56:67) | unique | other complex | yil “heavy” (the one who is heavy earth mover???) | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
poison oak | flora-fauna | Toxicodendron diversilobum | p'otxom, potxom | poison oak | inheritance | *p'oqHom | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | other complex | p'od “hurt”?? | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | yes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
rattlesnake | flora-fauna | Crotalus spp. | L'a:q | rattlesnake | unique | underived | possibly L'aqa “strike at” as in knapping?? | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
red ant | flora-fauna | Solenopsis spp | t'i:do:q | ant, red ant | inheritance | *t'edVq | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
red-shouldered blackbird | flora-fauna | Agelaius phoeniceus | L'ul č'ač'at | red-winged blackbird (lit. “lake blackbird”) (Merriam confirms headword) | loan | unknown | The č'ač'at part is in a large family of blackbird words in č'a... in NAM | WW | %chak | phrase | lake č'a | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
red-tailed hawk | flora-fauna | Buteo jamaicensis | ladet, ladit | red-tailed hawk (CHM confirms, consistent for all dialects e.g. 56:7, 39) | unique | other complex | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
roadrunner | flora-fauna | Geococcyx californianus | pu:pu: | roadrunner (CHM pōm to'-hut 56:71 and elsewhere; pom “ground”, to'-hut “runner” -- a neologism? ) | loan | unknown | Not the Wintun form; looks like UA words! But a loan from Takic puypuy seems unlikely. May just be sound symbolic. | WW | %pu: | reduplicated | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
ruddy duck | flora-fauna | Oxyura jamaicensis | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sage herb | flora-fauna | Artemisia californica | qeti | wormwood (CHM confirms 56:25) | inheritance | *qeti | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 1 | used for rheumatism when boiled up in a liquor (Pitkin 1985) | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
salmon/steelhead | flora-fauna | Oncorhynchus mykiss | nur | salmon, fish | inheritance | *nur | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; Golla 1997:163 relates to Alsea nu:ns' “to eat”, “elk (meat)”, probably from nu:-nu:s- (no:p “deer”, “meat” in Patwin, may be related) | underived | nur ... | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
scaly lizard | flora-fauna | Pygopus lepidopodus? | č'iwiL | fence lizard (Sceloporus) (CHM confirms) | inheritance | *č'iwil | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | č'iw 2 only | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
small bird | flora-fauna | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
small brown lizard | flora-fauna | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
snake (generic) | culebra, serpiente | cobra | flora-fauna | La:q | snakes (really, just loses glottalization) | unique | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
soaproot | flora-fauna | Chlorogalum | sa:q'as | soap-root (CHM confirms sa:q'as at 56:89); (CHM has >het-te 56:27) | loan | Eastern Miwok | Pmie *saka:ni (Callaghan 1971)-, but note Mil şikíiti , which Merriam says is soaproot (JHH) | WW | %svkv | underived | derived with -Vs ??? like the -us forms?? | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
sour berry | flora-fauna | Rhus trilobata | pHintus | R. trilobata | inheritance | *pHintus | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | -us derivation? | Merriam 56:55; Shepherd 2005:144 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
sparrow hawk | flora-fauna | Falco | e'-re-ēs' | sparrow hawk (CHM consistent for all dialects) | inheritance | *7i:r7ir (?) | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Merriam 56:7 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spider | araña | aranha | flora-fauna | Arachnida, Araneae | kerek | spider | inheritance | *kHerek | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | “ | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | variable | |||||||||||||||||||||||
spotted skunk | flora-fauna | Spilogale gracilis | pim-me-lit | little spotted skunk | unique | other complex | Merriam 56:3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
toad | sapo | sapo | flora-fauna | Bufonidae | yoho:lmet | frog, toad (CHM confirms 56:47, 79) | inheritance | *yoho(:)l | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | relative clause | yoho:la “to have pimples” | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
tree | árbol | arvore | flora-fauna | (NA) | mi: | tree | inheritance | *mi | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
tree yucca | flora-fauna | Yucca schidegera | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
turkey buzzard | flora-fauna | Cathartes aura | hu:s | buzzard | loan | *hu:s | Wintun | Miwok | Shepherd 2005;99; widespread form in Miwok, Yokutsan, Maidu (and Mayan!) | WW | %hus | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
