Northern Nyangumarta

ISO 639-3
-20.50°, 122.21°
Basic Vocabulary
Flora Fauna Vocabulary
Cultural Vocabulary
Ethnographic Information
Data Sources

Basic Vocabulary (186)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes General Notes Source
1pl.excl nosotros (exclusivo) nós (exclusivo) grammar [missing] missing
1pl.incl nosotros (inclusivo) nós (inclusivo) grammar [missing] missing
1sg yo eu grammar ngaju pukurl inheritance
2pl ustedes vocês grammar wirrmanangulu inheritance
2sg xx xx grammar nyuntu waraja inheritance
3pl ellos/ellas eles/elas grammar jana inheritance
3sg el/ella ele/ela grammar paliny inheritance
above encima, arriba acima location kanka inheritance
again de nuevo, otra vez de novo grammar yarrana unknown
all todo todos other wirr inheritance
and y e grammar pa inheritance
ankle tobillo tornozelo body luku inheritance
armpit axila, sobaco axila body kanginy doubtful loan Nyulnyulan
ashamed xx xx mental kurntany karrinyi- (V1) inheritance
ashes xx xx environment purnta inheritance
at en, a em, a location -ngi inheritance
back espalda costas body pirntirl unique
bad mal mal quality kurlujartiny inheritance
be alive xx xx body wankanyu inheritance
belly barriga barriga body ngunta pini- (V3) inheritance CHECK
below abajo, debajo abaixo location martukurru inheritance
big grande grande quality wirtu inheritance
bite morder morder body pajini- (V2) inheritance
black negro preto colour warrukurlu inheritance
blood sangre sangue body pijirri unknown
blow soplar soprar body puyu-pini- (V3) inheritance
blunt xx xx quality nurta inheritance
bone hueso osso body kamari inheritance
boomerang xx xx manufacture karli inheritance
breast pecho, seno peito body ngamana inheritance
breathe respirar respirar body nganyjunu- (V2) unknown
burn quemar queimar environment kampana inheritance
chew masticar, mascar mastigar body japaly pini (V3) inheritance
child niño, niña criança human yapanykarra inheritance
climb subir subir motion karntinyi- (V1) inheritance
cloud nube nuvem environment mujungu inheritance
cold frío frio quality warrijirri unknown
come venir vir motion milpinyi- (V1) unknown
cook cocinar cozinhar impact kampana- (V2) inheritance
count contar contar mental [missing] missing
cry llorar chorar mental ngangkurla inheritance
cut xx xx impact kuta pini- (V3) inheritance
die/be dead morir morrer state pungkinyi- (V1) semantic shift
dig cavar cavar impact karlinyi- (V1) inheritance
dingo/wolf fauna wartaji inheritance
dirty sucio sujo quality lanta inheritance
dream soñar sonhar mental pitany yana- (V5) unknown
drink beber, tomar beber body minpini- (V3) inheritance
dry seco seco quality punarra inheritance
dust polvo poeira environment julparrajulparra doubtful loan
ear oreja orelha body kurlka loan Ngarluma?
earth/soil tierra terra environment warrarn inheritance
eat comer comer body nganinyi- (V6 only one of its inheritance
egg huevo ovo fauna jimpu loan Pilbara
eye ojo olho body pani inheritance
faeces heces, mierda, excremento, estiércol fezes body ngarlingarli unique
fall caer cair motion pungkinyi- (V1) inheritance
far lejos longe quality wumayi inheritance
fat/grease grasa gordura body pajali unknown
father padre, papá pai kinship japartu inheritance
fear miedo medo mental ngarrurta unique
feather pluma pena fauna wipiya inheritance
fire fuego fogo environment malirri doubtful loan
fish xx xx fauna yuta unknown
flow fluir fluir motion [missing] missing
flower flor flor environment milpamilpa loan
fly volar voar motion warrayi unknown
fog niebla, neblina nevoeira, bruma, neblina environment japurr inheritance
foot pie body jina inheritance
fruit fruta fruta flora karlukarlu
good bueno bom quality jangkarri unknown
grow crecer crescer state waljunu- (V2) inheritance
hair (of head) cabello cabelo body mampu inheritance
hand mano mão body parirri inheritance
head cabeza cabeça body juju inheritance
hear oír ouvir mental pinakarrinyi- (V1) inheritance
heavy pesado pesado quality turn inheritance
hide esconder esconder motion ngayartakurlu jarrinyi- (V1)
hit golpear, pegar bater impact wanguna- (V2) unknown
hit (with hand) xx xx impact wilala parirriju inheritance
hold correr, asegurar, sostener segurar other walini- (V2) unknown
how? como como grammar [missing] missing
if si se grammar [missing] missing
in/inside dentro, adentro dentro location kaninykarti loan Western Desert
intestines intestinos intestinos body pirntal inheritance
itch hormiguear, sentir comezón coçar body mingarri karrinyirri
kill matar matar impact warnti pini- (V3) inheritance
know/be knowledgeable saber, conecer saber, conhecer mental miranu inheritance
lake lago lago environment jaramarra inheritance
laugh reír rir mental nyarru pini- (V3) inheritance
