
Semantic Field
subsistence tool
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Cahuilla hoo-kish huki-š quiver (of dog or coyote skin unknown *huk(w)i only Cu, Ca; contains hu 'arrow' other complex Merriam 48:339
Cupeño hukily quiver unknown *huk(w)i only Cu, Ca - contains hu- 'arrow' other complex Hill & Nolasquez 1973
Luiseño taavalkwash quiver unique other complex taav 'put in'??? Elliott 1999
Gabrielino ap-pŭCH quiver unique other complex Merriam 49:101
Serrano aht-too-kah quiver inheritance *tuka/i Uto-Aztecan Hill/Miller tu-11 'carry on back' other complex Merriam 48:179
Kitanemuk paŋana-t quiver of fox, wildcat, coyote, or bear unique other complex Anderton 1988
Tübatulabal māshatt bag, sack, quiver for arrows unique same as 'bag, sack', homophone with 'antelope'; antelope scrotum used for bags other complex K. Hill Tb>Eng
Bankalachi Toloim tawn' quiver unique probably Yokutsan loan simplex Merriam 49:187
Kawaiisu hugwa7na quiver inheritance *hu-kuna Numic arrow-sack'; see Cupan huki-la forms compound arrow-sack Zigmond et al. 1990
Chemehuevi hugun7nA quiver inheritance *hu-kuna Numic arrow-sack; see Cupan huki-la forms simplex Harrington Chemehuevi Noun List (K. Hill 1969)
Southern Paiute u-qunnA arrow-sack, quiver inheritance *hu-kuna Numic arrow-sack; see Cupan huki-la forms compound Sapir
Southern Ute 7ugu-vY quiver inheritance *huk(i) like Cupan forms -- is this clipping of hu-kuna or the other form? other complex Givon
Tümpisa Shoshone huukuna quiver, knoll on Grapevine Mountain inheritance *hu-kunnaC Numic arrow-sack compound Dayley 1989
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone hya-ppi-ttan na-mokoccih quiver inheritance WW %mok phrase bow.and.arrow-abs/acc refl-sack Crapo 1976
Comanche missing missing
Western Mono ki'-wah-ne quiver unique simplex Merriam 45:307
Northern Paiute ho-goo'-t>n, hoo-goo-nah quiver inheritance *hu-kunnaC Numic *arrow-sack compound Merriam 46:445 (Lone Pine, Big Pine)
Southern Sierra Miwok hut:a quiver for arrows inheritance Proto-Sierra Miwok cognate with shuta in Mics simplex Broadbent 1964
Central Sierra Miwok šutá:šy- quiver (for arrows) inheritance Proto-Sierra Miwok cognate with Miss huta: simplex Freeland & Broadbent 1960
Northern Sierra Miwok missing missing
Plains Miwok hawlo tyni7sy quiver inheritance note NUA *tynnV 'antelope' phrase D
Lake Miwok túlim quiver unique simplex Callaghan 1965
Maidu buhúpjjoky quiver (for arrows) unique Merriam no-kah' 41:275 derived buhúpjo 'stick several things in' Shipley 1963
Nisenan missing missing
Yokuts Yawelmani mo-got? quiver inheritance Proto-Yokutsan WW %mok same as 'bag or sack'; also maybe tim-mah-hah; see Central Numic 'bag' and 'quiver' words; part of the 'antelope' set?? simplex Merriam 44:525
Yokuts Yawdanchi te-mi'-hah quiver inheritance Proto-Nim-Yokuts see 'also' forms in Yawel derived suffix -a Merriam 44:185, 343
Yokuts Palewyami missing missing
Washo 7itbác'uk quiver unknown derived 7it- instrument Washo Project Dictionary
Wintu 7api:lis, 7apmes quiver unknown derived 7ap 'to carry on back' Schlichter 1981
Yuki oo-nah quiver inheritance *7una Proto-North Yukian simplex see 'carry on back Schlichter 1985
Wappo missing missing
Mutsun ah'-pook' quiver inheritance Proto-Costanoan Henshaw has tcú-cŭc; Sta. Clara u-pu simplex Merriam 39:99
Esselen missing missing
Salinan A ame/ya quiver unknown derived Mason 1918
Salinan M pana/me quiver unknown Merriam recorded this for A simplex Mason 1918
Chumash Obispeno t'aka quiver unknown note Wappo t'ak'a7 'carrying net, pack strap' simplex Henshaw (Heizer)
Chumash Ineseno mah'-iah he-koo'-e quiver unknown al-ah-tats Henshaw (cog w/ Barb) phrase Merriam 37:517
Chumash Barbareno 7olot'oč quiver unknown this is NOT the verb, which is 7ališk'iy (Wash 2001:189) derived Beeler 1978
Chumash Ventureno 7olotoč quiver inheritance Proto-Central Chumash simplex Harrington 1974
Iipay 'Aa mis-kwah, mis-h>wip quiver unknown simplex Merriam 38:213
Cocopa kupíT quiver (for arrows) loan direction unknown Mojave simplex Crawford 1989
Mojave kupet quiver (for arrows) loan direction unknown Cocopa simplex kw+(aa)pet Munro et al. 1992
Yavapai pàkWīrβčkwāye quiver unknown compound pàkWīrβa 'arrow' Shaterian 1983
Kiliwa 7+pa7=p+sul-u7 quiver (lit. where arrows are inserted) unknown compound Mixco 1985
Seri (Comcaac) an icóoquim quiver (en que uno mete (cosas) unknown also hapnáail an icóoquim phrase Moser & Marlett 2005