
Semantic Field
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Meaning Portuguese


Language Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
Bankalachi Toloim Populus spp. lap-pah Cottonwood (Populus sp.) loan Yokuts Wikchamni/Yawdanchi dah-pah; Yowlumne lah'-pah (so Proto-NimYokuts) WW %pat ~ %lapat same underived may be derived syncrhonically from “leaf”, PNY *t'ap- C. H. Merriam 72-79, 60-467 2 0 2 0 0 no
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone Populus spp. soho-pin Cottonwood (populus) inheritance *sohopin Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 542a (2008:111, only Numic and Hopi same underived Crapo 1976:120 2 0 2 0 0 no
Cahuilla Populus spp. lávalvanet ˈlavalvanet cottonwood tree loan Yokuts Note Bankalachi lap-pah 72-79, 60-467; Yowlumne lah'-pah (Merriam 58:565) WW %pat ~ %lapat same other complex lavalvane-t (root must be derived somehow) -m-exan-7a "inanimate" -m-exan-7a (inanimate classifier) Seiler&Hioki 1979:95 no info 2 0 Bean & Saubel 1972:106 note that edible mushrooms were found on dead cottonwood brances 1 leaves and bark boiled for poultices for muscle strain, headaches, cuts, saddle sores and swollen legs of horses. gathered (wild) women Boil water, bark, and leaves and use for soaking injured limb or for poultice 0 0 Southern Canada south to northern Mexico Moist places below 6,500 feet no
Central Sierra Miwok Populus spp. tah-tah'-kol-lă cottonwood inheritance Eastern Miwokan Also in Miss, Mip reduplicated Merriam 57:467 2 0 2 0 0 no
Chemehuevi Populus spp. so'-vimp, sah'-vip' só·vimpə (voiceless schwa) JPH Cottonwood (Populus) inheritance *sohopin Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 42a (2008:111), only Numic and Hopi same other complex has -pɨ ABS Merriam 59:539 2 0 2 0 0 no
Chumash Barbareno Populus spp. kwek' Fremont cottonwood inheritance Central Chumash only I, V have reduplicated version, or a different reduplication underived Beeler 1978:178 2 0 2 0 0 no
Chumash Ineseno Populus spp. koi-dă-kwel'; kwel-lă-kwel Cottonwood inheritance Central Chumash only Central Chumash unknown Merriam 55:21 2 0 2 0 0 no
Chumash Obispeno Populus spp. missing missing missing 2 0 2 0 0 no
Chumash Ventureno Populus spp. khwelekhwel Populus fremontii, Cottonwood (Merriam confirms 55:53) inheritance Central Chumash only Central Chumash reduplicated Timbrook 2007:149 2 0 2 0 0 no
Cocopa Populus spp. xɂa cottonwood (Populus fremontii) inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Mojave ɂahɂa, Yavapai ɂhá(·) same underived Crawford 1989 2 0 2 0 0 no
Comanche Populus spp. soho obi huupi cottonwood tree inheritance *sohopin Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 542a (2008:111), only Numic and Hopi same phrase cottonwood tree Robinson & Armagost 1990:165 2 0 2 0 0 no
Cupeño Populus spp. avaxat ʔaˈvaxat cottonwood tree, tree inheritance *ava:xa-t Cupan S544 (Stubbs 2009:111), possibly Yaqui avaso??? broader (can be used for leafy green trees in general) other complex ʔaˈvaxa-t cottonwood-npn (root may be derived) Hill & Nolasquez 1973:151 no info 2 figures in many stories as a background element 0 no info gathered (wild) all mainly for wood and bark, inner bark yields fiber 0 0 Southern Canada south to Mexico moist areas below 6500 feet no
Esselen Populus spp. missing missing missing 2 0 2 0 0 no
Gabrielino Populus spp. tuva:r tuˈva:r alamo unique same other complex tuˈva:-r cottonwood - npn Harrington 052, 124, 583 no info 2 Couplet in Luiseno, so probably at Creator's mourning ceremony; used in construction of yovaar (Harrington) 0 no info gathered (wild) all wood for fuel, other purposes; bark fiber for clothing 0 0 southern Canada south to northern Mexico moist areas no