turtle (generic) | flora-fauna | Testudines | xokohas | mud turtle | unique | underived | probably complex but no root given even by Pitkin, -as has wrong suffix vowel | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley live oak | flora-fauna | Quercus agrifolia | ta:sal | live oak (Q. chrysolepis CHM 56:51) | unique | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley oak | flora-fauna | Quercus lobata | sulehmi | valley oak (CHM confirms) | unique | compound | sule “valley oak acorns” (Pitkin 1985) | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
valley quail | flora-fauna | Callipepla californica | pʰites | valley quail (CHM confirms 56:7) | inheritance | *pHit “feathers” | Wintun | Shepherd 2005; Golla 1997:163 relates to Alsea plu:h “feather, hear” and Wintu phil-e “cut hair”; reference is to quail topknot. Note Yokutsan *T'iphith “mountain quail” | relative clause | pʰit “feathers” (feathered one, one with topknot) | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Washington clam | flora-fauna | Saxidomus nuttalli | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Western Canada goose | flora-fauna | Branta canadensis | laq | goose, geese, wild goose (CHM all geese) | loan into protolanguage | *laq | Wintun | unknown | Shepherd 2005; very widespread form | WW | %lala ~ %lak | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
whale | flora-fauna | Eschrichtius robustus | missing | missing | missing | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
white pelican | flora-fauna | Pelicanus erythrorhynchos | missing | missing | missing | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild grapevine | flora-fauna | Vitis californica | halat | wild grapevine (CHM confirms); also oo-yu'-me, oo-yool'-me 56:123 | unique | other complex | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild oats | flora-fauna | Avena (introduction) | nomel loki | wild oats (CHM confirms 56:59) | unique | phrase | lok- only in this word; perhaps nome:l “uphill to the west”, referring to stands of wild oats on foothills of Trinity Alps?? | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild rose | flora-fauna | Rosa californica | mī-o-lŏk-me | wild rose plant (fruit “no good”; this is Pitkin's moy 'oloq “tomatoes” | unique | Proto-Wintun *moy “seed”??? Shepherd 2005:129 | underived | probably complex but no root given even by Pitkin | Merriam 56:55 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wild sunflower | flora-fauna | Helianthus (and other genera) | xolom | sunflower (Merriam confirms 56:117) | inheritance | *qHolo | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | underived | Pitkin 1985 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
willow | flora-fauna | Salix spp. | tonmi “white willow” | white willow, used for baskets (CHM confirms S. hindsiana 56:117 McCloud) | inheritance | *ton - *mi | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | compound | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wood rat, round-tail | flora-fauna | Neotoma spp. | Lomus | packrat, woodrat, edible mountain rat (CHM confirms) | inheritance | *Lom | Wintun | Shepherd 2005:122; in Nomlaki, Patwin is “fisher” | other complex | given harmonizing vowel I think this is -Vs derivation | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
worm, hairy caterpillar | flora-fauna | Arctiidae (many species) | klah'-dus | L(')arus? | hairy caterpillar | unique | underived | maybe Pitkin's L'abus “mole”?? (“lives in the ground”) | Merriam 56:111 McCloud | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
worm, smooth caterpillar | flora-fauna | Trichoplusia ni (?) cabbage looper | k'e:s | angleworm | loan into protolanguage | *k'es | Wintun | Eastern Miwok | Shepherd 2005; Pmie *ke:$u- “angleworm” | WW | %kes | underived | Schlichter 1981 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||
yellow jacket | flora-fauna | Vespula spp., Dolichovespula spp. | wenemk'ecit | wasp, yellowjacket (CHM consistent with hoo'-bit across all dialects) | inheritance | *k'eč | Wintun | Shepherd 2005 | phrase | elements unknown | Pitkin 1985 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
yellowbird | flora-fauna | Dendroica petechia | č'arawah po7ilah | American goldfinch (CHM te-le'-che 56:11, wol-was 56:105 McCloud) | unique | relative clause | č'araw-ah “field-one.who.is.in” (Coyote); po7ilah “little” | Schlichter 1981 | 0 | There is a myth in which they are Coyote's children, hence their name (Schlichter 1981:38 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yerba santa | flora-fauna | Eriodictyon californicum | how'-chus; how-we choos me | Eriodiction | unique | underived | Merriam 56:87; 119 McCloud) | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | no | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ant (generic) | hormiga | formiga | flora-fauna | t'idoq | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bird | pajaro, ave | passaro | flora-fauna | c'il (also means “eclipse, bear”) | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
blowfly/housefly | mosca | mosca | flora-fauna | xilit | unknown | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dog (camp, domestic) | perro | cachorro | flora-fauna | se-cila, | unknown | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
