blue grouse

Semantic Field
Part of Speech
Meaning Spanish
Meaning Portuguese


Language Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
Bankalachi Toloim Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Big Smokey Valley Shoshone Dendrogapus? kah'-hah (RV, RM) Blue grouse (Dendragapus) inheritance *kaka “quail, grouse” Numic Stubbs 1702a (2008:241), probably shouldn't be combined with quail same underived Merriam 61:73 0 1 0 0 0 no
Cahuilla Dendrogapus? missing in all sources missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 Map at suggests this species does not come as far south as Cahuilla. I don't know why it's in Merriam's list for California, mainly a Rocky Mountain bird scrublands, woodlands (Habitats from Wikipedia unless otherwise noted) no
Central Sierra Miwok Dendrogapus? múč:ama:šy- grouse inheritance Sierra Miwokan only In all Mis other complex -y nominalizer Freeland & Broadbent 1960 0 1 0 0 0 no
Chemehuevi Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Barbareno Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Ineseno Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Obispeno Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Chumash Ventureno Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Cocopa Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Comanche Dendrogapus? kokaa? guinea fowl semantic shift *kaka “quail, grouse” Numic Stubbs 1702a (2008:241, probably shouldn't be combined with quail broader (includes domestic guinea fowl -- but NOT prairie chicken) underived Robinson & Armagost 1990:163 0 1 0 0 0 no
Cupeño Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Esselen Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Gabrielino Dendrogapus? pohyo:t pohˈjo:t churrea (California grouse) unique Note Lu. song word poyúlvumal “type of small bird” (linked to cactus wren in couplet), but this is a large bird same other complex pohˈjo:-t grouse-npn ʔaʧ “pet” possessive classifier for animals chi:ya Harrington 604 no info 0 1 all birds eaten (McC 116) no info hunted men roasted 0 0 Map at suggests this species does not come as far south as Gabrielino. I don't know why it's in Merriam's list for California, mainly a Rocky Mountain bird scrublands, woodlands no
Iipay 'Aa Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Kawaiisu Dendrogapus? yɨhniɁ-bi grouse unique same other complex yɨhniɁ-bi grouse-ABS Zigmond et al. 0 1 0 0 0 no
Kiliwa Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Kitanemuk Dendrogapus? hoo'-e-hoo'-e 60-9 ˈhuʔihuʔi ? Blue grouse inheritance *hu(ʔ)i- Northern Uto-Aztecan May be a regionalism: Tumpisa Shoshone huiccu “sage grouse”; this looks like the “small bird” word ?? same reduplicated -ʔacit "pet" possessive classifier for animals, p. 9 no info 0 1 no decent info but everybody ate songbirds and eggs no info hunted men roasted, boiled, eggs eaten 0 0 Western North America. I don't know why it's in Merriam's list for California, mainly a Rocky Mountain bird scrublands, woodlands no
Lake Miwok Dendrogapus? lúmen cokóoko blue grouse (same as “mountain quail” in Callaghan) unique phrase lume- “yellow pine” Merriam 57:519 0 1 0 0 0 no
Luiseño Dendrogapus? chachaláaka tʃatʃaʹlaka bird species which is slightly larger than a quail loan Spanish Spanish chachalaca same underived sound imitative in Spanish (may come from a Mesoamerican language) -ʔaʃ "pet" possessive classifier; NPN form of noun is ʔaʃla 7ehéngmal Elliott 1999:236 no info 0 1 no info but since all sources indicate quail eaten, I assume grouse was too no info hunted men boiled, roasted, eggs eaten 0 0 California Coast ranges Edges of conifer and mixed forest no
Maidu Dendrogapus? hy/kwo grouse inheritance *hyk' Maiduan Ultan 1964:363 #87 underived Shipley 1963 0 1 0 0 0 no