leaf hoja folha environment parrka inheritance
left/left hand izquierdo esquerdo location/body jampukarti inheritance
leg/foot pierna perna body jina inheritance
lie down acostarse, echarse deitar motion wurr jini- (V3) unknown
lightning rayo, relámpago relampago environment pilart karramanarra inheritance
liver hígado figado body wanpa inheritance
long largo comprido, longo quality muntu unknown
louse piollo, piojo piolho fauna palurl inheritance
lung pulmón pulmão body wangalwangal inheritance
man/male hombre homem human nyampali
meat/flesh carne carne fauna kuwi inheritance
moon luna lua environment tartarta inheritance
mother madre, mamá mãe kinship pipi inheritance
mouth boca boca body jawa inheritance
name nombre nome human yini inheritance
nape base del cuello, nuca nuca body taki inheritance
near/close cerca de perto quality ngamparra martaji
neck cuello pescoço body ngalyi inheritance
new nuevo novo quality kuwarrija inheritance
night noche noite time yutakata inheritance
no/not no não grammar [missing] missing
nose nariz nariz body milya inheritance
old viejo velho quality pija unknown
one uno um number waraja inheritance
open/uncover abrir abrir other pirli jini-(V3) unknown
other otro outro grammar yajungujirri unknown
person/human being persona pessoa human pirirri unknown
pimple xx xx body jaminy inheritance
rain lluvia chuva environment kuluwa inheritance
red rojo vermelho colour pilyarri inheritance
right/right hand derecha direita location/body marrjanyukarti unknown
road/path camino caminho manufacture ruwurtu loan
roof xx xx manufacture [missing] missing
root raíz raiz flora wanal pukurl inheritance
rotten podrido podre quality pirniny inheritance
sand arena areia environment jungka inheritance
say decir dizer mental wurrana- (V2)
scratch rascar rasgar impact [missing] missing
see ver ver mental yirrini- (V2) unknown
sharp afilado, filudo, filoso afiado quality yiri inheritance
shoot tirar, disparar, balear atirar impact [missing] missing
short corto curto quality murlku inheritance
shoulder hombro ombro body warntarra inheritance
sick xx xx body jutarr unknown
sit sentar(se) sentar state munyini- (V2)
skin piel pele body karnu inheritance
sky cielo céu environment palparr inheritance
sleep dormir dormir body kupalya inheritance
small pequeño pequeno quality wupajupani inheritance
smell (tr/intr) xx xx body parntini- (V2) inheritance
smoke humo fumaça environment tuwi inheritance
spit escupir cuspir body janga-pini- (V3) inheritance
split partir, dividir rachar, dividir, partir impact yilyu inheritance
squeeze estrujar, exprimir espremer impact tuly-pini (V3) loan Nyulnyulan
stab/pierce apuñalar, acuchillar apunhalar impact [missing] missing
stand estar de pié ficar em pé state wararr karrinyi- (V1) inheritance
star estrella estrela environment panikiti unknown
steal robar roubar other [missing] missing
stone piedra pedra environment warnku inheritance
suck chupar chupar body yulurr-pini (V3) unknown
sun sol sol time karrpu unknown
sweat sudar suor, suar body jirrmirl inheritance
swell hincharse inchar body ngarlu karntinyirri unique
swim nadar nadar motion mayampa pini- (V3) inheritance
tail cola, rabo rabo body wipu loan Wati
that ese/esa esse grammar nyarralanga
thick grueso, gordo, espeso grosso quality walpurra
thin delgado fino quality wurrumiji
think pensar pensar mental kulkarri mini- (V3) unknown
this este/esta este grammar nyungu inheritance
three tres tres number [missing] missing
throat garganta garganta body ngalyi inheritance
throw tirar, lanzar atirar, jogar impact panpini- (V3) or (V2) unknown
thunder truenos trovão environment ngurrngurr kurrumunurru unknown
tie up/fasten atar, amarrar amarrar impact marrja kunymana- (V2) inheritance
tongue lengua lingua body jalany inheritance
tooth diente dente body warrirta inheritance
true xx xx quality yija inheritance
turn girar, volter, torcer virar other [missing] missing
two dos dois number kujarra inheritance
vomit vomitar vomitar body karu purl pini- (V3) inheritance
walk caminar, andar andar motion marnti inheritance
water agua agua environment ngapa inheritance
wet mojado molhado quality wirna unknown
what? que, qué que grammar ngani inheritance
when? cuando quando grammar nyanga inheritance
where? donde onde grammar wañca inheritance
white blanco branco colour lali inheritance
who? quien, quién quem grammar nganurtu inheritance
wife esposa esposa kinship nyurni managulu unknown
wind viento vento environment wangal inheritance
wing ala asa body wirru unknown
woman/female mujer mulher human mirlkarr inheritance
work trabajar trabalhar other warrkam(u) loan English
yawn bostezar bocejar body ngala pini- (V3) inheritance
yellow amarillo amarelo colour karntawarra inheritance