grass | hierba, pasto | capim, grama | flora-fauna | c'aru:q “green, grass,clover” | inheritance? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
deer | venado | veado, cariacu | flora-fauna | no:p | inheritance | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
snake (generic) | culebra, serpiente | cobra | flora-fauna | lya:q “snake, rattlesnake” | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
spider | araña | aranha | flora-fauna | kerek | inheritance |
English | Spanish | Portuguese | Semantic Field | Part of Speech | Orthographic Form | Phonemicized Form | Gloss as in Source | Etymology Code | Proto-Form | Proto-Language | Loan Source | Wanderwort Status | Etyma Set | Etymology Notes | Word Structure | Word Structure Notes | General Notes | Source |
acorn mush | food | pukit7aqi | acorn mush before cooking | inheritance | *t'aq-i/u 'pound' | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:183; also yiwit, acorn mush, soup *yiwit | compound | raw-acorn.mush | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||
ball game | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
afterworld, land of dead, Heaven | tierra do los muertos | terra dos mortos | culture-mythology | nor-Lu:t-to:nin | in heaven, "that south sweathouse" | unknown | compound | south-sweathouse | Pitkin 1985 | |||||||||
feather headband | dress | č'ile maku:s | headdress of yellowhammer feathers | unknown | also č'il tewči | phrase | č'ile 'yellowhammer' | Schllichter 1981 | ||||||||||
arrow | flecha | flecha | subsistence tool | č'ipčus | arrow (especially the shaft) | inheritance | *č'eb | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:76 | simplex | possibly from ch'ip 'to peel bark' (Pitkin) | Schllichter 1981 | ||||||
arrow straightener | other | moqos | arrow straightener | inheritance | *moq | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:129 | derived | mOq 'straighten arrows' | |||||||||
bait for fishing | cebo, carnada para pescar, empate (Peru) | isca | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
school | escuela | escola | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
stone bowl | culture-material | mo:koheti | stone bowl, mortar | loan | Spanish | molcajete | simplex | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||||||
basket (general) | canasta, canasto, cesta | cesto | culture-material | pulu:q | basket | inheritance | *pol | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006 | derived | from pOl 'container' | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||
basket, small | canasta, canasto, cesta | cesto pequeno, tampado | culture-material | k'olom | cup or bowl serving basket, container, dish(es) | inheritance | *k'olom | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:111; note Proto-Pomoan *q'olólY 'mortar (basket)',so might be Pomoan loan into PW | simplex | possibly from k'Ol 'become curled?) | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||
basketry hat | culture-material | tHaku:s | little Indian basket cap | inheritance | *tHaki | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:180 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
bead | abalorio, mostacilla, cuenta, gota, puca; necklace=collar | miçanga | culture-material | topi | beads, money | loan | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
ochre | culture-mythology | sačaq | red pigment stone, red ochre … | unknown | Where have I seen sa-? It's in Washo, too | simplex | Pitkin 1985 | |||||||||||
bow | arco | arco | subsistence tool | k'ulu:l | bow, gun, rifle, pistol | unknown | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
canoe | canoa | canoa | transport | kenu: | canoe, boat | loan | English | WW | canoe | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
carrying net | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
bottle | botella | garrafa | acculturation | me:m pulu:q | bottle, bucket (lit water basket) | inheritance | *pHul, *pol | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:140; this looks like the Miwokan %pulu words | phrase | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
paper | papel | papel | acculturation | pape:l | paper | loan | Spanish | WW | %papel | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
chief/leader | jefe, cacique | chefe | culture-mythology | wih | chief | inheritance | *wiy, *wi: | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:198 | other complex | the 'particular aspect' of "person" (wi) (Pitkin) | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||
club | garrote, cachiporra | clava, porrete | subsistence tool | p'oLču:m | L is barred l | knobbed club (Schlichter), hammer-like weapon (Pitkin) | inheritance | *pHo -*č'us | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:83, 144 | derived | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||
loincloth | taparrabos, guayuco, pampanilla | tanga, tapa-sexo | dress | 7ol-q'alamena:s | breech clout for men | unknown | compound | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||||||