Mojave Dendrogapus? talypo roadrunner inheritance Proto-Yuman Langdon 1976:873 Metath; Yuma talypo/ Halpern 1:31 same underived Munro et al.1992 0 1 0 0 0 no
Mutsun Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Nisenan Dendrogapus? hyk' grouse (CHM confirms) inheritance *hyk' Maiduan Ultan 1964:363 #87 underived Uldall & Shipley 1966 0 1 0 0 0 no
Northern Paiute Dendrogapus? kah'-hih; kah'-hoo-ŭ kahɨ Blue grouse (Dendragapus) inheritance *kaka 'quail, grouse' Northern Uto-Aztecan I'm not sure about this -- Numic is good, but may not go with Takic (Stubbs 1702a (2008:241); note TS kahu and wonder why different from “quail” same underived Merriam 61:139 0 1 0 0 0 no
Northern Sierra Miwok Dendrogapus? muc:uma:s-y- blue grouse inheritance Sierra Miwokan only In all Mis other complex -y nominalizer Callaghan 1987 0 1 0 0 0 no
Plains Miwok Dendrogapus? kuj:ak:a grouse inheritance Eastern Miwokan Same word as “mountain quail” in all Mis, Mip underived Callaghan 1984 0 1 0 0 0 no
Salinan A Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Salinan M Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Seri (Comcaac) Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Serrano Dendrogapus? kakawt grouse semantic shift *kacaC-wɨ Uto-Aztecan S1702a (Stubbs 2008:241); usually “mountain quail”, perhaps a consultant error WW %kaka other complex -w-t Augmentative-NPN KCHill ms 2001:22 0 1 0 0 0 no
Southern Paiute Dendrogapus? qaampɨtsI Ruffled grouse unique same other complex has -pɨtsI ABS Sapir 1930:627 0 1 0 0 0 no
Southern Sierra Miwok Dendrogapus? muc:amaHh- Sierra grouse inheritance Sierra Miwokan only In all Mis underived must be complex etymologically Broadbent 1964: 0 1 0 0 0 no
Southern Ute Dendrogapus? ?agóo-qwáa-pų-cI grouse, “timberline hen” unique same phrase Givon 1979 0 1 0 0 0 no
Tübatulabal Dendrogapus? pāwusshakk pa:wuˈʧak sage grouse, sage hen, Centrocercus urophasianus unique same underived pa:wuˈʧak perhaps pa:- “big”? But not synchronically productive Hill 2010:67 0 a story character 1 0 0 0 Western North America. I don't know why it's in Merriam's list for California, mainly a Rocky Mountain bird scrublands, woodlands no
Tümpisa Shoshone Dendrogapus? kahu grouse (sp) inheritance *kaka “quail, grouse” Numic m not sure about this -- Numic is good, but may not go with Takic (Stubbs 1702a (2008:241). Note Northfork qahɨ and wonder why different from “quail” same underived Dayley 1989:41 0 1 0 0 0 no
Wappo Dendrogapus? ho-lā'-lik Blue grouse unique underived Merriam 52:569 0 1 0 0 0 no
Washo Dendrogapus? c'úpum Blue grouse, its booming sound unique underived Merriam 55:303; Jacobsen 1964:87 0 1 0 0 0 no
Western Mono Dendrogapus? qahɨ grouse inheritance *kaka “quail, grouse” Proto-Northern Uto-Aztecan (Numic “grouse”, Takic “quail”) I'm not sure about this -- Numic is good, but may not go with Takic (Stubbs 1702a (2008:241); note TS kahu and wonder why different from “quail” same underived ultimately onomatopoeic but sound change has obscured tsiipa “bird” Bethel et al.:161 no info 0 1 no info hunted men no info 0 0 no
Wintu Dendrogapus? nirit blue grouse (CHM confirms 56:7) unique other complex nir ... Schlichter 1981 0 1 0 0 0 no
Yavapai Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Palewyami Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Yawdanchi Dendrogapus? wup'-tah blue grouse unique they call it kah'-hoot at Patishwa (that's a UA loan JHH) same underived Merriam 58:363 0 1 0 0 0 no
Yokuts Yowlumne Dendrogapus? lum-tin'-nin hŭm'-lŭl Blue grouse “mountaineer quail” unique Includes Yokutsan *humn-ul “Valley Quail” same phrase lomit “mountain” Merriam 58:553 0 1 0 0 0 no
Yuki Dendrogapus? e-too'-kum MWO blue grouse inheritance *7iTukam Yukian Schlichter 1985 other complex -am derives nouns (Schlichter diss) Sawyer & Schlichter 1984 0 1 0 0 0 no
Yuma Dendrogapus? missing missing missing 0 1 0 0 0 no