Flora Fauna Vocabulary (9)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Linnean Name Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Etymology Notes Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Range of Term Word Structure Word Structure Notes Classifier Classifier Notes Hypernym Source Association with Social Categories Ritual/Mythologically Significant Ritual Notes Food Source Food Notes Medicinal Medicinal Notes How Collected Who Collects How Prepared Psychotropic Psychotropic Notes Traded Trade Notes Distribution Habitat Dangerous Ethnobiology Notes Species Notes General Notes
tree árbol arvore flora-fauna mungka inheritance
ant (generic) hormiga formiga flora-fauna panpalyji loan into protolanguage
bird pajaro, ave passaro flora-fauna wirujartiny inheritance
blowfly/housefly mosca mosca flora-fauna kurrikala loan CHECK
dog (camp, domestic) perro cachorro flora-fauna yukurru inheritance
grass hierba, pasto capim, grama flora-fauna partalyu unknown
kangaroo (generic) flora-fauna piju
snake (generic) culebra, serpiente cobra flora-fauna jikatany inheritance
spider araña aranha flora-fauna wangkarru loan into protolanguage

Cultural Vocabulary (8)
English Spanish Portuguese Semantic Field Part of Speech Orthographic Form Phonemicized Form Gloss as in Source Etymology Code Proto-Form Proto-Language Loan Source Wanderwort Status Etyma Set Etymology Notes Word Structure Word Structure Notes General Notes Source
rope/string mecate, cuerda, soga corda culture kunyjipinti inheritance
bottom grinding stone manufacture majarra loan Ngarluma
digging stick subsistence tool wanu inheritance
winnow aventar, tirar (sementes) joeirar manufacture jajarr pini- (V3) inheritance
top grinding stone metate, mano; piedra de moler metate, mano manufacture piyanapinti unknown
spearthrower subsistence tool walparra inheritance
spear lanza lança subsistence tool yantana- (V2) inheritance
house other maya loan

Ethnographic Information
Current Population (speakers) Former Population Estimate Subsistence Preference Density Sedentism Ecotome Marriage Pattern Notes Source
small HG medium mobile no