cook food | food | Loma | to cook | inheritance | *Lom-i/u | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:122 | derived | base is Lom | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||
corpse | food | minelis | the dead one(s) | unknown | derived | minel 'to die' | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||||
dance (generic) | culture-mythology | čuna | to dance | inheritance | čHono | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:74 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
deity/powerful spirit/culture figure | dios(es), deidad | divinidade, figura mítica | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
digging stick | subsistence tool | sen č'us | digging stick | inheritance | *sen | Proto-Wintun | Shpeherd 2006:167 | phrase | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
dipper | subsistence tool | Xolom | X is x with subdot | dipper | inheritance | *qHolo | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:157 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||
dream | sueño, soñar | sonho, sonhar | culture-mythology | yečew | to dream | inheritance | *yečew | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:203 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
drone pipe | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
drum | tambor | tambor | culture-mythology | tHudi | something like a drum (foot drum JHH) | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||||
chicken | gallina | galinha | acculturation | čikin | chicken | loan | English | WW | %chicken | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
earring | other | L'ala:s | L' is barred lamda; ordinary L, barred l, never is glottalized | earring, abalone shell, etc. | inheritance | *L'al | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:188; also Lanoq Olivella earring | derived | L'al 'shell' | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit | espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio | espirito | culture-mythology | tewismet | devil, Devil | inheritance | *tewe | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2000:127 'to fly, go up' includes sense of 'dangerous' | derived | tew 'dangerous' | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||
fire drill | subsistence tool | t'ili:kus | buckeye fire drill | inheritance | *t'ir 'to twist' | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2005:185 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
fire-tender | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
fireplace | hogar | lareira | other | docitopi | stove, fireplace | unknown | derived | dOc 'fire | Pitkin 1985 | |||||||||
firewood | leña | lenha | other | č'u:s | wood, stick, club, log | inheritance | *č'us | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:83 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
fish (with fish-poison) | pescar con barbasco, barbasquear | pescar com timbó; tinguijar | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
fish (with line) | anzuelear, pescar con linea | pescar (com linha) | food | noryala | to fish, to throw the line in the water | unknown | might be related to nur 'salmon' | derived | must be from nur 'salmon, fish' | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||
fish poison | barbasco, matapez (Colombia) | timbó | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
fishing line | cordel/cuerda p/ pescar, sedal, tanze | linha de pesca | subsistence tool | noryalus č'e:k | fish line | unknown | phrase | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
fish hook | subsistence tool | noryalus | fishhook | unknown | derived | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||||
acorn bread | food | sa:w | any kind of food, acorn bread | inheritance | *sa:w | Proto-Wintun | WW | %saw | Shepherd 2006:166 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
wheat | food | tili:kus | wheat | loan | Spanish | WW | %trigo | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
flute | flauta, quena (Peru) | flauta | culture-mythology | li:lus, Li:lus | flute | inheritance | *lul 'cylinder' | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:118; but note widespread lul forms in Mis, Maidu, Tubatulabal | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
gambling sticks | other | toki(t) | handgame sticks | inheritance | *toki? *t'oki? | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:177 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
game animal | caza, animal de caza | caça, animal de caça | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
ghost (of dead person)/evil spirit | espíritu malo, espíritu maligno, fantasma, demonio | espirito | culture-mythology | Les | shade, shadow, ghost, spirit | inheritance | *Les | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:120 | simplex | might be from LE 'to be transformed' | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||
glue | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
grave | tumba, sepultura, sepulcro | sepultura, sepulcro, cova | culture-mythology | q'i:laq | grave | inheritance | *q'ilaq | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:162 | derived | from q'i:l 'to smear mud' | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||