Iipay 'Aa Populus spp. halampuulaamp cottonwood unique could this be the %lap word?? same underived may contain the cottonwood cognate, ?aha or whatever it is Couro & Hutcheson 1973 2 0 2 0 0 no
Kawaiisu Populus spp. soovipɨ Populus fremonti inheritance *sohopin Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 542a (2008:111), only Numic & Hopi same other complex soovi-pɨ cottonwood (-vi?)-ABS bɨ, pɨ bɨ, pɨ seem to classify for plants, trees 1981 Zigmond 2 0 2 0 0 no
Kiliwa Populus spp. ml=tay cottonwood unique contains *tay “big” same phrase ?-large Mixco 1985 2 0 2 0 0 no
Kitanemuk Populus spp. wamat ˈwamat cottonwood tree unique Serran same other complex ˈwama-t cottonwood-npn -niw possessive classifier for things Anderton 1988:562 no info 2 0 1 medicine for broken bones gathered (wild) women bark (outer and inner) used 0 0 southern Canada south to northern Mexico moist areas no
Lake Miwok Populus spp. lakáhtumaj cottonwood tree (Merriam has pah-tah'-pah al'-wah 57:533) unique Some kind of metathesis related to Mip tat:ahkal??? Note Merriam's form areal, cf. Wappo pah'-to, Yukki paNtme7 phrase lakah-tum-aj meaning of elements unknown Callaghan 1965 2 0 2 0 0 no
Luiseño Populus spp. 7aváaxat Ɂaʹva:xat cottonwood tree inheritance *ʔavaaxa-t Cupan S544 (Stubbs 2009:111); Stubbs also likes Arizona Yaqui avaso and possibly O'odham 'auppa; if good perhaps UA, more likely a regionalism. A loan possible? Cocopa x?a,, Mojave ?ah?a, Yavapai ?ha:, for the -xat part? But that isn't stressed at all. same other complex Ɂaʹva:xa-t cottonwood-non.possessed.noun Elliott 1999: 143 no info 2 couplet: pawxit, 'avaaxat (referring to place names in the west); used in construction of wamkish (Harrington 1978:36) 0 no info gathered (wild) women no info 0 0 southern Canada south to northern Mexico moist areas no
Maidu Populus spp. wilílim c'á cottonwood unique reduplicated tree that flutters Shipley 1963 2 0 2 0 0 no
Mojave Populus spp. ɂahɂa cottonwood inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Co. xɂa, Yavapai ɂhá(·); Yuma 7ax7a/. Halpern 1:30 same underived Munro et al.1992 2 0 2 0 0 no
Mutsun Populus spp. porpor cottonwood, poplar (Merriam confirms Merriam 55:421) inheritance Costanoan Pinart has in Co III, IV reduplicated Okrand 1977:128 2 0 2 0 0 no
Nisenan Populus spp. wah-dă-dah'um chah; wad'-dă-dah; dă-dak'-ă-sim' chan; dak-kas cottonwood unique Note E. miwoak tat:a(h)k(:)al in Mip, Miss, Mics phrase Merriam 57:245 2 0 2 0 0 no
Northern Paiute Populus spp. sunngabe Cottonwood (Populus) inheritance *sɨŋa Numic Stubbs 2353 (2008:316); usually “aspen” broader (may extend to any “tree”; see below) other complex has -pi ABS Merriam 61:151 2 0 2 0 0 no
Northern Sierra Miwok Populus spp. sus:u cottonwood unique reduplicated Callaghan 1987 2 0 2 0 0 no
Plains Miwok Populus spp. tat:ahkal, tat:ak:al cotton tree (Populus), poplar inheritance Eastern Miwokan In Miss, Mics reduplicated Callaghan 1984 2 0 2 0 0 no
Salinan A Populus spp. cho'-lahk Cottonwood unique Salinan underived Merriam 55:385 2 0 2 0 0 no
Salinan M Populus spp. pă'-chŏl Cottonwood unique Salinan Merriam has pahtah'-pah al'-way for Mil (57:533); Yuki ; pątme7; Wappo pah-to (CHM) underived Merriam 55:385 2 0 2 0 0 no
Seri (Comcaac) Populus spp. missing missing missing 2 0 2 0 0 no
