
Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
Cahuilla ting7ay-piš medicine inheritance *tonga Cupan Stubbs 2011 1161 derived, other complex Seiler & Hioki 1979
Cupeño tingela'ash medicine inheritance *tonga Cupan Stubbs 2011 1161 derived, other complex Hill & Nolasquez 1973
Luiseño tengalish medicine, poultice, medicinal herb inheritance *tonga Cupan Stubbs 2011 1161 derived, other complex Elliott 1999
Gabrielino ah-no-vēn mediine inheritance *nyhaC Northern Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 120 other complex Merriam 49:111
Serrano tiyr'ant medicine unique other omplex K. Hill Dict.
Kitanemuk nüniliw medicine unique other complex Anderton 1988
Tübatulabal tīpōhisht medicine, herb medicine unknown maybe from puha 'power'?? other complex K. Hill Tub>Eng
Bankalachi Toloim toi-yo, te-bo-isht medicine unknown maybe puha 'power'?? other complex Merriam 49:199
Kawaiisu matasukwi medicine inheritance *sakwa/i Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 1162 (maybe) compound Zigmond et al. 1990
Chemehuevi na-vuaganumpI medicine inheritance *puha Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 1160a derived, other complex Press 1979
Southern Paiute pushttUqqwi-vI medicine, poison, supernatural power unique compound, other complex Sapir
Southern Ute mUsutkwi-vI medicine inheritance *sakwa/i Uto-Aztecan Stubbs 2011 1162 maybe derived, other complex Givon
Tümpisa Shoshone nattusu7jmpi, nattasu7umpi medicine (espeially pills and herbs) inheritance *natysuC Numic can't find in Stubbs derived, other complex Dayley 1989
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone nattahsun medicine inheritance *natysuC Numic can't find in Stubbs simplex Crapo 1976
Comanche natyYsu7u medicine inheritance *natysuC Numic can't find in Stubbs compound R
Western Mono natysu7Upi medicine inheritance *natysuC Numic can't find in Stubbs compound Loether & Bethel 1993
Northern Paiute nat-tiz-zah-oo-be, nah-ta-zoob medicine inheritance *natysuC Numic can't find in Stubbs derived Merriam 46:375 Bishop
Southern Sierra Miwok loh:a- medicine unique simplex Broadbent 1964
Central Sierra Miwok missing missing
Northern Sierra Miwok wene- medicine inheritance Proto-Miwok WW %wene JHH see Mip, Mil; note Hill Patwin wene, SE Pomo wéne, both 'medicine' simplex Callaghan 1987
Plains Miwok wene- medicine inheritance Proto-Miwok WW %wene JHH see Mil; note Hill Patwin wene, SE Pomo wéne, both 'medicine' simplex Callaghan 1984
Lake Miwok wéne medicine, herb inheritance Proto-Miwok WW %wene JHH see Mip; note Hill Patwin wene, SE Pomo wéne, both 'medicine' simplex Callaghan 1965
Maidu wené medicine inheritance *wené Proto-Maiduan Miwokan WW %wene Ultan 1964:367; note that this word is also all over Miwokan, a Wanderwoerter??? simplex Shipley 1963
Nisenan wene medicine inheritance *wené Proto-Maiduan Miwokan WW %wene Ultan 1964:367; perhaps loan into Proto-lg from Miwokan simplex Uldall & Shipley 1966
Yokuts Yawelmani t'oyox medicine inheritance *t'uyox Proto-Nim-Yokuts simplex note t'uyu 'shoot'; Newman p. 15 t'Oyx- 'give medicine' Golla 1964
Yokuts Yawdanchi missing missing
Yokuts Palewyami toi-yah'CH medicine inheritance simplex Berman 2002
Washo mú:c'ug medicine unknown mu:c'uk whj 233 simplex Washo Project Dictionary
Wintu meres medicine, liniment loan English WW %medicine the suffix -in interpreted as instrumental case simplex Pitkin 1985
Yuki mil'son medicine loan English WW %medicine hil'-le-ootă-tă-mah simplex Sawyer & Schlichter 1984
Wappo wénu7 medicine loan Lake Miwok WW %wene this is good Miwokan etymon; Sawyer says is loan from Spanish 'bueno', which seems unlikely simplex Sawyer 1965
Mutsun missing missing
Esselen missing missing
Salinan A Tehoni/7 Jacobsen trsc, Turner 1987:18 medicine unknown Proto-Salinan other complex eoni 'give medicine' 139 Mason 1918
Salinan M tihoni/ mediicine unknown Proto-Salinan simplex Mason 1918
Chumash Obispeno tëksmu7 'or something like that' medicine unknown note Ltëksmu7 'pespibata' derived Harrington
Chumash Ineseno 7axiyep' medicine inheritance Proto-Central Chumash B 7axiyep 'cure' (Beeler) derived axi+yep=7 Applegate 1972
Chumash Barbareno xul'apšan medicine unknown derived Wash 2001
Chumash Ventureno 7axiye7ep medicine inheritance Proto-Central Chumash B 7axiyep 'cure' Beeler derived 7axiyep 'to cure' Applegate 1973
Iipay 'Aa missing missing
Cocopa m(i)rsín medicine loan Spanish WW %medecina simplex Crawford 1989
Mojave mat ichev medicine unknown phrase Munro et al. 1992
Yavapai 7ìsOmā: medicine, cf. root, sinew simplex pi 1 'die'?? Shaterian 1983
Kiliwa smiil bush, plant, medicine unknown simplex Mixco 1985
Seri (Comcaac) ziix ic cöihíipe medicine (lo que sirve para una cosa) unknown phrase Moser & Marlett 2005
Gupapuyngu ba:7pali semantic shift
Yulparija kumurl inheritance
Nyulnyul merejen loan English WW medicine ‘medicine’ ‘medicine’
Gumatj miḏityin' loan English WW medicine
Dhuwal miḏityin' loan English WW medicine
Nyangumarta mirrityin loan English WW medicine
Burarra mun-guburda unique
Bardi parnman loan direction unknown Worrorran WW %barnman
Mangala tyalŋka loan WW %jalngga
Karajarri tyalŋka loan Walmajarri WW %jalngga
Nyikina tyalŋkakurru loan direction unknown WW %jalngga
Walmajarri mirrityin loan
Jaru lungkarru semantic shift also poison
Djapu mirdityin7 loan English WW medicine
Jingulu lungkarru inheritance salt,poison, medicine Wambaya lungkarra