alcohol | food | daqči mem | whiskey (lit. hot water) | semantic shift | phrase | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||||
Datura wrightii | narcotics | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
shaman, healer | chamán, brujo | xaman, pajé, feiticeiro | culture-mythology | Lahit | doctor, shaman | unknown | derived | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
honey | miel | mel | food | hu:bi | honey of bumblebee | unknown | derived | from hUb 'to swarm' | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
house | other | qewel | house | inheritance | *qewel | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:151 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
hunt | cazar | caçar | food | k'oduma | to hunt | inheritance | *k'od 'move in a direction' | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:110 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
initiate boy | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
initiate girl | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
knife | cuchillo | faca | culture-material | k'elek'ele | knife | unknown | reduplicated | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
mat | culture-material | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
mortar | mortero | pilão | subsistence tool | simis | flat rock under the mortar basket for pounding acorns | unknown | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
necklace | other | loyo:q | necklace | unknown | derived | Loy 'encircle' (O is cap, Excel refuses to admit L.O. sequence) | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||||
needle/awl | subsistence tool | č'u:p | awl, needle | inheritance | *č'up | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:82 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
paddle/oar | remo | remo | transport | heruna:s | paddle, oar | inheritance | *her-u | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:94 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
pestle | pilón, mano de mortero, mazo, moledor | mão de pilão | subsistence tool | sataq | pestle, pounding rock | inheritance | *sat 'hold in hand'? | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:166 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
pinole | food | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
pipe for tobacco | pipa | cachimbo | other | ho:la | pipe | inheritance | *hol 'throat' | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2005:96 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
pitch | food | hu:des | pine pitch | unknown | derived | generic aspect' (Pitkin) | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||||
pot | olla, pote | panela, vasilha | subsistence tool | pulu:q | basket, pot, barrel, box, bottle | inheritance | *pHul, *pol | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:140 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
quiver | subsistence tool | 7api:lis, 7apmes | quiver | unknown | derived | 7ap 'to carry on back' | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||||
rattle | matraca, maraca | marico, chocalho | culture-mythology | soko:kus | cocoon rattle | loan | Miwok | WW | %soko | Shepherd 2006:170; in W and both Patwin | simplex | Shepherd 2006 | ||||||
red paint | culture-mythology | te:di | red, red paint | inheritance | *tede | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:174 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
salt | sal | sal | food | weL, we:L | salt | inheritance | *we(:)L | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:194 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
seed beater | subsistence tool | Xawas | fan-shaped seed beater | inheritance | *qHawa? *q'awa? | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:155 | derived | Shepherd 2006 | |||||||||
clothing | ropa | roupa | culture-mythology | t'aLas | clothes | inheritance | *t'aLa | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:183 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
sinew-backed bow | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
skirt | falda, saya, fustan, pollera | saia | culture-material | Lo:yos | net, apron, weaving | inheritance | *Lo(:)y | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:121; maybe *Lele 'weave'?? Shepherd 2006:120, notes a CHM for kloi-e with that set; also lo:yos deerskin apron for the front | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
snare | subsistence tool | ken k'owčus | snare for small game | phrase | from k'ow- 'peck', referring to the acorn used as bait for birds, rabbits | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||||
song (generic) | canción, canto | canção | culture-mythology | č'a:wi | song | unknown | derived | c'a:w 'to sing' | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
spear | lanza | lança | subsistence tool | k'i:r | spear | inheritance | *k'ir | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:110 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