Serrano Populus spp. wah'-mut cottonwood (= tree) unique Serran other complex -t NPN Merriam 72:29, 60:113 2 0 2 0 0 no
Southern Paiute Populus spp. so:vimpɨ Cottonwood (Populus spp.) inheritance *sohopin Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 542a (2008:111) only Numc & Hopi same other complex has -pɨ ABS Sapir 1930:662 2 0 2 0 0 no
Southern Sierra Miwok Populus spp. tat:ak:ala- cottonwood inheritance Eastern Miwokan Also in Mics, Mip reduplicated Broadbent 1964: 2 0 2 0 0 no
Southern Ute Populus spp. sųų-vų-pŲ cottonwood unique I think this is a poorly-recalled version of cognate of *sohopin (Stubbs 542a (2008:111) broader (can mean any big tree) other complex has -pɨ ABS Givon 1979 2 0 2 0 0 no
Tübatulabal Populus spp. uttuhhul ʔutuˈhul Cottonwood tree inheritance *tukɨ(nu)- Californian What about S2359 tukynu “alder tree”??? (Stubbs 2009:316), Takic (Tb. vowels wrong but /u/ is contagious)_ same other complex ʔutuˈhu-l cottonwood-npn Hill 2010:104 no info 2 0 no info gathered (wild) all wood, bark, fibrous inner bark used 0 0 southern Canada south to northern Mexico moist areas no
Tümpisa Shoshone Populus spp. sohopimpü cottonwood inheritance *sohopin Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 542a (2008:111); only Numic and Hopi same other complex soho-pim-pü cottonwood-CL-CL Dayley 1989:246 2 0 2 0 0 no
Wappo Populus spp. pah'-to cottonwood inheritance Yukian-Wappo Merriam has pahtah'-pah al'-way for Mil (57:533); Yuki ; pątme7 WW %pa(t) ~ %lapat other complex Nearly all tree words end in -o, Sawyer 1991 says is reduction of compound with hol “tree” Merriam 52:581 2 0 2 0 0 no
Washo Populus spp. t'áša7 Cottonwood unique underived Merriam 55:315; WPD 2 0 2 0 0 no
Western Mono Populus spp. sohopA (Gayton 1941 2:224) Cottonwood, Populus spp. inheritance *sohopin Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan Only Numic and Hopi; Stubbs 542a (2008:111) same underived Merriam 59:85 no info 2 0 no info gathered (wild) men, women mainly for wood 0 0 no
Wintu Populus spp. t'arap cottonwood, maple (CHM tar-rap' me 56:19, different word for maple) unique Shepherd 2005:183 has as word for “mushroom, flat, on trees” in River Patwin WW %pa(t) ~ %lapat underived Pitkin 1985 2 0 2 0 0 no
Yavapai Populus spp. ɂhá(·) cottonwood inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Mojave ɂahɂa, Co. Co. xɂa unknown Shaterian 1983 2 0 2 0 0 no
Yokuts Palewyami Populus spp. lep-pah cottonwood inheritance Yokutsan in Yawd, Yowl, etc., probably related to words for “leaf” WW %pat ~ %lapat same underived Merriam 58:533 2 0 2 0 0 no
Yokuts Yawdanchi Populus spp. dap'-pah cottonwood inheritance Yokutsan lep-pah in Palewyami; similar form in all Merriam's lists WW %pat ~ %lapat same underived might be related to/dapdap/ “leaf” with some consonantal sound symbolism byt this would be an ancient derivation Merriam 58:501 2 0 2 0 0 no
Yokuts Yowlumne Populus spp. lah'-pah cottonwood inheritance Yokutsan lep-pah in Palewyami; similar form in all Merriam's list WW %pat ~ %lapat same underived might be related to/dapdap/ “leaf” with some consonantal sound symbolism byt this would be an ancient derivation Merriam 58:565 2 0 2 0 0 no
Yuki Populus spp. pątme7 F cottonwood tree inheritance Yukian-Wappo Note Merriam has pahtah'-pah al'-way for Mil (57:533); Wappo is pah-to phrase pat “cottonwood” is my guess, a Wanderwort -- -me7?? Sawyer & Schlichter 1984 2 0 2 0 0 no
Yuma Populus spp. 7ax7a/. Cottonwood (Populus) inheritance Proto-Yuman Note Co. xɂa, Yavapai ɂhá(·); unknown Merriam 61:467, Halpern 1:30 2 0 2 0 0 no