stirring stick | food | tHolo:y | cooking paddle, paddle for stirring | inheritance | *tHulu? *tHolo? | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:182 | derived | Shepherd 2006 | |||||||||
rope/string | mecate, cuerda, soga | corda | culture | su:pi | string, twine | unknown | derived | sup 'unravel | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
bag, sack | culture-material | sewi | sack | inheritance | *siw/*sew | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2005:158; note Washo sy7wa 'burlap sack' | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
string of shell money | other | topi | beads, money | unknown | simplex | perhaps from top 'used'" (Pitkin) | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||||
sugarcane/sugar | azúcar, caña de azúcar | açucar (de cana) | acculturation | su:ka | sugar | loan | English | WW | %sugar | also xurxur 'pine sugar, sugar', and mun- root for 'sweet' | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||
sweathouse | other | Li:dunas | small individual sweathouse for 4 or 5 people | unknown | also Lu:t (p. 138) for the big one that holds 50 and is really dancehouse | derived | Li:da 'throw water on fire' | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
tell history | culture-mythology | bo:la | to tell a story, make a speech | inheritance | *bo:le | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:69 | derived | the way Pitkin treats the morphology, every verb stem is derived | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||
cremate | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
tobacco (native) | narcotics | lol, lo:l | tobacco | inheritance | *lo:l | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:117 | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
tule boat | transport | nuh-doli | raft (?-tied) | loan into protolanguage | *nuh 'boat' | Proto-Wintun | Miwokan | WW | %nuh | Shepherd 2006:134;Callaghan 2001:322 notes matches Maidu nö | compound | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||
white paint | culture-mythology | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
winnowing basket | culture-material | k'enu:s | sifting, winnowing basket | inheritance | *k'en-i | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:128 | derived | Shepherd 2006 | |||||||||
wood tray | subsistence tool | missing | missing | |||||||||||||||
shoes | zapatos | sapatos | dress | t'a:mus | shoe(s), ladyslipper flower | inheritance | *t'amu | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:183 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
medicine | narcotics | meres | medicine, liniment | loan | English | WW | %medicine | the suffix -in interpreted as instrumental case | simplex | Pitkin 1985 | ||||||||
cradleboard | culture-material | L'ol | baby basket | unknown | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||||
policeman | polícia | policía | acculturation | činitopi | sheriff (lit. one who catches) | semantic shift | derived | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
soldier | soldado | soldado | acculturation | missing | missing | |||||||||||||
corn | food | mayis | corn | loan | Spanish | WW | %maiz | simplex | Pitkin 1985 | |||||||||
beans | food | friho:lis | beans | loan | Spanish | WW | %frijol | also binis | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||
cat | gato | gato | acculturation | kiri, kirikirit | cat | loan | English | WW | %kitty | simplex | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
gun | arma, escopeta | espingarda, fusil | acculturation | k'ulu:l | bow, gun, rifle, pistol | semantic shift | derivied | Schlichter 1981 | ||||||||||
hat | sombero | chapéu | dress | tHaki(t) | hat, cap (white men's kind) | semantic shift | *tHaki | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:180 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||
clapper | acculturation | Lada:rus, L'asa:sus split rattle | elderberry rattle | inheritance | *L'aL | Proto-Wintun | Shepherd 2006:189 | derived | Schlichter 1981 | |||||||||
thatch/roof | crisneja | palha, caraná | culture-material | tis (on brush hut), | unknown | |||||||||||||
rope/string | mecate, cuerda, soga | corda | culture | dolumes | inheritance? | |||||||||||||
bottom grinding stone | manufacture | mo:koheti | loan | |||||||||||||||
digging stick | subsistence tool | sen c'u:s | inheritance | SH05 | ||||||||||||||
winnow | aventar, tirar (sementes) | joeirar | manufacture | k'ina: | inheritance | |||||||||||||
top grinding stone | metate, mano; piedra de moler | metate, mano | manufacture | sataq “pestle”, | inheritance | |||||||||||||
boomerang/throwing stick (generic) | subsistence tool | missing | ||||||||||||||||
spearthrower | subsistence tool | k'ulu:l “bow” | loan direction unknown | |||||||||||||||
spear | lanza | lança | subsistence tool | no:t “arrow” | inheritance | |||||||||||||
house | other | qewel | inheritance |
Current Population (speakers) | Former Population Estimate | Subsistence Preference | Density | Sedentism | Ecotome | Marriage Pattern | Notes | Source |
large | HG | dense | seasonal | no |